Unit 1: Matters of Life and Death 2013 2014 2015 B5 a b c d Explain Muslim attitudes to cloning. (6marks) a)Explain briefly what is meant by somatic cell therapy(2marks) a)Explain briefly what is meant by abortion (2marks) ‘It is wrong to create saviour siblings.’(6marks) b) Explain briefly why some Muslims approve of somatic cell therapy. (2marks) b) Give two reasons why some Muslims might agree with abortion (2marks) Explain Muslim attitudes to contraception(6marks) c) ‘Women should be able to have artificial insemination if they want it.’ (6marks) c) ‘Parents should be able to design the baby they want.’(6marks) ‘It is not wrong for a woman to have an abortion.’ (6marks) d) ‘Explain why many Muslims do not agree with euthanasia.’(3marks)
Unit 2: Wealth and Poverty 2015 2014 2013 B5 a b c d Explain how Sadaqah might be used to help those in Less Economically Developed Countries (LEDCs). [4 marks] Explain what is meant by sadaqah. [3 marks] Explain why many Less Economically Developed Countries (LEDCs) need help. (6 marks) Explain Muslim attitudes to money. [4 marks] Describe the work of Muslim Aid. [4 marks] ‘It is always right to give charity to the poor and needy.’ (6marks) ‘Muslims should do more to help those who live in poverty in the United Kingdom.’(6marks) ‘Rich people do not have to care for the poor.’ (6marks) Explain how Muslim communities in the UK work to relieve poverty and suffering. (6 marks) ‘People should be able to use their money in any way they want.’(6marks)
Unit 3: Conflict and Suffering 2015 2014 2013 B5 a b c D e Explain why most Muslims disagree with terrorism. [4 marks] Explain what Islam teaches about justice. [3 marks] Explain why many Muslims think that no country should have nuclear weapons (3marks) ‘No country should have nuclear weapons.’(6marks) Explain the purpose of greater jihad. [3 marks] Explain the difference between greater jihad and lesser jihad.(3marks) Explain why it is acceptable for Muslims to take part in acts of protest. [4 marks] Explain how Muslims may protest against something without using violence. [3 marks] ‘Terrorism is always wrong.’(6marks) Explain why some Muslims agree with pacifism (4 marks) ‘Muslims should never take part in violent protests.’ (3marks) ‘There will never be peace throughout the world.’ (6marks)
2013 2014 2015 B5a b c Explain the causes of pollution. [6 marks] Unit 4: The Environment 2013 2014 2015 B5a b c Explain the causes of pollution. [6 marks] Explain Muslim attitudes to conservation.(4marks) Explain briefly what is meant by stewardship of the world. [2 marks] Explain why Muslims value the created world. [3 marks] Describe national and international responses to conservation issues. [6 marks] Describe what Muslims might do to protect the environment.(4marks) ‘God looks after the world, so we don’t have to.’ (6marks) ‘Muslims should not agree with experiments on animals.’(3marks) ‘Animal testing should be banned.’(6marks) ‘Animals should never be harmed.’(6marks)
2013 2014 2015 B5 a b c Give two causes of crime.(2marks) Unit5: Crime and Punishment 2013 2014 2015 B5 a b c Give two causes of crime.(2marks) Explain why some people commit crimes. [6 marks] Explain Muslim attitudes to the death penalty (capital punishment). [4 marks] Explain briefly one of the aims of punishment. (2marks) ‘Criminals should be helped, not punished.’ (6marks) ‘Muslims should not forgive criminals.’ (3marks) ‘Muslims should forgive people who commit crimes.’ (3marks) ‘It is wrong to use corporal punishment.’ (6marks) ‘Protection is the most important aim of punishment.’ (6marks) Describe the teaching of Islam about the final judgement before Allah. [6 marks]
Unit6: Relationships and Lifestyle 2013 2014 2015 B5 a b c Explain why many Muslims believe that they should care for the elderly(4marks) ‘Muslims should not smoke tobacco.’ (3marks) Explain Muslim attitudes to gambling. [4 marks] ‘In the United Kingdom, all illegal drugs should be made legal.’ (6marks) Explain briefly what is meant by the legal age of consent for sexual intercourse.(2marks) What is meant by usury?(1mark) Explain the importance of the family in Islam. [4 marks] ‘Sexual relationships should not be controlled by religion.’ (6marks) Explain Muslim attitudes to usury. [3 marks] Explain the role of Islamic schools in the Muslim community. [4 marks] ‘The most important duty of a Muslim is to be a good parent.’(6marks)