Take out a sheet of paper and pencil August 15, 2017 Bell Work – 5th Period Take out a sheet of paper and pencil August 15, 2017
What is Pride? Why is it important to have pride in yourself? Why is it important to have pride in your school?
Pride On your paper, answer the following in complete sentences. How will having pride in yourself and your work help you to be successful? How can students demonstrate pride in our campus?
Review of Hawk Expectations
The Big 3 Do what’s right. Do your best. Treat others the way you want to be treated.
Hawk Expectations BUS - Do what’s right. Why should students walk with their teachers to the bus loop? POP QUIZ – What’s you route number?
Hawk Expectations BUS – Do your best. Who is responsible for the safety of all students on the bus? How can every student on the bus contribute to the safety of the bus?
Hawk Expectations BUS – Treat others the way you want to be treated. The bus is like a classroom in motion on wheels! How do we keep this an orderly and safe environment?
Substitute Teacher Expectations * 07/16/96 Substitute Teacher Expectations When there is a substitute teacher, the expectation is that he/she will be treated with respect. Students will do as the substitute asks. All procedures left by the teacher will be followed. *
Substitute Teacher Expectations * 07/16/96 Substitute Teacher Expectations What are ways you can demonstrate respect for a substitute teacher? *
Opportunity Area Opportunity Area in class is located … * 07/16/96 Opportunity Area Opportunity Area in class is located … The procedure for using the area in this class is … The procedure for using the area when sent to another teacher’s class is . . . *
Dismissal Procedures Walk with your teacher during dismissal Walk to your dismissal area – car line, bus loop, and bike rack. Walk in an orderly manner.
Media Center Staff Book Resources Computer Resources Mrs. Drazan, Media Specialist Student Helpers (wanted – applications available next week) Book Resources Reference, Biography, Nonfiction (informational text), Fiction, Graphic Novels, Spanish books, Playaways (individual MP3 player) Computer Resources Destiny (Library catalog) Gale Databases (Gale then Google!) World Book Electronic books
Media Center Programs - Bingo/Reading Contests/Book Challenges - MakerSpace - Sunshine State Readers - SSYRA brag tags (collect all 15) - Book Club - Book Bowl/”Name that Book” Book Fair (September) Great New Reads !!
Review of Drill Procedures
Drill Procedures Drills are practices to make sure that we are all familiar with what to do in the case of an emergency. ______________________________ Drills are to be taken seriously. Listen to and follow the directions of the adult in charge.
Tornado Drill Tornado Watch means that bad weather is in the area. Teaching will continue, but students will remain in the classroom.
Tornado Warning means that a tornado has been sighted. Tornado Drill Tornado Warning means that a tornado has been sighted. In classrooms with windows: Move to the wall farthest from windows. Kneel, facing the wall with your hands over your head.
Tornado Warning means that a tornado has been sighted. Tornado Drill Tornado Warning means that a tornado has been sighted. In classrooms without windows: Move to the interior wall. Kneel, facing the wall with your hands over your head.
Tornado Warning means that a tornado has been sighted. Tornado Drill Tornado Warning means that a tornado has been sighted. In classrooms located upstairs: Move quietly to the first floor hallway. Kneel, facing the wall with your hands over your head.
Code Yellow Procedures Classroom doors are locked by the teacher. Instruction continues. Listen to and follow the directions of the adult in charge.
Code Red Procedures Classroom doors are locked by the teacher and lights are turned off. All students sit in silence on the floor out of view from the doors and windows. Listen to and follow the directions of the adult in charge.
Review these procedures Code Yellow and Red Procedures Now… Review these procedures for this classroom.
The Big 3 Do what’s right. Do your best. Treat others the way you want to be treated.