Body Organization, Homeostasis, Digestion, & Absorption Jeopardy: Jeopardy Review Game
Body Organization Homeostasis Beginning Digestion Final Digestion Misc. Misc. $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400
The process by which an organism’s internal environment is kept stable in spite of changes in the external environment is called …
Homeostasis Main
What structure directs the activities of a cell?
Nucleus Main
Name the four types of tissue.
Muscle, nervous, connective, epithelial Main
Name the levels of organization in the correct order.
Cell, Tissue, Organ, Organ System Main
Which of the following is NOT a function of the digestive system. A Which of the following is NOT a function of the digestive system? A. obtaining oxygen B. eliminating undigested wastes from the body C. breaking down food into molecules that the body can use D. absorbing food molecules into the blood
A. Obtaining Oxygen Main
What enzyme is present in the mouth?
Saliva Main
What function does the epiglottis serve?
Seals off your windpipe so food does not enter Main
Daily Double Explain the process of digestion once food enters the mouth. Hint: Be sure to include names of chemicals or enzymes, name of muscle contractions, and what is the major type of digestion in the stomach.
Mechanical digestion in mouth by chewing Enzyme in saliva digests starch Mucus and peristalsis help food move down esophagus Stomach mostly does mechanical digestion Pepsin and Hydrochloric acid are present in stomach Main
What type of digestion occurs in the small intestine?
Chemical digestion Main
What two major organs assist the small intestine with digestion and what is their purpose? Daily Double
Liver- Produces bile Pancreas- Produces enzymes to break down starches, proteins, and fats Main
What is the purpose of villi in the small intestine?
Absorb nutrient molecules to pass into the bloodstream Main
Water is absorbed in the ________.
Large Intestine Main
What is homeostasis?
The process by which an organism’s internal environment is kept stable in spite of changes in the external environment. Main
How could we model digestion in the stomach?
Zip-lock bag= stomach Lime-Soda= acid Bread= food Churn the bag Main
How could we model bile from the liver breaking up fat particles in the small intestine?
Add oil (fat) to two cups of water Add oil (fat) to two cups of water. Add baking soda (bile) to one cup and what the bile break apart the fat. Main
Why is it so important to have a lot of surface area in the small intestine?
More surface area= more nutrients absorbed Main
What organ stores the bile?
Gallbladder Main
Where does waste get compressed?
Rectum Main
Make a flow chart showing the path of the digestive system.
When several of the same type of cells come together they form _____.
Tissue Main
Final Jeopardy Answer
Final Jeopardy Question Main