Mussolini’s aims for life in fascist Italy Help him secure power Transform Italian society and character Condemned bourgeois mentality- that emphasised family, local loyalties and a comfortable standard of living Mussolini wanted Italy to be tough, war like, disciplined and obedient to their Duce Fascist policies designed to create this jeopardised Mussolini's position with powerful groups
Fascism and the church Mussolini realised he had to compromise Mussolini never lost anti-religious views In what ways did Mussolini show his support of the church? The Lateran agreements Why had the Pope resented the state? How did the Lateran agreements end the conflict? What were the main details of the Lateran agreements? Why were some Italians unimpressed by the agreements? Detail the disagreements between Fascism and the Church that took place following the Lateran agreements?
Did Fascism modernise and transform Italian society?
Fascism and Society Success Failure 4. Fascism and Social life 1. Fascism and anti-Semitism How did Mussolini feel about the Jews? Why did his views begin to change? August 1938 Jews banned from schools October 1938 Jews banned form PNF Nov 1938 banned from marriage with non-J Italy did not collaborate with Holocaust Exemptions for those who fought in WW1 Once South Italy defeated, anti-Jewish laws passed Nov 1943 decree ordered rounding up of Jews 7500 sent to death camps, 600 survived 3. Fascism and Youth What was Mussolini’s dream? All teachers required to take a loyalty oath- Fascist Teachers’ Association Duce’s portrait hung in classes, teachers told to emphasise greatness of Mussolini Only patriotic books and lessons allowed Under Mussolini Italy would be great again Italy had saved GB, Fr and USA from defeat! What was the fascist youth movement and how did it operate? Fascism and Society 4. Fascism and Social life Dopolavoro set up 1925 to influence Italian social life What activities/venues did this involve? How popular was the programme? What other measures did Mussolini take to interfere in Italian social life? EXT: Copy summary diagram page 109 2. Fascism and Women, Battle for Births Views in common with church, women should be wife and mother, contraception and abortion= bad Schools encouraged girls to gender specific roles Bttle for Births launched 1927, aim population 40 to 60 million What were marriage loans? Fascist propaganda emphasised child birth What happened to people who did not want to be parents? In what ways were women encouraged to stay at home? How successful was the battle for births? 5. Success? Make a table where was Mussolini successful/unsuccessful in his policies Success Failure