APRS (Automatic Packet Radio Service) What can you use it for other than position tracking?
Messaging Not stored, they either get through or they are lost Most radios will repeat the message a number of times to increase the chance of it making it to the Internet / callsign Send a message to Callsign-SSID ( ie. KD8LDX-9)
E-Mail One – Way (outbound, send only) Send a message to EMAIL The first “word” should be the email address you're writing to Follow the email address by a space Then write your message
javAPRSSrvr Another Email Server with advanced features Send a Message to EMAIL-2 :me (email@email.net) <= Shortcut to avoid having to write bryan.leenheer@gmail.com each time :me L <= lists all shortcuts you have saved on EMAIL-2 server :me R <= removes the “me” shortcut Also supports email caching and E-mail to APRS (RF) There are other javAPRSSrvr servers than just EMAIL-2
Winlink 2000 Email Can be done both sending and receiving. Send a message to WLNK-1 Message should only be the letter “H” The reply is the command list Complicated, requires Winlink 2000 computer and add-on software to Winlink 2000
WHO-IS Who is that new callsign that just popped up on the screen? Send a message to WHO-IS (or WHO-15) Put just the callsign you're interested in into the message text box Add a lowercase f and a space before the callsign for full information on the call
CQSRVR Send a message to CQSRVR Start the message with CQ (space)(name of event) Example: CQ FD (used for Field Day) Example: CQ CQ (used to solicit messages worldwide) Anyone sending a message to CQ (name) after you will appear on your display Does not work with tactical callsigns
ANSRVR Not used for soliciting contacts Used for making announcements to a Global Group Same format message as CQSRVR
Bulletins Good for Weather Statuses Send a message to BLN(bulletin number from 0-9) followed by 5 filler spaces Note there is no space between BLN and the number APRS digipeaters should store the bulletin and repeat it a few times an hour for a few hours
Announcements Good for announcing Meetings, Hamfests, etc Send a message to BLN(upper-case Letter) followed by 5 filler spaces Note there is no space between BLN and the letter APRS digipeaters should store the bulletin and retransmit it around once an hour over a day or two
Group Bulletins Good for announcements within groups Same structure as a bulletin/announcement, with up to 5 characters instead of spaces as the group name. Pad out the group name to 5 spaces with a space if group name is short Group names should be agreed upon by the group and are setup on each member's equipment APRS Digipeater should handle the message as either a bulletin or announcement
Weather Weather stations can be tied into APRS Weather station report can contain: Wind speed, direction and gust speed Temperature Barometric Pressure Rainfall Humidity Other data collected
Telemetry How's the battery doing at the remote site? User-defined, sent as 4 separate messages A Parameter Name message. A Unit/Label message. An Equation Coefficients message. A Bit Sense/Project Name message. Lots of math can be done to keep these efficient
Objects Stuck in Traffic? Let your fellow hams know! Note that some objects should be implemented by the sysop of the digipeater and not by home/mobile Change the MYCALL in your mobile to TRAFFC Change the icon to a star or a triangle and beacon your position. Add your callsign into the status text or make sure to change MYCALL back to your callsign-SSID before 10 minutes – stay legal!
Twitter and Facebook Join http://73s.com Link your twitter and facebook accounts to 73s Send a message to 73S The server at 73s.com will republish your message as a status on the two social media outlets