GCSE History Crime and Punishment Paper 1B Independent Study Booklet GCSE History Crime and Punishment Paper 1B Name: ____________________________________
Anglo-Saxon and Norman Crime and Punishment CONTENTS Homework Number SUB TOPIC 1, 2 & 3 Anglo-Saxon and Norman Crime and Punishment 4, 5 & 6 Medieval Crime and Punishment 7, 8 & 9 Early Modern Crime and Punishment 10, 11 & 12 Gunpowder Plot and Witchcraft 13, 14 & 15 Crime, Punishment and Law Enforcement 1700 – 1900 16, 17 & 18 The reforms of Robert Reel and Pentonville 19, 20 & 21 Crime and Law enforcement 1900 – 2000 22, 23 & 24 Punishment 1900 – 2000 and COs INSTRUCTIONS Your homework is divided into sub topic related to the module you are studying in class. Each subject will have 3 activities for you to complete (one activity per week). Activity 1: FIND (this will require you to find out key historical information about the topic you are studying). You should aim to spend approximately 20 minutes on this activity. Activity 2: LEARN (this will require you to learn the information you have researched. You will be tested on this information in class). You should aim to spend approximately 30 minutes on this activity. Activity 3: APPLY (this will require you to apply your knowledge to an exam skill). You should aim to spend approximately 15 to 25 minutes on this activity. REMEMBER TO KEEP ANY REVISION MATERIALS YOU CREATE AS THESE WILL HELP YOU REVISE WHEN IT COMES TO YOUR YEAR 11 EXAMS ASSESSMENT As part of the LEARN activity you will be tested on your knowledge. The score in this test will be recorded by your teacher. You will have been given an individual score that you have to achieve depending on your expected outcome at the end of year 11. Failure to meet your score will result in a revision focused detention. GCSE Target Minimum Quiz Expectation 9 80% + 8 7 70% + 6 60% + 5 4 50% + 3 40% + 2 30% + 1 20% +
Find the answers to the following questions Homework 1: Anglo Saxon and Norman Crime and Punishment Find the answers to the following questions Question My Answer 1 Who made the laws in Anglo Saxon and Norman England? 2 What is the Hue and Cry? 3 What word is used to describe a group of 10 or 12 men responsible for each other’s behaviour? 4 What official was appointed locally to bring criminals to justice in Anglo Saxon England? 5 What official was appointed locally to bring criminals to justice in Norman England? 6 What laws did King William introduce to protect his hunting ground? 7 What word is used to describe the process of the victim (or family) receiving compensation for the crime? 8 What was the name of the punishment which involved burning the accused’s flesh? 9 What was the name of the crime which involved betraying the king? 10 The use of hot water, cold water and a hot iron form part of which method of law enforcement?
Learn the answers for your knowledge test Homework 2: Anglo Saxon and Norman Crime and Punishment Learn the answers for your knowledge test Question Correct Answer 1 Who made the laws in Anglo Saxon and Norman England? 2 What is the Hue and Cry? 3 What word is used to describe a group of 10 or 12 men responsible for each other’s behaviour? 4 What official was appointed locally to bring criminals to justice in Anglo Saxon England? 5 What official was appointed locally to bring criminals to justice in Norman England? 6 What laws did King William introduce to protect his hunting ground? 7 What word is used to describe the process of the victim (or family) receiving compensation for the crime? 8 What was the name of the punishment which involved burning the accused’s flesh? 9 What was the name of the crime which involved betraying the king? 10 The use of hot water, cold water and a hot iron form part of which method of law enforcement?
Homework 3: Anglo Saxon and Norman Crime and Punishment APPLY Homework 3: Anglo Saxon and Norman Crime and Punishment Write one PEA paragraph that could be used in an answer to the following 12 mark question. Explain why the Normans made changes to crime and punishment after the Norman Conquest You may use the following information in your answer: Forest Laws The Murdrum Fine Answer: Homework 3: Anglo Saxon and Norman Crime and Punishment Write one PEA paragraph that could be used in an answer to the following 12 mark question. Explain why the Normans made changes to crime and punishment after the Norman Conquest You may use the following information in your answer: Forest Laws The Murdrum Fine Answer: Achievements: Target:
Find the answers to the following questions Homework 4: Medieval Crime and Punishment Find the answers to the following questions Question My Answer 1 As well as the king, who was High Treason seen as a crime against? 2 What was “benefit of the clergy”? 3 What was “sanctuary”? 4 In what year was the crime of heresy first introduced? 5 What does JP stand for? 6 What was the Assize of Clarendon? 7 Which king Henry was influential in changes to Crime and Punishment? 8 How were heretics punished from 1401? 9 What punishment was introduced to deal with high treason? 10 In 1215 the Pope ordered the church to stop using what method of law enforcement?
Find the answers to the following questions LEARN Homework 5: Medieval Crime and Punishment Find the answers to the following questions Question Correct Answer 1 As well as the king, who was High Treason seen as a crime against? 2 What was “benefit of the clergy”? 3 What was “sanctuary”? 4 In what year was the crime of heresy first introduced? 5 What does JP stand for? 6 What was the Assize of Clarendon? 7 Which king Henry was influential in changes to Crime and Punishment? 8 How were heretics punished from 1401? 9 What punishment was introduced to deal with high treason? 10 In 1215 the Pope ordered the church to stop using what method of law enforcement?
Homework 6: Medieval Crime and Punishment APPLY Homework 6: Medieval Crime and Punishment Write one PEA paragraph that could be used in an answer to the following 12 mark question. Explain why the Church was influential in Crime and Punishment between the year 1000 and 1300AD You may use the following information in your answer: Trial by Ordeal Sanctuary Answer: ____________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________ Achievements: Target:
Find the answers to the following questions Homework 7: Early Modern Crime and Punishment Find the answers to the following questions FIND Question My Answer 1 What name was given to unemployed and homeless people? 2 What act of Parliament was passed in 1547 to deal with these people? 3 What act of Parliament was introduced in 1601 to deal with vagrants? 4 What ‘crime’ was given harsher punishments in this period? 5 What crime became increasingly popular in the 17th Century? 6 Who maintained law and order in the growing towns? 7 What was the name given to the list of crimes that were punishable by death? 8 What method of torture was used on Guy Fawkes? 9 What punishment was introduced that involved being taken to the Americas? 10 What were prisons in the early modern era used for?
Find the answers to the following questions LEARN Homework 8: Early Modern Crime and Punishment Find the answers to the following questions Question Correct Answer 1 What name was given to unemployed and homeless people? 2 What act of Parliament was passed in 1547 to deal with these people? 3 What act of Parliament was introduced in 1601 to deal with vagrants? 4 What ‘crime’ was given harsher punishments in this period? 5 What crime became increasingly popular in the 17th Century? 6 Who maintained law and order in the growing towns? 7 What was the name given to the list of crimes that were punishable by death? 8 What method of torture was used on Guy Fawkes? 9 What punishment was introduced that involved being taken to the Americas? 10 What were prisons in the early modern era used for?
Homework 9: Early Modern Crime and Punishment Write an answer to the following 16 mark question. ‘In the period 1500 – 1700, the main aim of changes to punishments was retribution.’ How far do you agree? Explain your answer. You may use the following in your answer: The Bloody Code Transportation to America APPLY Hint: Organise your answer so that each paragraph is on a different PURPOSE of punishment. Other purpose include: REFORM, RECNFORING AUTHORITY, DETERRANCE One reason punishments changed between 1500 and 1700 was the idea of retribution. An example of a punishment designed for retribution was . This involved Another example is . This involved This was an important factor in the changing of punishments because
APPLY However, punishments also changed between 1500 and 1700 because of An example is . This involved Another example is . This was an important factor in the changing of punishments because In conclusion the biggest reason for changing punishment was . This is because . This is more important than the other reasons because
Achievements Target:
Homework 10: Gunpowder Plot and Witchcraft FIND Homework 10: Gunpowder Plot and Witchcraft Find the answers to the following questions: Question My Answer 1 Why did the Catholics dislike King James I? 2 Who was the actual leading figure of the Gunpowder Plot? 3 Who is the most famous member of the Gunpowder Plot? 4 When was the Gunpowder Plot? 5 What crime were the plotters committing? 6 With whom were witches believed to have made a pact? 7 What was a ‘familiar’? 8 Why did the English Civil war increase witchcraft accusations? 9 What was the name of King James I’s book on witchcraft? 10 Who was the Witch finder General?
Homework 11: Gunpowder Plot and Witchcraft LEARN Homework 11: Gunpowder Plot and Witchcraft Find the answers to the following questions: Question My Answer 1 Why did the Catholics dislike King James I? 2 Who was the actual leading figure of the Gunpowder Plot? 3 Who is the most famous member of the Gunpowder Plot? 4 When was the Gunpowder Plot? 5 What crime were the plotters committing? 6 With whom were witches believed to have made a pact? 7 What was a ‘familiar’? 8 Why did the English Civil war increase witchcraft accusations? 9 What was the name of King James I’s book on witchcraft? 10 Who was the Witch finder General?
Homework 12: Gunpowder Plot and Witchcraft Write an answer to the following 16 mark question. ‘The most important factor in explaining witch-hunts in the years 1500 – 1700 was religion’ How far do you agree? Explain your answer. You may use the following in your answer: Demonologie The English Civil war APPLY Hint: Organise your answer so that each paragraph is on a different REASON for witch-hunts One reason for witch-hunts between 1500 and 1700 was religion. An example of this is . This involved Another example is . This involved This was an important factor in witch-hunts because
APPLY Another reason for witch-hunts was . An example is . This involved In conclusion the most important reason for witch-hunts was .
Achievements Target:
Homework 13: Crime, Punishment and Law Enforcement 1700 – 1900 FIND Homework 13: Crime, Punishment and Law Enforcement 1700 – 1900 Find the answers to the following questions: Question My Answer 1 What crime did the Tolpuddle Martyrs commit? 2 Name a famous smuggler gang. 3 What crime would take place on isolated roads? 4 What act was passed in 1723 related to the crime of Poaching? 5 What country were prisoners now transported to? 6 How many people were transported to this new place in total? 7 Approximately how many crimes were punishable by the bloody code at the beginning of the 19th century? 8 Give one reason for the abolition of the bloody code. 9 What organisation did the Fielding brothers set up? 10 What established in 1829?
Homework 14: Crime, Punishment and Law Enforcement 1700 – 1900 LEARN Homework 14: Crime, Punishment and Law Enforcement 1700 – 1900 Find the answers to the following questions: Question My Answer 1 What crime did the Tolpuddle Martyrs commit? 2 Name a famous smuggler gang. 3 What crime would take place on isolated roads? 4 What act was passed in 1723 related to the crime of Poaching? 5 What country were prisoners now transported to? 6 How many people were transported to this new place in total? 7 Approximately how many crimes were punishable by the bloody code at the beginning of the 19th century? 8 Give one reason for the abolition of the bloody code. 9 What organisation did the Fielding brothers set up? 10 What established in 1829?
Homework 15: Crime, Punishment and Law Enforcement 1700 – 1900 Plan and answer the following 4 mark question Explain one way in which policing was similar in Tudor England (1500s) and the early 18th century (4 marks) APPLY In Tudor England In the early 18th century This is a similarity because Achievements: Target:
Homework 16: The reforms of Robert Reel and Pentonville FIND Homework 16: The reforms of Robert Reel and Pentonville Find the answers to the following questions: Question My Answer 1 In what year was Pentonville prison opened? 2 What purpose of punishment was behind Pentonville? 3 How many separate cells were there in Pentonville? 4 Why were the prison walls thick? 5 How did they stop prisoners talking in social times? 6 What act did Peal get Parliament to pass in 1823? 7 What change did Peel insist was made for female prisoners? 8 In what year was the Metropolitan Police force established? 9 Give one reason the new police was opposed by the public? 10 Give one responsibility of the Night-watchman
Homework 17: The reforms of Robert Reel and Pentonville LEARN Homework 17: The reforms of Robert Reel and Pentonville Find the answers to the following questions: Question Correct Answer 1 In what year was Pentonville prison opened? 2 What purpose of punishment was behind Pentonville? 3 How many separate cells were there in Pentonville? 4 Why were the prison walls thick? 5 How did they stop prisoners talking in social times? 6 What act did Peal get Parliament to pass in 1823? 7 What change did Peel insist was made for female prisoners? 8 In what year was the Metropolitan Police force established? 9 Give one reason the new police was opposed by the public? 10 Give one responsibility of the Night-watchman
Homework 18: The reforms of Robert Reel and Pentonville Write an answer to the following 162 mark question. ‘Explain why there were changes to prisons between 1800 and 1900. You may use the following in your answer: Pentonville Robert Peel APPLY Hint: Organise your answer so that each paragraph is on a different REASON for the changes. You DO NOT need a conclusion. One reason for changes in prisons between 1800 and 1900 was Robert Peel. Robert Peel was the An example of a change he made was . This involved The reason or this change was
Homework 19: Crime and Law Enforcement 1900 - 2000 FIND Homework 19: Crime and Law Enforcement 1900 - 2000 Find the answers to the following questions: Question My Answer 1 What crime was created in 1976? 2 What race related crime was introduced in 1968? 3 What was a crime up until 1967? 4 Give an example a new opportunity for old crime. 5 Give an example of two crimes related to an increase in technology. (2) 6 What did the Metropolitan police first start to use in 1960s? 7 What law enforcement organisation was set up to involve local communities? 8 What two branches of the police was set up in 1946? 9 What act was passed in 1971?
Homework 20: Crime and Law Enforcement 1900 - 2000 LEARN Homework 20: Crime and Law Enforcement 1900 - 2000 Find the answers to the following questions: Question My Answer 1 What crime was created in 1976? 2 What race related crime was introduced in 1968? 3 What was a crime up until 1967? 4 Give an example a new opportunity for old crime. 5 Give an example of two crimes related to an increase in technology. (2) 6 What did the Metropolitan police first start to use in 1960s? 7 What law enforcement organisation was set up to involve local communities? 8 What two branches of the police was set up in 1946? 9 What act was passed in 1971?
Homework 21: Crime and Law Enforcement 1900 - 2000 Plan and answer the following 4 mark question Explain one way in which policing was similar in Medieval era (1000-1400) and the 20th century (4 marks) APPLY In Medieval England In 20th century This is a similarity because Achievements Target:
Homework 22: Punishment 1900 – 2000 and COs FIND Homework 22: Punishment 1900 – 2000 and COs Find the answers to the following questions: Question My Answer 1 What is a borstal? 2 Who was hanged in controversial circumstances in 1953? 3 Who was the last female to be hanged in England? 4 When was the death penalty fully abolished. 5 What does ASBO stand for? 6 What is restorative justice? 7 What WW1 related law was passed in 1916 that led to the existence of COs? 8 What does CO stand for? 9 What did the Military service act require of COs? 10 What did some women give to COs to tell them that they were seen as cowards?
Homework 23: Punishment 1900 – 2000 and COs LEARN Homework 23: Punishment 1900 – 2000 and COs Find the answers to the following questions: Question My Answer 1 What is a borstal? 2 Who was hanged in controversial circumstances in 1953? 3 Who was the last female to be hanged in England? 4 When was the death penalty fully abolished? 5 What does ASBO stand for? 6 What is restorative justice? 7 What WW1 related law was passed in 1916 that led to the existence of COs? 8 What does CO stand for? 9 What did the Military service act require of COs? 10 What did some women give to COs to tell them that they were seen as cowards?
Homework 24: Punishment 1900 – 2000 and COs APPLY Homework 24: Punishment 1900 – 2000 and COs Plan and answer the following 4 mark question Explain one way in which the treatment of Cos was similar in WW1 and WW2(4 marks) In WW1 COs In WW2 COs This is a similarity because Achievements: Target: