Geometry Vocabulary Chapter 1.1
Geometry Vocabulary Term Definition Picture Chp 1.1 Point Line Plane Has no dimension. Dot represents a point Has ONE dimension. Shown by a line with two arrow heads and has no end. Through any two points, there is exactly ONE line Line Has TWO dimensions. Shown by a shape that looks like a floor or wall but extends without end. Through any 3 points not on the same line, there is exactly ONE plane Plane
Geometry Vocabulary Term Definition Picture Chp 1.1 Collinear points Points that lie on the same line Coplanar points Points that lie on the same plane Line segment AB consists of endpoints A and B and all points between A and B. It can also be called line segment BA Line segment Ray AB consists of endpoint A and all points that lie on the same side as B (going on forever). Ray AB is NOT the same as ray BA Ray
Warm up – please add these to your vocabulary chart from yesterday Chp 1.1 Geometry Vocabulary Term Definition Picture If point C lies on AB between points A and B, Then CA and CB are opposite rays Opposite rays Intersection The intersection of geometric figures consists of all the points they have in common. Warm up – please add these to your vocabulary chart from yesterday