SHS PSAT/NMSQT Overview January 18th 2017 Understanding Scores
What is the SAT? The Suite of Assessments is a group of assessments that measure a student's college and career readiness from grades 8-12. It measures the knowledge, skills, and understandings that are essential for success in college and career. These test included the PSAT 8/9, PSAT/NMSQT 10/11, culminating into the SAT.(Grades 11 &12)
What does the PSAT/NMSQT Measure? It measures the knowledge and skills that research shows are most essential for college and career readiness and success. Reading Test/Writing Test/Language Test Math Test
How is the PSAT/NMSQT scored? Students raw scores are computed as the number of questions correctly answered. No penalty for guessing-there is nothing deducted for incorrect answers or for unanswered questions. Raw score is converted to a scaled score of 160 to 760.
PSAT Scored Con’t The Conversion Process adjusts for slight differences in difficulty that is consistent across forms. The process ensures that no student receives an advantage or disadvantage from taking a particular form of the test on a particular day.
PSAT/NMSQT Total Scores Total Score-combination of Evidence Based Reading and Writing Score (160-760) Math Score (160-760) Total score range (320-1520) Three Test Score Range 8-38 (Reading, Writing, & Math) Cross Test Scores (Analysis In History/Social Studies Analysis Science Sub Scores (1-15) Seven areas listed on report
Relating Current Scores to Pre-2015 test Scores Redesigned PSAT/NMSQT is a different test than those administered prior to 2015 Numerical scores on one test will not be equivalent to same numerical score on another test. Scale score has changed so that all assessments are on the same vertical scale. Concordances tables.
Students who wish to improve their Performance on the SAT should: Develop academic skills through challenging course work. Read extensively and develop strong writing skills. Engage in deliberate practice in the three math areas that are emphasized the most in the assessments. Link to Khan Academy for score report
SHS: Summary of Performance by Mean Total Scores 10th Grade 333 Test Takers 838 mean 885 District 909 State Male 835 Female 841 11th Grade 49 Test Takers 1023 mean 1027 District 1032 State Male 1094 Female 994