EAUC-Scotland Campus Sustainability Programme 21 November 2007 Case Studies EAUC-Scotland Campus Sustainability Programme 21 November 2007
OC wanted to recycle more and ultimately reduce the number of 1200litre bins from 4 to 3
What was done Set up working group Senior management support Engaged with CaSPr Envirowise audit Meetings with local authority Proposal to management group Staff workshops Developed posters with SWAG Implemented recycling (staff and students)
Issues Using the right bins Locating bins based on use Lack of time to invest in project Local authority procedures – changes to cleaning contract Lack of money Lack of time to attend events Majority of events not relevant to small rural colleges
Lessons learned Important to engage with staff as early as possible People have been more supportive than anticipated – particularly as staff and students have to take material to central collection points
Other Institutions Shetland FE College and Fisheries College have had a environmental/waste audit undertaken by the Council and the SIC have delivered CIWM training. Elmwood College have been composting for 15 years, diverting 8 skips (£800) from landfill per year. This excludes savings from buying in compost. Moray College are investigating the potential for large-scale in-vessel composting to reduce the amount of compostable material disposed of to landfill and provide them with compost to use around the college. University of St Andrews set up a compulsory recycling scheme for all staff and students in all buildings. They achieved savings of £100 per annum and diverted 22% (1137 tonnes) of waste from landfill in first year. The University of Aberdeen diverted 6 tonnes of furniture waste from landfill by working with Creative Waste Exchange The University of Edinburgh uses a private contractor to collect mixed material for recycling.
A Sustainable College Ref A sustainable college should be… 1 Reducing, re-using and recycling wherever possible 2 Generating their own alternative energy – renewable, bio-fuel, biomass etc 3 Energy efficient - lights on until 10pm every night. Maintenance 4 Including environmental and social issues in purchasing decisions (products and services) 5 Using alternative fuel sources for fleet vehicles such as Bio-diesel 6 Changing working hours to reduce travel (e.g. work from home/flexible working hours) 7 Composting 8 Providing education on sustainable development for business 9 Purchasing as much green energy from their electricity supplier as possible 10 Using resources as efficiently as possible – only using what is needed 11 Educating staff, students and community on individual responsibilities associated with reducing environmental impact and encouraging sustainable development
A sustainable college continued… Research into sustainable technologies Incorporating Sustainable development in corporate strategy Monitoring and reporting on performance - management systems Supporting communities in developing countries Challenging different perspectives Incorporating environmental and social costs in financial planning Reducing environmental footprint / impact Sustainable design and construction Biodiversity More use of video conferencing
Next steps Refer to EAUC waste management guide (www.eaucwasteguide.org.uk) Identify responsibilities for waste within institution Establish costs and consumption levels for waste Establish any waste minimisation projects being undertaken Contact CaSPr Programme managers for advice or strategic partners Participate in the Sustainability Baseline Review Sign up for future CaSPr events