Renewable Ocean Energy Produced as part of the Galway Atlantaquaria Renewable Ocean Energy Series, funded by the SFI Discover Programme 2015. Renewable Ocean Energy
What is Renewable Ocean Energy Renewable Ocean Energy is renewable energy developed in a marine environment The Main Sources Include: Waves Tides Water Currents Wind
Videos on Types of Renewable Ocean Energy Check out on short videos on types of renewable ocean energy on
How Waves Are Made As wind travels across the water's surface, it pushes against the water and energy in the wind is absorbed by the water through friction. Winds are caused by differential heating of the earth.
Energy Contained in Waves Mean Seasonal Theoretical Wave Energy Resource (Winter) MWh/m
Magnet and Coil Electricity There are a number of ways to produce electricity, including chemical, static and magnet and coil. If you move a magnet through a coil of wire you can get a current to flow through the wire. This happens because the magnetic field of the magnet, as it move past the wire causes the electrons to move in one direction, which causes your flow of current. The amount of current or electricity that is produced depends on the speed the magnet is moving, the number of coils of wire, the size of the magnet. They can be created using linear motion (the magnet moving back and forth) and in circular motion, where the magnet moves in circles inside a set of coils of wire. This is a mechanical way to make electricity, making electricity from something that moves. It is the type of electricity we are going to make with the devices we are going to build as part of this project.
Types of Wave Energy Devices Point Absorber Attenuator There are many types of wave energy device, of which the point absorber and attenuator and two different types. The point absorber makes energy from one point in the ocean. The inner section (which contains the magnets) moves at a different speed to the outer section (which contains the coils of wire) . This movement produces electricity using the coil and magnet method. The attenuator, makes energy from multiply points in the ocean, along multiply points in the same device, where the movement of the wave makes water move inside the device, which in turns moves turbines inside the device. Wavebob (Ireland) Pelamis (Scotland)
Types of Wave Energy Devices Oscillating Wave Surge Oscillating Water Column The Oscillating wave surge device uses the movement of the water molecules under water to move the device backwards and forwards, which in turns moves a turbine that creates energy. The Oscillating water column is like a large box with the bottom removed that sits in the water, just below the water level. As the wave moves up into the box, it pushes the air inside the box up and out through a funnel sections, where is moves a turbine (like a wind turbine), and the wave retreats, the water level inside the box goes down and air is sucked back into the box, through the funnel, once again moving the turbine. Oyster (Scotland) Oceanlinx (Australia)
Types of Wave Energy Devices Submerged pressure differential devices Overtopping devices Overtopping devices work by channelling waves into one area, where they then go over the top of the device. The water then flows down through channels at the back of the device and move turbines to create energy. Submerged pressure differentials, are units which are submerged under the sea. They have sections that float up and down. As waves move in and out, it causes the outer section (seen here in yellow) to move up and down, which sucks water into the device ( as it rises) and then push the water into the pipe at the bottom of the device (as it goes down). The water from all the devices is forced on land where it is used to move turbines, and create energy. Wave dragon (Denmark) Archimedes Wave Swing (Portugal)
Types of Wave Energy Devices Bulge Wave Rotating Mass The Bulge wave has turbines has either end. It has a fluid inside that moves and bulges as the device moves up and down in the waves. The movement of this fluid , moves the turbines which creates energy. The rotating mass device is like a large container with weights placed on one side. Due to this is continually wants to flip itself over. The device has a element inside similar to a giroscope which resists this turning force, and has magnets and coils inside. It uses the movements towards a flip, and correcting for a flip to create energy. Bulge wave Anaconda (England) Penguin (Scotland)
Ireland’s plan Ireland produced a strategy for Marine Renewable Energy in 2005, and in 2008 created the Ocean Energy Development Unit as part of the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland There are 4 phases to this strategy including: Phase1: Development of small scale models and prototypes. Phase 2: Pre-commercial testing single models in ocean conditions. Phase 3: Pre-commercial 10MW(mega watt) arrays. Phase 4: Commercial development.
Where is it happening Test facilities: SmartBay (Galway), AMETS (Bellmullet), MaREI (Cork) Planned Large Installation Sites: Clare, Achill Island, Belfast, Shannon Estuary Companies: Open Hydro(Louth) Research Centres: Universities, Institutes of Technology, AMETS(Bellmullet), MaREI(Cork)
Effect on Environment Tidal devices can have a large effect on the coast nearby if they increase the tidal range created (areas can be flooded at high tide) Other Marine Energy Devices, such as wave and offshore wind have been found to have a minimal effect on the environment to date. Some devices can even create new habitats for surface dwelling fish. While some have a negative effect on demersal fish (fish that live on the seabed)this has been found to be minimal. Weighing up the effects vs. the benefits? General agreement is that the damage caused by fossil fuels is always more then renewable energy sources in the long term.