Counseling in a Career Pathways System NCPN Conference October 5, 2016 Felicia Gray-Watson Dr. Julia Hamilton
Agenda Career Clusters/Pathway Overview Closing Gaps Counselor and Advisor Roles Career Development Process Stakeholders and Partners SWOT Panel Toolkit Adjourn
What are Career Clusters? Broad groupings of occupations Common Knowledge and Skills Pathways Programs of Study Plan of Study
Career Pathways Degree Certificate Highway 79
Career Pathways Sector Strategies Stackable educational/Training options (POS) Contextual Learning Accelerated/Integrated Education and Training Industry-recognized Credentials Multiple Entry and Exit Points Intensive Wraparound Services Career Development
Career Pathways System Components Legislation and Policies Partnerships Professional Development Accountability and Evaluation System College and Career Readiness Standards Course Sequences Credit Transfer Agreements Counseling and Academic Advising Teaching and Learning Strategies Technical Skills Assessments
Workforce and Economic Development Business/ Industry Secondary Academic & CTE Adult Education Career Pathways Workforce and Economic Development Post Secondary Education
Career Clusters/Pathways What are the Benefits? Students Parents Secondary Post Secondary Workforce Economic Development
What Do Employers Want?
Facts for Thought Business-education partnerships help adults build technical, academic and employability skills through education and on-the-job training. Examples include the Health Careers Collaborative in Cincinnati and the Georgia Power Electrical Lineworker Bootcamp, among many others. (Corporate Voices for Working Families, A Talent Development Solution: Exploring Business Drivers and Returns in Learn and Earn Partnerships, 2012)
How are they being filled? The Gaps What are they? How are they being filled?
Facts for Thought Despite high unemployment rates, employers are struggling to fill job vacancies with qualified workers because of the “skills gap” (National Association of State Directors of Career Technical Education (NASDCTEc), December 2011)
(Manpower Group, Talent Shortage Survey Results, 2014) Facts for Thought Skilled trade workers, engineers, IT staff and nurses are some of the top jobs employers are having trouble filling in the U.S., and CTE plays a critical role in training workers in these areas. (Manpower Group, Talent Shortage Survey Results, 2014)
North Carolina Career and College Promise Filling the Gaps North Carolina Career and College Promise NC Certified Work Ready Communities Others
Facts for Thought Participation in skills-training programs has increased wages and earnings, raised the probability and consistency of employment and led to work in higher-quality jobs. (Maguire et al., Job Training That Works: Findings from the Sectoral Employment Impact Study, Sectoral Employment Initiative: Public/Private Ventures (7), May 2009)
Facts for Thought Forty-three percent of young workers with licenses and certificates earn more than those with an associate degree; 27 percent of young workers with licenses and certificates earn more than those with a bachelor’s degree; and 31 percent of young workers with associate degrees earn more than those with a bachelor’s degree. (Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce, Valuing Certificates, Presentation, 2009)
Facts for Thought Middle-skill jobs, jobs that require education and training beyond high school but less than a bachelor’s degree, are a significant part of the economy. Of the 55 million job openings created by 2020, 30 percent will require some college or a two-year associate degree. (Carnevale et al., Recovery: Job Growth and Education Requirements Through 2020, Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce, 2013)
Career-Ready College-Ready The basic premise is that the responsibility of K-12 educators is to prepare all students for both college and a career. This must be “both/and”, not “either/or”. Students need the same set of skills for both college and the workplace. Academic skills, critical thinking, problem-solving, an ability to synthesize information, communication skills, and the ability to work well on a team.” -- Arne Duncan February 2, 2011
What’s your role in a Career Pathways System?
Helping students and adults answer Who am I? Where am I going? How do I get there?
Career Development Process Middle school : Career Exploration & Transition High school: Career preparation and application Postsecondary: Career Preparation, Management and Lifelong management
Career Development Activities Work-based learning Career Development/4-year plans Assessments/Inventories Resume writing/Mock Interviews Workplace tours Transition plans
Comprehensive Guidance & Career Paths/Clusters Model Missouri Responsive Services Curriculum High Expectations in Academics and CTE (Foundation Knowledge and Skills) Individual Planning System Support Grades K12345 678 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Career Awareness Exploration Planning Comprehensive Guidance Program Associate Degree B.A. Degree Work Rigorous Personal Plan of Study Knowledge + Awareness + Performance Apprenticeship Military Career Path/Clusters as an Organizer for Planning and Decision Making and Curriculum Development Lifetime Success 24
Anchors and Stakeholders Who are they?
Delivered By All for All Career Counseling Delivered By All for All Community Volunteers Classroom Teachers Support Staff Employers Post Secondary Personnel Community/ School Liaison Local School Administrators Parent/Guardian Advisors & Counselors School To Work Coordinators 27
Tearing Down Silos Secondary Post-Secondary Businesses Workforce
No More Silos
Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats
Counselors/Advisors Toolkit
Contact us Felicia Gray-Watson Section Chief, CTE Support Services Career and Technical Education North Carolina Department of Public Instruction (919) 807-3892 Julia Hamilton, EdD Coordinator for Career and Technical Education North Carolina Community College System (919) 807-7130