SM1 Semester 2 Vocabulary Review
Skeletal Vocabulary 1 Skeletal – pertaining to Skelton. Appendicular – includes 126 bones of pelvis, shoulders, arms, & legs. Bursa – saclike cavity filled with fluid to prevent friction. Cartilage - fibrous connective tissue. Compact – having a dense structure, hard. Extremity – arm or leg. Ligament – fibrous tissue that connects bone to bone. Orthopedic – pertaining to corrections of deformities. Plaque – mass adhering to surface of tooth, composed of bacteria saliva and organic waste. Resorption – loss of bone tissue caused by action of specialized cells. Tendon – fibrous cord that attaches muscle to bone.
Skeletal Vocabulary 2 Articulation – joint. Axial – includes 80 bones of head and trunk. Cancellous – spongy structure, soft. Collagen – white protein fibers of skin, tendons, bone and cartilage. Degeneration – having progressively less function. Fascia – fibrous connective tissue that joins organs. Marrow – soft organic material filling cavities of bones. Periosteum – specialized connective tissue covering all bones of body. Synovial – pertaining to transparent alkaline fluid contained in joints. Prosthesis – artificial substitute for a missing body part.
Nervous Vocabulary 1 Brain stem – maintains heartbeat, respiration and BP. Cerebrum – largest area of the brain. Dementia – Organic loss of intellectual function. Efferent – motor neurons. Impulse – sudden pushing force. Interneurons – connecting nerves that carry messages from afferent nerves to efferent nerves. Meninges – 3 membranes that surround and protect brain and spinal cord. Neurotransmitter – chemical messenger, released rom axon of 1 neuron that travels to another nearby neuron. Polarity – specialization of a nerve cell determining flow of impulses. Reflex – an involuntary action in response to a stimulus. Somatic nervous system – voluntary nerves Synapse – space between 2 neurons.
Nervous Vocabulary 2 Cerebellum – directs coordination, muscles tone, equilibrium. Cerebrospinal fluid – fluid contained in brain’s ventricles, intracranial spaces and ventral canal of spinal cord. Diencephalon – contains hypothalamus and thalamus, regulates and coordinates activity of ANS, controls hormone secretion and appetite. Epilepsy – Transient disturbances of brain function. Intracranial – situated within the cranium. Ischemia – insufficient blood to a body part caused by functional constriction of actual obstruction of blood vessels. Myelography – radiographs of spinal cord after injection of a contrast medium. Neuron – highly specialized, basic element of nervous system. Polyneuritis – inflammation of many nerves at once. Central nervous system – control center. Stimulus – any substance or action that produces a response.
Muscular Vocabulary 1 Antagonist – muscle that acts in opposition to the action of another muscle. Atrophy – wasting away, decrease in size. Contraction – shortening of muscle tissue. Dystrophy – muscle disorder resulting from defective or faulty nutrition, abnormal development, infection. Extension – increasing an angel at a joint. Flaccid – soft. Flexion – decreasing angle at a joint. Myalgia – muscle pain. Paralysis – loss or impairment of motor function. Muscle tone (tonus) – partial contraction, maintains posture. Tetanic – continued contraction of muscle. Convulsion – groups of muscle contract in abnormal manner.
Muscular Vocabulary 2 Posture – attitude or position of the body. Prime mover – muscle that acts directly to bring about a desired movement. Range of motion – active or passive movements of muscle groups to the full extent possible. Sarcomere – repeating units of muscle fibers with the ability to contract. Skeletal – pertaining to the framework of the body. Stimulus – any agent that produces a change in the development or function of tissue. Tonus – slight contraction of muscle. Visceral – pertaining to any large interior organ in any one of the cavities of the body. Isotonic – muscle shortening produces movement through a full range of motion. Isometric – contraction/shortening of muscle with no joint movement. Fibrillation – uncoordinated contraction of muscle fiber. Spasms – involuntary contractions.
Integumentary Vocabulary 1 Adipose – fat tissue. Autograft – transplantation of healthy tissue from one site to another in the same individual. Ceruminous – ear wax. Dermatitis – inflammation of the skin. Dermatomycosis – fungal infection of the skin. Ecchymosis – a bruise. Follicle – sac or pouch like depression or cavity. Keratosis – over growth & thickening of the epidermis. Melanin – dark pigment of the skin. Papilla – nipple shaped projection or elevation. Subcutaneous – beneath the skin. Verruca – a wart.
Integumentary Vocabulary 2 Albinism – absence of pigment in the skin, hair and eyes due to an abnormality in porcduction of melanin. Biopsy – removal and examination of living tissue. Debridement – removal of foreign material and dead/damaged tissue, in a wound. Dermis – inner or deeper layer of skin, consisting of nerve and blood vessels. Diaphoresis – condition of profuse or excessive sweating. Epidermis – outer layer of skin that forms a protective covering of the body and does not have a blood or nerve supply. Hirsutism – excessive growth of hair in unusual places, especially in women. Lunula – small crescent shaped area of fingernail. Pilus – hair. Sebaceous – pertaining to sebum or greasy substance Sudoriferous – conveying sweat. Vitiligo – loss of skin pigmentation characterized by mild-white patches.