Environmental Impact Assessment Speaker : Yong Hoon Kim, Ph.D. UEE Seminar Series Distinguished Speakers’ Hosted by School of Urban & Environmental Engineering Environmental Impact Assessment Speaker : Yong Hoon Kim, Ph.D. RPS ASA Abstract An environmental impact assessment (EIA) is an assessment of the possible positive or negative impact that a proposed project may have on the environment, together consisting of the environmental, social and economic aspects. The purpose of the assessment is to ensure that decision makers consider the ensuing environmental impacts when deciding whether to proceed with a project. In addition to direct effects, developments cause a multitude of indirect effects which are often an order of magnitude higher than the direct effects assessed by EIA. Large proposals such as airports or ship yards cause wide ranging national as well as international environmental effects, which should be taken into consideration during the decision-making process. As a case study example, an overview of possible risks and relevant risk assessment approaches associated with the underground storage of carbon dioxide (CO2) in geologic reservoirs, known as CO2 capture and storage (CCS), will be discussed in the presentation. Possible risks associated with surface and injection installations include pipeline and well failures or a failure of the back-flow preventer, which results in an uncontrolled flow of pure CO2 or mixtures of CO2, water, and oil in surrounding environments. The most possible risks in reservoirs are CO2 leakages along or through wells, faults, and fractures in geologic formations. In addition, there could be risks related to methane (CH4) and light alkanes leakages, in case that CO2 is injected in depleted hydrocarbon reservoirs or deep saline aquifers. In addition, geomechanical risks are possible concerns, including reservoir-induced seismicity(RIS), ground movement, and displacement of brine. Such risks could be minimized by proper safety measures, regulations, and risk abatement technologies through structured and systematic risk management processes. Risk assessment is necessary in identifying potential site problems and developing mitigation procedures on a project-by-project basis. As part of risk assessment, simulation models can be used to predict the geochemtical, thermal, and geomechanical effects of CO2 injection as well as the effect of supercritical CO2 on biological activities. Effective monitoring can provide the data to refine and calibrate the predictive model. Several case studies on risk assessment in the USA will be discussed in the presentation. Date & Time : 2:30 pm, March 18, 2013 (Mon) Location : 711 EB2 Contact : Prof. Jungho Im(2824) ersgis@unist.ac.kr