12th February 2013 An Introduction to the Joint Programming Initiative on Agriculture, Food Security and Climate Change (FACCE-JPI) Caroline Lesser Focal.


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Presentation transcript:

12th February 2013 An Introduction to the Joint Programming Initiative on Agriculture, Food Security and Climate Change (FACCE-JPI) Caroline Lesser Focal point for International Relations and Stakeholder Engagement FACCE-JPI Secretariat November 2016

Table of Contents What is Joint Programming? What is FACCE-JPI? What is FACCE-JPI’s European and International Cooperation Strategy?

Joint Programming Concept: Endorsed by Council of the EU in 2008 to support the establishment of the European Research Area Rationale: Address major societal challenges, that cannot be solved at the national level, in a coordinated and collaborative way Method: Via the development of a common Strategic Research Agenda and the alignment of national research programmes and activities across participating countries Key principles: Member-state driven « A la carte » participation in joint research activities (variable geometry)

Joint Programming Initiatives Inter-governmental (member-countries’ driven) initiatives that aim to improve research coordination and complementarity in a specific field Supported by the EC/ Horizon2020 Main goals: Reduce research fragmentation in Europe Optimally use existing national research funds Address societal challenges more effectively and ncrease increase impact Structure & support the European Research Area

FACCE-JPI: Key Facts Launched by Council of the EU in 2010 22 Member- and Associated Countries; 2 observers (European Commission, EU Standing Committee on Agricultural Research) Managed by 1 Governing Board, with the input of 2 Advisory Boards (independent scientists and stakeholder organisations) Secretariat coordinated by France and financially supported by the EC Mobilised resources to date: Approx. €110 M Link with H2020 Societal Challenge 2 (Food Security, Sustainable Agriculture, Water, Bio-economy) and Challenge 5 (Climate Action)

22 participating countries 17 EU Member States + 4 Associated Countries+ 1 Third Country Italy The Netherlands Norway Poland Romania Spain Sweden Switzerland Turkey UK Cyprus Austria Belgium Czech Republic Denmark Estonia Finland France Germany Ireland Israel New Zealand

Scientific Advisory Board Stakeholders Advisory Board Governance structure Governing Board FACCE-JPI decision-making body Communication with national actors 1 Chair, 2 Vice-Chairs 3/year meetings 5000 € entry fees Secretariat Executive body Proposes strategy Day-to-day management JPI coherence Links with ERANETs (+CSA) Scientific Advisory Board Scientific advice, SRA, identification, evaluation of JPI activities 12 high-level experts 1 Chair + 1 Vice-Chair Meetings ≥ 2/year Stakeholders Advisory Board Stakeholder advice on strategic documents and on joint actions 16 member organisations 1 Chair + 2 Vice-Chairs Meeting ≥ 2/year

The FACCE-JPI thematic scope Alignment of cross-thematic and interdisciplinary research

FACCE-JPI’s Strategic Research Agenda: 5 Core Themes that provide evidence for EU policies EU International Food 2030 Strategy Sustainable Dev. Goals Bio-economy Strategy Climate change agreement/ COP 2020 Climate and Energy Package Common Agricultural Policy

12th February 2013 Working Method: From a Common Strategic Research Agenda to Joint Research Actions Common Vision (2011) Mapping Meetings Funders / Scientists Common Strategic Research Agenda (2012; update in 2015) Identification of research topics under 5 Core Themes Stakeholder advisory board Implementation Plan (2014-15; 2016-18) Prioritisation of research topics and instruments in light of national priorities and funding Scientific advisory board Joint Research Actions (Programmes, networks and other activities)

Overview of FACCE-JPI activities (1) 9 ongoing joint actions+ 1 under development 53 collaborative research projects Core Theme 1. Food security under climate change Core Theme 2. Sustainable intensification of agriculture Core Theme 3. Biodiversity & ecosystem services Core Theme 4. Adaptation to climate change Core Theme 5. GHG mitigation in agriculture Knowledge Hub on modelling the impacts climate change on food security (MACSUR) - partnerhsip with AgMip (€15M, 300 researchers) Knowledge Network on sustainable intensification Joint call with the BiodivERsA ERA-NET (€10.2M) FACCE ERA-NET + on Climate Smart Agriculture (€19M*) Multipartner call on agricultural GHG mitigation with 3 GRA countries (USA, Canada, New Zealand)(€5.5M) FACCE ERA-NET Cofund on Sustainable agriculture for food and non-food systems (SURPLUS) with New Zealand (€15M) ERANET Cofund with Water JPI on sustainable water management in agriculture (WATERWORKS 2015) with Canada, Egypt, Taiwan, S. Africa, Tunisia (now AC) (€26M*) + Exploratory workshops (on food and nutrition security, ICT, biorefinery, etc.) International call (Collaborative Research Action) on food security and land use change with the Belmont Forum (Australia, Brazil, India, Japan, S. Africa, USA) (€5.3M) FACCE ERA-NET Cofund on monitoring and mitigation of agricultural GHG (ERA-GAS) with New Zealand (€14M*) Thematic Annual Programming Network on organic matter sequestration in ag. soils * Committed budgets 11

Overview of FACCE-JPI activities (2) Joint research actions worth approx. €110M of which 80% is provided by participating countries/ national research budgets 90% of FACCE’s joint research actions involve cooperation with other European / international partners Mix of different joint research actions: 2 researchers’ networks 1 thematic programming network (projects’ clustering) 3 joint calls for research (without EC co-funding) 4 European Research Area Networks (ERA-NETs)

FACCE-JPI Implementation Plans: 3 types of joint actions Actions that allow to align already funded research at national levels Actions that allow to invest jointly in new transnational research Actions that allow to explore emerging joint research areas Knowledge Hub (Participating countries’ funding) Knowledge Network (Participating countries’ funding) Thematic Annual Programming Network (Participating countries’ funding) European Research Area Networks (Participating countries+ EC co-funding; H2020) Joint calls for research proposals - some with international partners (Participating countries’ funding) Exploratory workshops (Participating countries’ funding)

4. FACCE-JPI’s European and International Cooperation Strategy

Key goals of the European and International Cooperation Strategy Promote greater complementarity and structuring of research to tackle global challenges more efficiently and effectively Improve the visibility and impact of FACCE-JPI’s work on policymaking and innovation in Europe and beyond Facilitate the exchange of information, mutual learning and capacity building with similar initiatives in other regions

Main target groups European initiatives and partners (at operational /joint action and strategic levels) European initiatives and partners JPI Water, JPI Healthy Diets for a Healthy Life, JPI Climate, JPI Oceans, Selected bio-economy ERA-NETs, 4PRIMA International initiatives and partners Belmont Forum, GRA**, GACSA, 4 per 1000 international research initiative, AgMIP, TempAg Network, Wheat Initiative Third countries New Zealand*, USA, Australia, Canada, Japan, China, Brazil, India, South Africa Complementarity and structuring of R&I at EU level, strengthening of the European Research Area, increased innovation and impact within the EU Complementarity of R&I at global level, increased visibility and impact at the international level, mutual learning with partners Complementarity of R&I at global level, “science diplomacy” and mutual learning with non-EU countries *Joined the JPI as an associate member in January 2016. ** Strategic partnership to be formally approved

Strategic Collaborative Activities “Whole-of-JPI” level Partnership with Global Research Alliance on Agricultural GHG (pending formal approval) Membership in the Global Alliance on Climate Smart Agriculture Membership in the International Bio-Economy Forum Membership in the External Advisory Board of the preparatory project for the Partnership for Research and Innovation in the Mediterranean Area (4PRIMA CSA) Cooperation with the Water JPI international relations work (under discussion) Cooperation with the 9 other JPIs on issues of common interest (via the JPI Chairs’ Group) Partner in the ERA-LEARN2020 project (good practices in joint programming) Coordination with the PLATFORM project (mutual learning amongst bioeconomy ERA-NETs) Governance CGIAR/ CCAFS (Scientific Advisory Board member, personal capacity) FAO (Stakeholder Advisory Board member ) EU Standing Committee on Agricultural Research (Governing Board observer)

Collaborative Activities at Joint Action/ Programme Level Joint call with the Belmont Forum (USA, Brazil, India, Japan, South Africa) Joint call with 3 GRA countries (USA, Canada, New Zealand) Joint call with the BiodivERsA ERA-NET Joint call with the Water JPI (Canada, Taiwan, Tunisia*, Egypt, S. Africa) MoU between the FACCE-JPI Knowledge Hub MACSUR and the Agricultural Model Intercomparison and Improvement Project (AgMip) Under discussion Cooperation between FACCE’s Knowledge Network on Sustainable Intensification and the (OECD) TempAg Network Cooperation with 4/1000 International Research Initiative (set-up of an international research consortium on soil carbon sequestration in agriculture) Cooperation with JPI Healthy Diets for a Healthy Life and JPI Oceans on future food and nutrition security work (joint input into the EU Food2030 Strategy) *H2020 Associated Country since 2016

E.g., similar mission; overlap in membership; mutual interests Process and criteria for considering external partners at joint action level Scenario 1 Scenario 2 Joint action mainly involves FACCE-JPI countries (e.g., MACSUR) Joint action mainly relies on cooperation with partners (e.g., joint call with Belmont Forum) Based on set criteria E.g., similar mission; overlap in membership; mutual interests Secretariat and/or Joint Action Management Group identifies, proposes & approaches the partner(s) Proposal by the Secretariat Review and approval by the Governing Board Secretariat informs the Governing Board Partner approached by the Secretariat

Process and criteria for considering partners at “whole-of-JPI” level Strategic partner approaches the JPI Chair (formal request) Governing Board reviews and approves (based on Secretariat assessment) Secretariat works out the specific modalities with the partner Secretariat reports back to Governing Board Based on set criteria

Criteria for considering a non-EU/ non- Associated country as an “Associate Member” Has similar national research objectives as FACCE-JPI (FACCE Core Themes are reflected in the national research strategy) Is an “important Research & Innovation player” in the FACCE-JPI remit Has ongoing work on one/more FACCE-JPI Core Themes and has the possibility to finance (new) joint work with FACCE-JPI Has already cooperated in a satisfactory way with FACCE-JPI via specific joint actions (as was the case for New Zealand) Has expressed interest in working with FACCE-JPI (formal request)

Further reading

Thank you for you attention! Email: caroline.lesser@inra.fr Website: www.faccejpi.com