YOUR CAREER PREP CHECKLIST Presented by : Sue Pittenger Director, Center for Career Development and Professional Success New York Chiropractic College
What you’ll need to track down your opportunity……. Career Prep Checklist (see CCDPS student portal page) Career Goal(s)/Self-Knowledge Geographic area/setting Effective multiple job search techniques Resume/Cover Letter tailored to opportunity 45-60 second scripted introduction (elevator speech) – more than one Interviewing/negotiating skills Strong LinkedIn portfolio
Career Goals What do you want from your career? Be sure this first opportunity takes you in that direction. Think long term, then plan your shorter term strategy to achieve. Written goals, career mission statement will help you stay on track.
What kind of working environment is ideal for you? Large or small? Urban, suburban, or rural? Are you planning to specialize? What kind of rewards are most important to you: Money? Security? Mentorship? The ability to practice as you wish?
Self-Knowledge What skills do you have to offer in addition to your chiropractic skills? Personal qualities are often given higher priority than job content skills Be able to answer the question “Why should I hire you?”
Tools……. Work Search Strategies Use multiple strategies - each has it’s own set of pros & cons. Use all options at your disposal - but put the most time into the one or two that will yield the greatest results.
Effectiveness of Work Search Strategies
Tools…….. Do not wait until 10th trimester to pursue your opportunity search! 8th trimester is the time to begin. The idea is to get your name out ahead of any upcoming openings for greatest advantage.
Strategy: Pursue posted openings - Career databases/Classified Ads How to use it: Scan listed opportunities daily & identify those of greatest interest. Submit resume with cover letter tailored to specific opportunity qualifications.
Classified Ads Respond directly with resume/cover letter tailored to the ad Follow-up call whenever possible – use elevator speech Handling ‘no’….. Use it to try and build a relationship for future possibilities
Classified Ads Pros: Involves minimal investment of time in identifying opportunities. Resume and cover letter are sent for actual opportunity Free to low-cost access Worldwide geographic reach.
Classified Ads Cons: Resume and cover letter will compete with large number of others. Ads follow market, least effective in times of economic downturn. Use as a “meter on market” in a certain geographical area.
Tools You’ll Need & Helpful Hints: CDC Online Database – provides “one stop shopping” by listing from a wide variety of sources. Cover Letter & resume, tailored to each specific opportunity. Try to get your materials in as early as possible. As much as possible, follow up yourself within a week or less for best results.
Tools You’ll Need & Helpful Hints: Start here, then go on to…..
NETWORKING/INFORMATIONAL VISITS How to use it: Develop a list of possible contacts; research practices of interest to you Visit as many practices as possible. Ask to meet with doctor in charge of practice.
STRATEGY:NETWORKING/ INFORMATIONAL VISITS PROS: MOST EFFECTIVE JOB SEARCH TECHNIQUE – 60% of jobs in all professions found this way May learn of unadvertised openings – entrée to “hidden job market” Resume is on file with the practice Builds relationships and often results in a closer match of your interests to opportunity.
NETWORKING/INFORMATIONAL VISITS CONS Requires a great deal of time to make a relatively small number of contacts – so start early. It’s never too early. A contact in itself is not enough to secure an opportunity – but it can give you leads & make you visible.
Tools You’ll Need & Helpful Hints: Professional attire Contact address list Resume & networking approach letter Research the practice prior to your visit. Follow through on all leads. Keep broadening your network of contacts – always ask for referrals
NETWORKING/INFORMATIONAL VISITS Where to get contacts: Finding them… NYCC’s Alumni Connection Professors, faculty members, clinicians Relatives, friends, friends of friends, Administrators, old roommates and professional acquaintances you already know, plus anyone you meet next week, ……… LinkedIn
NETWORKING/INFORMATIONAL VISITS Ask to shadow, or for short, professional meetings – coffee, lunch, short office meeting Ask for information, DO NOT ask for a job Approach by letter, email, phone call – use elevator speech Five key questions…..
NETWORKING/INFORMATIONAL VISITS What brought you here to practice What has it been like What kinds of opportunities do you see coming along here If you were me looking to get started here, knowing what you do now, what would you do Do you know anyone else I can talk to?
Tools You’ll Need & Helpful Hints: Research each opportunity as much as possible before applying – Google, Facebook, LinkedIn, personal contacts, etc. This not only helps you determine if it’s a good fit, it will help you tailor your resume.
Tools You’ll Need & Helpful Hints: Used in conjunction with networking – should yield you optimal results in your opportunity search!
General Tips Thank you – for ALL professional contacts during your search Handwritten? Same day Touch on something that particularly struck you Find ways to keep in touch
General Tips Keep good records – who referred you to whom, can you use their name? Build a LinkedIn profile – Practice your interviewing skills – see the CDC’s Student Portal page for resources
Tailored resume/cover letter Resume (or curriculum vitae) and cover letter, tailored for each opportunity you use it for. “Database version” – everything you could ever need. Copy/paste from that into shorter, targeted versions for each application.
Tailored resume/cover letter ALWAYS use a cover letter!! Either attach or insert in body email Should be even more tailored than resume Highlight key experiences and skills you bring to the positon – tell why you fit!
Tailored resume/cover letter Research Tailor Spell-check and proof-read!!! Follow- up!!!
Tailored resume/cover letter – Where There’s Help CCDPS Portal Page – student and alumni Resume/Cover Letter templates – downloadable PowerPoints – Resume Writing for Success, Clinic Resumes Resume/Cover Letter Review service
Elevator Speech – What It Is The elevator speech is a powerful communications tool that allows you to deliver a personal intro-duction with impact. It is simply a script that can be delivered either in person or over the telephone.
Elevator Speech – When to Use It Use your introduction to follow up on resumes sent for positions, or to introduce yourself to potential networking shadowing contacts.
Elevator Speech – To Follow Up on a Resume……. “Hi, I’m John Doe, I’m an 8th trimester student at New York Trimester College. Last week I sent a resume in response to you ad for an associate’s position on NYCC’s online Career Opportunities Database”.
Elevator Speech – To Follow Up on a Resume……. “I’m calling to follow up, make sure you got it, and answer any questions you may have. I’m very interested in this position because…..” and am hoping we can arrange a time to meet to discuss further”.
Elevator Speech – For Other Occasions See the “Elevator Speech” link under Networking/ Shadowing Resources on the CCDPS student and alumni portals
Interviewing Skills
Professional LinkedIn Page Your professional “home” – always have an updated LinkedIn page that represents who you are as a professional
Professional LinkedIn Page
Where’s There’s Help! CDC Student Portal page – templates for resumes, cover/networking letters, networking resources, thank you notes, interviewing & salary information Resume/cover letter review service Online career opportunities database Alumni Connection