Re-Orientation January 30, 2017
Career Counseling /Student Advising Senior Vice Dean for Education Gail Morrison, MD Student Life Program for Diversity and Inclusion Office of Student Affairs Career Counseling /Student Advising Student Groups Community Service Interest Groups, Cultural Affinity Groups, Community Engagement, Clinical Interest Groups, Recreational Organizations, Houses, Honor Societies Wellness Maintenance Programs, Interventional Programs Programs/Events Orientation, Penn Review, Class meetings, Lectureships, GHHS
Student Affairs Coordinator Advisory Deans Associate Dean, Student Affairs Jon B. Morris, MD Professor of Surgery Marc Levine, MD Neha Vapiwala, MD Mary Cay Harris, MD Skip Brass, MD, PhD Iris Reyes, MD Student Affairs Coordinator Nancy Murphy Associate Director Carrie Barjenbruch
Career Counseling Continuum MS1 and MS2 Career Seminars Shadowing (OSA and Academy of Master Clinicians) Specialty Societies
Promote and support a diverse student body The Program for Diversity and Inclusion (PDI) supports the educational mission of the Perelman School of Medicine by promoting an inclusive, welcoming, supportive and engaged medical student community. PDI’s goals are to: Promote and support a diverse student body Support student-led affinity groups Foster the wellness of students Facilitate the participation of students in community health and engagement WWW.MED.UPENN.EDU/DIVERSITYUME LIKE US ON FACEBOOK @PENNMEDPDI
Diversity & Inclusion Student Advisory Committee (DISAC) Who We Are Dr. Horace DeLisser Associate Dean for Diversity & Inclusion Dr. Cindy Christian Assistant Dean for Diversity & Inclusion Dr. Benoit Dubé Assistant Dean for Diversity & Inclusion Dr. Roy Hamilton Assistant Dean for Diversity & Inclusion Erika Dawson Coordinator Dorothy Harris Administrative Coordinator Diversity & Inclusion Student Advisory Committee (DISAC)
Stop by JMEC 6th Floor to meet with our faculty and staff: Who We Are Stop by JMEC 6th Floor to meet with our faculty and staff: Monday 2 pm – 5 pm: Dr. Horace DeLisser Tuesday Dr. Benoit Dubé Wednesday 3 pm – 5 pm: Thursday Dr. Cindy Christian Friday Dr. Roy Hamilton Erika Dawson and Dorothy Harris are also here Monday-Friday, 8:30 am – 4:30 pm
Meet the Registrar’s Office Helene Weinberg Yvonne Young Charita Brown Beth McNeely
Office of the Registrar OASIS and University Course Scheduling Requests for Documentation (loan deferments, letters of good standing, transcripts, etc) UPHS accounts (Medview, Sunrise, Networks IDs, email)
FAQs My locker won’t open. During office hours (8am-5pm, M-F) come to the Registrar’s Office in the Center for Student Life Before or after office hours and on weekends, call HUP Security at 215-615-5656 Let us answer your Frequently Asked Questions!
What access differences are there between my Penn ID and my HUP ID card? Must use to enter 5th floor through the South Pavilion and Smilow, as well as to enter through the service entrance Necessary to access University resources as a student HUP ID: Double doors on the 1st floor of PCAM In the hospital as needed Let us answer your Frequently Asked Questions!
How do I start a new student group? Apply through MSG on the Student Organizations Directory. Make sure that a similar group doesn’t already exist. The Student Activities Committee (SAC) of MSG will review the request and make a decision. Your group must have a faculty advisor.
How do I reserve a room in JMEC? Email Jon McCabe or Chris Gorman
I’m having trouble with my iPad? For connectivity problems with wifi and general iPad problems (unrelated to Canvas or ExamSoft) 215-573-4636
I’m having trouble with my laptop or computer- is there a way to borrow one from the school? Not through the med school, but through the University Library system, specifically at Weigle Information Commons: You can borrow Macbook laptops, an eBeam and assorted peripheral items at the Education Commons desk in person. Just ask the staffperson on duty. The Macbooks are available for individual loan, as well as in a group for use in a class or workshop. The laptops can be used on-site only and cannot be taken outside the Commons. For more information on reserving the Macbooks for classes, email the Education Commons at Education Commons is located in the Van Pelt Library at 3420 Walnut Street. You must bring your Penn Card for access.
Financial Aid Michael Sabara Jean Fox Questions about your financial aid packages? Talk to Mike or Jean. They answer questions on a case-by-case basis, and can direct you to more information regarding debt management. Available in JMEC 6th floor on a daily basis or by email. and
I need an appointment for a medical issue I am concerned about I need an appointment for a medical issue I am concerned about. How do I get an appointment and how does my insurance work for that? First stop is always your private Primary Care Physician (PCP) or Student Health Services: 215-746-3535 If your PCP is not local, you should use SHS If you are very concerned and need to see a physician before your appointment time, contact JoMo ( You are responsible for following up with your insurance company. You may need to call them to discuss details.
I am stressed out/anxious/depressed - where can I go? Feel free to talk to anyone you feel comfortable talking with, including your Doctoring Preceptors, Advisory Deans, the Office of Student Affairs, the PDI, or the Registrar’s Office, all up on the 6th floor at JMEC. If you would like to talk to someone outside of the medical school, CAPS is open to walk-ins 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Monday, Tuesday, Friday 9 a.m. - 7 p.m. Wednesday, Thursday. Also CAPS is available via phone 24 hours a day: 215-898-7021 If you prefer to set up an appointment with a non-CAPS care provider, refer to your list of OSA recommended providers. Talking to any of these people about your mental health and well being will not affect your grades or professional standing.
I am applying for a research position / fellowship / internship / summer opportunity and need a letter from the school or Dean. Where do I go? Typically this refers to a Letter of Good Standing. The request form can be found in JMEC, 6th floor, or on the Student Portal. You can also visit someone in the Registrar’s Office. Depending on the type of letter and level of personalization required, you can also go to your Advisory Dean or your Doctoring Preceptor. This also can be used as “Proof of Enrollment”
Speaking of summer, are there still research opportunities available? Yes! For information about funded research opportunities: contact Amy Nothelfer in the combined Degree Office or visit their website. Visit the Student Portal for a list of specialties and faculty members currently open to working with students on summer research projects. Email faculty directly for more information.
How do I shadow a clinician? Visit the Student Portal for a list of specialties and faculty members currently open to allowing students to shadow. Academy of Master Clinicians Directly email a faculty member you are interested in shadowing Contact the leaders of clinical interest groups listed on the Student Organizations Directory.
I was mistreated or I saw someone being mistreated (during class, lecture, between classes, doctoring – anywhere). If you are comfortable go directly to your course directors. Email Carrie or JoMo in the Office of Student Affairs Be aware of the PSOM Safe and Healthy Learning Environment Policy Report the issue using Safety Net (anonymous option available) Access and User Guide found on Student Portal Ombudsmen available at any time Email and phone numbers on Student Portal
I’m struggling with exams. Email or visit Carrie in JMEC 6th floor. If you require general study assistance or tips you may be referred to the Weingarten Learning Resources Center. If a subject tutor is needed, Carrie will assign you one. Go directly to Student Disability Services (SDS) at Weingarten Learning Resources Center to discuss concerns and request assessment. They will refer you to an outside source for testing, and will share the approved accommodations results with our office. SDS will not share the reason for accommodations with PSOM. Testing may result in approval for a private room and/or extra time for exams. Other custom accommodations are available, as well. If you have received accommodations in the past you still must self-identify with SDS and meet with a representative from their office. Accepting help from a tutor or receiving accommodations on exams will not appear in your PSOM record or be shared with residency programs.
How do I request an excused absence? For exam schedules, attendance policies, absence requests, please visit the Curriculum section of the Student Portal For ongoing appointment accommodations during clinical year please visit or email Carrie.
I need to be away from med school for a period of time. Email JoMo directly ( Gaps: up to 6 weeks of time away from med school. This generally does not affect graduation date. You will work with the Registrar’s Office to reschedule any courses and exams. Leave of Absences (LOA): up to one year away from med school. Can be requested to complete a degree at another school.
I am injured or sick and need a ride to school. Limited transportation is available through the Penn Department of Transportation and Parking with the Penn Access Transit (PAT) vehicle. Contact SDS at 215-573-9235 for additional information on Penn Access Transit. Information regarding other temporary injuries can be found on the SDS website.
Now that I am considered a “health care professional” how do make sure I’m in full compliance with immunizations and vaccines? TB Testing – initial and annual (initial is over and above University requirement. Hep B Titer (requirement over and above Hep B series). Annual Flu Shot Refer to Immunization and Vaccine guide on Student Portal
How do I get personal packages delivered to JMEC? This is a courtesy and alternate delivery is preferred. PSOM is not responsible for lost or stolen packages. Use your name at JMEC address: Annie Douglas Perelman School of Medicine 3400 Civic Center Blvd JMEC 6th Floor, Bldg 421 Philadelphia, PA 19104 Packages are delivered to the loading dock and may take a few days to make it upstairs. Even if you receive delivery confirmation from the vendor, you must wait for an email from the med school (either Ms. Doris or Dorothy). When you receive that email, the package is ready for pick-up in the package room, JMEC 5-1009. Package room hours are Monday, Wednesday, Friday 10:30am-1pm