PG-26765: Culture and People Lecture C&P5 Assessment support
Structure of the Session Assignment structure & presentation Assignment referencing & plagiarism Assignment submission & feedback
Assessment Regime Task A [Individual Task] = 80% Module assessment is ONE item of coursework with TWO tasks: Task A [Individual Task] = 80% Task B [Group Task] = 20% Assignment Brief is available online [doc & pdf]
Assessment Regime Module assessment Task A is ONE item of coursework: A 6000 word report Assignment is available online [doc] Submission must be made online through Turnitin
Report structure – cover page Your name Programme details Module details Report title
Report structure – Executive summary Context Aim of the report Your approach to addressing the tasks Main findings Recommendations Do not just re- state the tasks in the brief
Report structure – contents page Reference list not bibliography No appendices
Assignment Introduction This report should be prepared individually and should have a formal structure and layout It should be submitted as one single document 6000 words maximum excluding references All sources, concepts and models should be identified and referenced fully using the Harvard APA style (6th edition)
Assignment Introduction Critically evaluate the dynamics of your team and discuss the impacts of these dynamics upon the management of your team project. Issues to consider include culture, leadership, team roles and skills, technology, and the team’s structure or development. Provide examples from both your experience and reading to support your arguments where appropriate.
Assignment task 1 A critical analysis of the dynamics of your team Strengths (1) (2) (3) etc Weaknesses Opportunities Threats
Assignment Introduction Develop a change management strategy for your team that identifies the practices that should be adopted to improve the team’s assessment and feedback processes. The strategy should discuss the rationale for the changes to be implemented and describe the change management process. It should identify key factors that could affect the successful implementation of your strategy, and include proposals that explain how they should be managed.
Assignment task 2 (ii) Proposals Proposal Objectives (O) Actions (A) Targets (T) Proposal 1 Proposal 2 Proposal 3
Task A assessment criteria Objectives i-ii: Contributes 80% of the overall module mark Item Marks Evaluation of team dynamics 15% Discussion of dynamics on project management 25% Change management strategy Strategy implementation issues Structure and presentation of the report 10% Use of Harvard referencing
Assignment content – approximate word count Item Marks Words Executive summary 400 Evaluation of team dynamics 15% 1040 Discussion of dynamics on project management 25% 1560 Change management strategy Strategy implementation issues Conclusions
Report presentation & structure Executive summary Contents list Consistent formatting – line spacing, indentation font style and size Structuring in paragraphs – development of argument, inclusion of evidence Limited spelling, typographical and punctuation errors Harvard APA 6th edition
Report presentation & structure A4 format, single line spaced, 12pt font size [Arial?], pages numbered; All pages in ‘portrait’ – no ‘landscape’ pages No spacing of sections on new pages; Write in coherent [multi-sentence, not bullet point] paragraphs; use of illustrations [where appropriate]; 6000 word maximum [excluding the Reference section] NO Appendices
Report presentation & structure APA (Harvard) style (e.g. All references cited in the report must be listed in the Reference section. All references listed in the Reference section must be cited in the report.).
Task B Assessment criteria Task B: Contributes 20% of the overall module mark Item Marks Presentation of the research findings 20% Quality of powerpoint slides / materials Quality of oral presentation (individual group members’ input) 50% Quality of response to questioning 10%
PG-26765: Culture and People Lecture C&P5 Assessment support