Foods that make you happy By : Sara alnafsi
What kind of food do you think that make you happy?
Outline Introduction about healthy food Types of food that make you happy summary
“Happiness is nothing more than good health”
Your happiness in healthy food
Compounds of healthy foods tryptophan, antioxidants Vitamin C, Omega 3 Zinc Vitamin B Iodine Anadamine Kaempferol quercetin
What are the food you can find in those compounds ?
chocolate “all you need is a few ounces of dark chocolate each day to reap the benefits”
Blueberries and oranges
Healthy food tastes so good
Before you eat, you should ask yourself: Do you want a short life of happiness by eating unhealthy food, or a long life of happiness by eating healthy food? It is your CHOICE!
References Fried, (December 6, 2011), Healthy Foods That Make You Happier, fried junk, retrieved March 4,2013, from http://fried- 2011/12/06/healthy-foods-that-make-you-happier Gregory, (March 28, 2012), 10 Foods To Make You Happier, list verse, retrieved march 4,2013, from 2012/03/28/10-foods-to-make-you-happier/ Schweitzer, (02 Sep 2012), Food for Thought Quotes: Personal Growth Quotes That Make You Feel Good, Finer minds. Retrieved March 4,2013, from growth/personal-growth-quotes/ Aashmita, (August 2010,29) Foods that make you happy, Men’s health, Retrieved March 4,2013, from story/29-Foods-that-make-you-happy/0/2839.html Beebe, Steven A., 1950 – communication: principles for a lifetime/ steven A, Beebe, Diana K. lvy –4th ed.