2017-2018 Cornell High School Class Registration
Agenda Academic and Career Planning Career Cruising Access State Report Card Recommended Courses Post-secondary Options Distance Learning Options Registration Instructions
Academic and Career Planning ACP Grades 6-12 Four Stages: Know Explore Plan GO
ACP Vision Reimagining K-12 education to equip students with meaningful and supportive adult relationships and the ability to adapt to opportunities and challenges on their personalized journeys to successful lives.
ACP Vision
ACP Family Engagement Importance of Family Engagement: Higher grades Higher test scores Improved self-efficacy Reduced harmful risk-taking behavior Increased post-secondary aspiration and enrollment
Career Cruising Matchmaker Grades 6-12 Intervention: Grades 8-11 Accountability Relationships Career Exploration Matchmaker
Significantly Exceeds Expectations! WI State Report Card Significantly Exceeds Expectations! 85.8
Schedule Changes No Schedule Changes after schedules are received in the office unless the class is more rigorous.
Freshman Year Do your best! Take the tough classes. Establish good study skills Get involved! Aspire 9 Career Cruising Start saving for college Look to “Double Up” Courses.
Sophomore Year Challenge yourself Consider careers based upon personality and interests Seek leadership positions Save for college PSAT Aspire 10 Start College Visits Look to “Double Up” Courses.
Junior Year Academic Courses College Fair - October PSAT ASVAB Practice ACT Test Prepare for the ACT ACT: TWO-THREE TIMES!! Visit 3-5 technical schools, colleges and universities CVTC: Apply in Spring
Senior Year Attend Application Writing Workshop - August Apply to Post-Secondary Schools – September 1st Finish college visits College Fair - October Decide on a school Scholarships FAFSA – Oct 1st available College Entrance Exams Graduation!!
Post-High School Options Apprenticeship Military Technical School Two-Year College College/University Multiple Careers-Get Ready
Technical Schools Reading, Math, and Science (Chemistry) GPA and ACT Test Apply early Programs Waiting Lists Scholarships
Two-Year Schools ACT Test September 1st Costs-Value Location Time Scholarships
Four Year Schools Liberal Arts Degree ACT Test September 1st Room and Board Scholarships Majors
College Entrance Requirements 4 English (4) 3 Math (4) 3 Social Studies 3 Lab Science (4) 2 Foreign Language (2+) 1 Fine Arts
Distance Learning/ Transcripted Credit English 101 & 102 Medical Terminology Animal Science Welding II Intro to Horticulture Microsoft Personal Finance Advanced Placement* Other College Courses* *Must Meet Criteria
On-line College Courses Advanced Placement Courses Full-time Senior and must have 21 or more credits successfully completed. Three years of Math with a fourth year scheduled. Math courses must include four of the following courses: Algebra, Geometry, Advanced Algebra, Pre-Calculus, Calculus, and Applied Math with a C average or better for each semester. Three years of Science with a fourth year scheduled. Science Courses must include four of the following courses, Biology, Chemistry I, Chemistry II, Human Anatomy, and Physics with a C or better semester Average. (Agri-science courses, though are available for science credit, will not be included as eligible courses.) The student must have a cumulative GPA of a 3.6 or higher.
Welding Academy A minimum grade point average of 2.5. Attendance rate of 95% or greater over the last year. Displaying acceptable behavior/character as determined by the high school principal. A grade of C- or better over two semesters of Chemistry. A grade of C- or better over two years of Math. A grade of C or better in a welding class or proven efficient welding skills in a class which contains welding. Parents to provide transportation or allow students to transport themselves to Cadott before 7:30 a.m. and leave at 11:00 a.m. Students will have classes according to CVTC’s schedule of the welding academy no matter if CVTC or Cornell High School has class that day.
Course Material Fees Agri-science/Ag Tech courses may require a fee for project materials. Welding/Shop courses require the purchase of safety glasses and welding gloves.
Use of Technology Devices The Cornell School District is no longer responsible for fixing Chromebooks. Insurance information is available on the Cornell District Website. Any student who is taking a College Course must provide their own laptop/device if one is needed for the class. This includes all classes in the DL room or on the polycom.
Your Transcript
Schedule Changes No Schedule Changes after schedules are received in the office unless the class is more rigorous.
Class Registration Discuss/review briefly what your post-secondary plans are with your parents or guardians. What career were you matched with on Career Cruising? Which classes should you take to help you achieve your goals? Sign up for classes for next year.