Local Economic Development and Workforce Development Strategies November 16, 2005 Moderated by: Jeff Ryan, ETA and Scott Sheely, Lancaster County WIB
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Submitting Questions/ Comments To request a turn to speak, type the word “Question” or “Comment” in the text box and click the arrow button. Your name and “Question” or “Comment” will appear on the screen, indicating successful submission. Presenters will call on you in turn to speak. To submit a question or comment while others are speaking, type the full question/comment in the text box and click the arrow button. To send questions/comments to Presenters only (not to Everyone), select Presenters from the drop-down menu before clicking the arrow button. Chat Room Arrow Button Text Box Drop-Down Menu Local Economic Development and Workforce Development Strategies
Submitting Questions/ Comments Chat Room We encourage you to use the Chat Room to indicate when you want to speak, as well as to contribute to the discussion and/or make comments while others are speaking. Local Economic Development and Workforce Development Strategies
Jeff Ryan, Office of National Response, U.S. DOL/ETA Local Economic Development and Workforce Development Strategies
National Workgroup on Worker Dislocation Workgroup History and Structure Organized Spring 2004 21 state/local members representing range of programs (Rapid Response, trade, UI, local WIBs, One-Stop staff) invited by ETA to participate First meeting—July 2004, San Antonio Organized into 4 subgroups Each group selected chair Chairs also participate on steering committee Three subsequent meetings Local Economic Development and Workforce Development Strategies
National Workgroup on Worker Dislocation (Cont’d) Workgroup Roles Workforce system-led Workgroup exists to: Disseminate Information (messaging, marketing, regional forums) to workforce system Develop Useful Products (innovations, toolkits, inventory of resources) for technical assistance and training Model Behavior (Mentor/Protégé/peer sharing) for workforce system improvements Highlight Measurement/Performance (performance metrics) Advise ETA (funding recommendations, Economic Development Policy, feedback on policy directions) Local Economic Development and Workforce Development Strategies
National Workgroup on Worker Dislocation (Cont’d) Workgroup Subgroups/Committees Demand-Driven Partnerships Subgroup Integration Subgroup Performance/Funding Subgroup Communications Subgroup Steering Committee Each subgroup is chaired by state/local workgroup members Chairs and ETA national/regional staff make up steering committee Local Economic Development and Workforce Development Strategies
Workforce Investment Board, PA Scott Sheely Executive Director, Lancaster County Workforce Investment Board, PA Local Economic Development and Workforce Development Strategies
Polling Question At what level are you currently partnering with Economic Development entities (i.e., chambers of commerce, economic development companies, local government planning groups) in your local area? Strong partnership including joint planning and activities Regular communication and information exchange, some joint planning and activities Communication/information exchanged, but not regularly Occasional information sharing Very little or no partnership Local Economic Development and Workforce Development Strategies
A Demand-Driven System The Workforce System is in the process of a paradigm shift from a supply-driven to a demand-driven system… from being a part of the social service system to being a part of the economic development system. Our system can be the independent broker between the traditional workforce system, the economic development system, and the employer community. Local Economic Development and Workforce Development Strategies
Barriers to Overcome Role confusion within the workforce system Supply-oriented institutional mindset Internal workforce that has not made the paradigm shift Little dialogue between workforce and economic development (and education) systems Economic development system more oriented to “the deal” than to planning interventions for the local economy Lack of useful information on local economies Local Economic Development and Workforce Development Strategies
Role Definition Strategic (WIB) Analysis of local economy Selection of priority industries and occupations that drive strategic policy Investment strategy for workforce funding Alignment of workforce and non-workforce systems and funding Building relationships among actors in the various systems Local Economic Development and Workforce Development Strategies
Role Definition Operational (One-Stop) Job orders Rapid response and layoff aversion Organizing incumbent worker initiatives Liaison with human resource professionals Support of the human resource function in small and medium-sized companies Workforce readiness programming Local Economic Development and Workforce Development Strategies
Strategic and Operational How aligned are these Strategic and Operational aspects in your local area? Who (WIB or One-Stop) does what in your local area? Local Economic Development and Workforce Development Strategies
Connection to Rapid Response How do local areas coordinate with state rapid response efforts? To what extent do local strategic priorities become a part of rapid response activities (training people for high priority jobs, moving people with skills into industries that need the skills) in your local area? Local Economic Development and Workforce Development Strategies
Proactive Efforts Do business engagement efforts result in proactive efforts to limit or avert layoffs? If so, who leads these efforts? Where are the points of contact in layoff aversion and rapid response activities within local government and economic development systems? Who manages those relationships? Local Economic Development and Workforce Development Strategies
What is the nature of your relationship with these partners? Community Partners Who are your additional strategic partners? Who do you work with regularly in the community? What is the nature of your relationship with these partners? What makes these partnerships work? What challenges or hinders these partnerships? Local Economic Development and Workforce Development Strategies
Access to Webinar Materials Materials and presentation slides used in this webinar will be available for download from the Resources & Information section of the Workforce3 One Webspace. All webinars are recorded and available for viewing after the event. Recorded webinars will be posted to the Multimedia Information/ Self-Paced Learning section of the Workforce3 One Webspace. Local Economic Development and Workforce Development Strategies
Share Your Ideas with Your Peers! Share your demand-driven strategic plans, models, innovations, resources, and ideas! (ADVANCE SLIDE) Submit your content to Workforce3 One at: http://www.workforce3one.org/members/sections/suggest/index.cfm Local Economic Development and Workforce Development Strategies
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