From Sage on the Stage to Guide on the Side Alison King 1993 College Teaching v41 no1 p30-35 Students learn by incorporating understanding of the subject into their existing knowledge base, and so must take an active role rather than being passively taught. The professor's job is therefore to facilitate learning rather than lecture. This article discusses several active-learning techniques that instructors can use to help students construct knowledge, such as think-pair-share, guided reciprocal peer questioning, jigsaw, and co-op.
Open House 2016 Teacher’s Web Page Contains Policies, Expectations, Curriculum, Grading, Extra Help, and Contact Information for each course Google Classroom – Handouts, announcements, etc. Homework Web Pages Common Core English 11 and AP Language & Composition Parent Portal
Accessing Web Page Teacher Web Page All assignments will be posted on my web page daily. Go to Click on “Faculty” Click on my name Choose the appropriate class from the menu on the left
College Preparation PSAT and All students should take the PSAT and prepare to take the SAT exam in 11th grade. The PSAT is being offered at MHS on Saturday, October 15. Sign up tonight! Students can get an SAT “Question of the Day” e-mailed to them by registering at In class, Word of the Week, vocabulary in context, and extra-credit on Castle Learning are intended to prepare students for the SAT.
Extras Extra Credit – Assignments available each quarter through Castle Learning. Extra Help I am available for extra-help during the following times: During school hours: Periods 1, 4, 6 BDF & 7ACE days. After school: 2:25 – 3:15 by appointment
Shift in Classroom Practice in Common Core English 11 The Common Core Regents will be the only English Regents that juniors will take in January 2017. The Final Exam will be comprised of the four Common Tasks which are Common Core Regents based. The tasks are: Reading Comprehension Text Analysis Response (2-3 paragraphs) (The first two Common Tasks will be administered during the January Regents week on Tuesday, January 26.) Inquiry Based Research (New MLA Research Based Project: “5 Ways to Say the Same Thing”) Synthesis Essay
Shift in Classroom Practice in Common Core English 11 The CC II classes will be engaged in using 21st Century skills to become independent learners. Students will be learning and practicing Close Reading skills designed to increase comprehension of difficult texts. Students will be using different modes of written communication to express their viewpoints. Students will work collaboratively with peers both in class and online to create MLA research based projects. The College Research Project was completed on September 26th. An independent reading/research project will be due during the 3rd marking period. Students will take the Common Core Regents Exam in January 2017. This exam will count for 10% of the Final Average. Students will take a Comprehensive Final ExamThis exam will count for 10% of the Final Average in June. This exam will count for 10% of the Final Average.
AP Language & Comp Students will complete all the same work as the Common Core English 11 classes. In addition, beginning in the second semester, students will be completing AP Language based readings, journals and essays in order to prepare for the exam. AP prep work will be completed IN CLASS; Common Core work will be completed independently at home. Students will work collaboratively with peers both in class and online to create MLA research based projects. The College Research Project was completed on September 26th. An independent reading/research project will be due during the 3rd marking period. Students will take the Common Core Regents Exam in January 2017. This exam will count for 20% of the Final Average. Students will take the AP Language exam in May 2017. Students will be able to access the results of the exam in July 2017.
Shifts in ELA/Literacy Balancing Informational & Literary Text Students read a true balance of informational and literary texts. Shift 2 Knowledge in the Disciplines Students build knowledge about the world (domains/ content areas) through TEXT rather than the teacher or activities Shift 3 Staircase of Complexity Students read the central, grade appropriate text around which instruction is centered. Teachers are patient, create more time and space and support in the curriculum for close reading. Shift 4 Text-based Answers Students engage in rich and rigorous evidence based conversations about text. Shift 5 Writing from Sources Writing emphasizes use of evidence from sources to inform or make an argument. Shift 6 Academic Vocabulary Students constantly build the transferable vocabulary they need to access grade level complex texts. This can be done effectively by spiraling like content in increasingly complex texts.
ELA Test Question – Pre Common Core In both the Demosthenes biography and the Icarus and Daedalus myth the main characters are given advice from other people. Do you respond to advice from other people more like Demosthenes or more like Icarus? Write an essay in which you explain who you are more like when it comes to taking advice and why. Use details from both articles to support your answer. In your response, be sure to do the following: tell whether you are more like Demosthenes or Icarus explain why you are respond to advice similar to Demosthenes or Icarus use details from both passages in your response
ELA Test Question – Post Common In both the Demosthenes biography and the Icarus and Daedalus myth the main characters exhibit determination in pursuit of their goals. Did determination help both main characters reach their goals, or did it lead them to tragedy? Write an argument for whether you believe determination helped or hurt the two main characters. In your response, be sure to do the following: describe how determination affected the outcome in Demosthenes describe how determination affected the outcome in Icarus and Daedalus explain the similarities or differences that exist in the ways determination played into the outcome of both texts use details from both passages in your response
NYS Common Core Standards Shifts Impact NYS Assessments 6 Shifts in ELA Literacy Common Core Implementation Common Core Assessments Balancing Informational and Literary Text Building Knowledge in the Disciplines Staircase of Complexity Text-based Answers Writing from Sources Academic Vocabulary 1 & 2: Non-fiction Texts Authentic Texts 3: Higher Level of Text Complexity Paired Passages 4&5: Focus on command of evidence from text: rubrics and prompts 6: Academic Vocabulary