I am a New Graduate Nurse
I work in Rural and Remote Australia
Reflection – everyone, close your eyes – think about your first job, think about your first day, think about your first remote position – now imagine you’re a green new grad with only prac as your experience
to achieve a sustainable heath care system. Provide advocacy, support and leadership to new and future nurses in order to ensure that student and novice nurses have the skills, direction and voice necessary to achieve a sustainable heath care system. My name is Kadee and I am now the official (as of yesterday!!!) Vice President of ASANNA, the Australian Student and Novice Nurse Association
‘Its all about wanting to be yourself’ Bob Brown spoke yesterday about the importance about wanting to be yourself and the struggles he had throughout his life to achieving his goals – similar ideas 12 months ago in Alice Springs I was keen and green full of enthusiasm and excitement but I was repeatedly told that I could not do what I wanted to achieve – let me tell you a secret – I did it and I did it bloody well
Health Innovation Projects
New Grad Experience Lack of support Horizontal Bullying No orientation Workforce retention Aging workforce Over worked
Why don’t we as a Remote Workforce embrace Novice Nurses? So… Why don’t we as a Remote Workforce embrace Novice Nurses?
We can do it Fresh eyes New ideas Different Skills Current best practice Variable life skills Youth Young families – bring them or build them Skill Development Prime of their knowledge
Be an ambassador for change, embrace a Novice Nurse!! Thanks guys! Be an ambassador for change, embrace a Novice Nurse!!