Harry Harlow By Nobuko Brady
Harry Frederic Israel Born on October 31st, 1905 Grew up in Fairfield, southeast Iowa Small and shy
Israel Family Alonzo (Lon) Harlow Israel Mable Rock Israel Dropped out of medical school Good at inventing – washer Ran a general store with Mable Mable Rock Israel Small Not a warm woman 本はお母さんのことについてあんまり話さなかったけど、unfinished autobiographyでハリーが言ってた一言
Israel Family 4 boys Not attending to church Parenting style Robert, Delmer, Harry, Hue Not attending to church couldn’t find their denomination Seen as not very social Parenting style Did not raise the boys to be conformers Encouraged the boys to be successful Harry had three brothers Robert, Delmer, and Hue. First to think for themselves, fitting took in second place Parents and relatives saved up money for college
Elementary to High school Loved writing poems and drawing Wrote 14 classmates poems topped out on an aptitude test by University of Iowa. Graduated from high school in 1923 “be famous” High school grades were not too good or bad, and topped out….
College A year at Reed College Transferred to Stanford Got interested in Zoology Transferred to Stanford Got C+ in English Changed his major to Psychology He liked zoology, but he hated dissection of frog, so he was interested in science like zoology but not related to dead frog.
Stanford University Mentors Dissertation Calvin Stone Walter Miles Lewis Terman Stanford-Binet IQ test Research on gifted students Dissertation Feeding habits in baby rats Animal Behaviorist Editor of Comparative and Psychological Psychology Moral mentor Harry had a lot of experience with rats while he was working under them. Terman Developed Stanford-Binet IQ Test and did research on gifted students
Name change and Job at UW Terman suggested to change name Israel to Harlow for prejudice towards Jews at that time Accepted as an assistant Psychology professor in 1930 Only 4 professors Old rat lab for research His name was still Israel but changed anyways
Clara Mears Harry’s graduate student One of Terman’s gifted students Smart, friendly, and warm Harry and Clara got married n May 7th, 1932 UW rule Clara dropped out Ph.D Program Worked at a department store
Animal experiments Rats are the main research animal Harry experimented on cats and frogs Clara suggested orangutans Harry went to Henry Vilas Zoo intelligence test on Orangutans & Baboon intellectually curious fell in love with one of Harry’s student Harry decided to study monkeys Harry was tired of rats he did not like cats and frogs either Harry was interested in Orangutans
Abraham Maslow Harry’s first graduate student Hierarchy of needs Dissertation Hierarchy of primates at the zoo Harry was close to him. They were close and they both knew monkeys were extraordinary animal when other people did not believe. Hierarchy shapes social lives Alpha males – the power monkeys Related their hierarchy system to human society
The 1st Primate Lab at UW After 2 years, Harry was finally offered a primate research lab An abandoned building Renovated and built an outside cage Football players Poor students
Animal Intelligence Monkeys in the lab escaped often Harry believed in “Animal intelligence” Behaviorism was big Animals can be conditioned but are not intelligent and have no emotions. Harry was not against classical conditioning But did not cover everything.
WGTA (1938) Wisconsin General Test Apparatus Became famous among primates research Skinner also approved
Rhesus Macaques Used WGTA Cheapest kind of monkeys Still one of the most used monkeys for research Smart and show humanistic behaviors Used WGTA Harry treated them very well because he had a limited number of monkeys
Curiosity Monkeys who get treats vs no treats Monkeys who did NOT get treats did BETTER on the intelligence test. Less distracted Monkeys do not try to learn for food They are curious. This was not conditioning, this was learning. .
End of 1st Marriage Harry and Clara had two sons Stressed about his private life Spend most of his time at the lab Took his son to the lab but never talked to him On September 6, 1946, Clara and Harry divorced Clara took the boys with her to Rhode island
Goon Park Nick name of Psychology department at UW- Madison An uneasy atmosphere in the department Members did not speak to each other Professors blamed others for stealing each other’s work
Margaret(Peggy) Kuenne Harry’s fellow researcher Beautiful and smart Had wedding on February 4th, 1948 UW forced Peggy quit as a researcher Hired as an unofficial editor at the lab Had two children Work is first, Family is second Maggy loved her children Different face in front of her children Harry helped Peggy taking care of children when he had a time. He still spent most of his times at the lab He thought of his research clues as family Even though according to UW policy, Peggy had to quit being a researcher, because she had PHd In psychology and respected as a good scientist, she was able to work as an editor.
Harry Harlow’s personality Sarcastic Edgy Completely opposed to sentiment Not a good father Perfect for his job – very objective Research love as science Harry did not have anybody close to him He was sad from his divorce Started drinking by himself Loneliness
Isolation Practices Orphanages – “Baby killers” ¼ of babies born between 1850 to 1900 died before they turned 4 In some orphanages, the death rate was 100% of babies younger than 1 sicknesses & diseases Isolation Doctors thought this is the way to resolve this problem Keep no germ environments Touching or hugging were seen as unnecessary The death rate reduced, however, babies were dying 7 times faster than toddlers. Until then, they were sleeping in a same room but after this, they started sleeping in a different room; only limited touching
Love research before Harry Watson Love and affections between parents and child do not naturally exist emotions have to be controlled Babies have to be push towards independence Spitz Babies stayed in orphanage, others went to childcare in a female jail. Babies who had interaction with girls in the jail was healthier Bowlby Attachment theory
Harry’s Research: Mother Love Harry started separating baby monkeys from others. Based on the idea of isolated children’s hospital at that time Baby monkeys started being weird and Harry wondered why Bill Mason Graduate student from Stanford Idea of comparing monkeys with cloth and without cloth Harry connected Mason’s idea with his thoughts about mother love This time, Harry has not discovered what kind of influence separated monkeys can have. Research showed primates like blankets Human Babies like blankets too
Wire Mother vs Cloth Mother Two types of mothers Wire and Cloth Method 4 monkeys with wire mothers with milk and cloth mothers without milk 4 monkeys with wire mothers without milk and cloth mothers with milk
Results Up to 6 months, both group spend most of their times with the cloth mother An average of 18 hours a day on cloth mother Less than 1-2 hours on the wire mother “Contact comfort” provided by the softness of the cloth covering Mother love Extension of research Scared by a toy Open field https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OrNBEhzjg8I https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_O60TYAIgC4&t=1s
Spreading “the Nature of Love” Harry became a president of American Psychological Association(APA) in 1958 His research - “The Nature of Love” He became very busy after he published his work Harry’s data was more scientific so it was accepted Allowed other studies about attachment to be affirmed.
After damage Monkeys who were in this experiment started acting weird Screaming, biting themselves, pulling out their hair Curling up in a corner Researchers did not know why this happened No give and take of love
Social intelligence Social Intelligence… the ability to get along with others Monkeys grew up with only their mothers or with another monkey in the same cage Not socially and mentally healthy Baby monkeys were lacking “social intelligence” Timing of different stages of social development is important Interacting with others is vital. Babies first have to feel comfort and security Noticing the time when you hold your baby tight and make them be independent.
Nuclear Family Started and ran by Peggy Harlow Father, mother, and siblings Play with other monkeys – Play is important Need more than one relationship Love is not made from only one relationship, but from many relationships The most healthy mokneys
Monster mothers To see if mothers cause mental illness With a spike (not sharp edge) Blew a strong air Pushed the monkey away Shook the monkey off Baby Monkeys came back Hold mothers even more stronger Interpreted those monkeys with human abused children
Harry’s success and depression Became the president of National Institutes of Health (NIH) primate research center in Madison in 1967 Only one in the Midwest The first primatologist to win the National Medal of Science. Harry was not very happy Harry became depressed Peggy was diagnosed with breast cancer in the same year Felt like he reached the top and cannot do any more than this.
Dark research Isolation experiment on new born baby monkeys 30 days Some of them refused to eat after they got out from the cage and died. 6 months A year Bullied by other monkeys No sexual feeling “Rape Rack” Have no love for their children
Dark Research Pit of despair V shaped chamber After 3 days, monkeys stopped trying to get out Monkeys became very depressed Even those who were previously healthy
Baby therapists Baby monkeys were used as therapists Peer therapy Integrated with depressed monkeys Interacted with them Depressed monkeys slowly recovered Peer therapy Can be a remedy for isolated children
Peggy’s death Peggy could not finish her nuclear family experiment Died on August 11, 1971 Admitted as a psychology professor right before her death
Later Life Remarried to Clara in 1972 He was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease Clara and Harry moved to Arizona Harry missed Wisconsin 40 years in Madison At the end of 1970’s he got worse Drinking, smoking, not much sleeping, Peggy’s death, Parkinson… Died on December 6th, 1981
Criticisms Feminist Animal rights Place in society as a mother Animal rights Cruel experiments “rape rack”, “pit of despair” Targeted Harry’s fellows Needed coldly objective data to advance psychology
Harry’s Influence Changed psychology in a better way Showing affection and compassion for babies is normal now His experiments are used for studying treatment for abused children Love is survival “ You have to learn how to love before you learn how to live.”
Discussion Questions Do you think his results justify his methods for his experiments? Why? Can you think of a different way to do it? Do you think his study will be allowed today? UW-Madison – tried replication. How might this have affected Harry’s original study? Harry changed the way the society looks at affection on children. Are there are any ways that the power of science has changed society’s perception?