Statistically Foolproof for 2017 Note Marketing For Results Jeff Armstrong
If it’s important to you, you will find a way If it’s important to you, you will find a way. If not, you’ll find an excuse.
T W I T A That’s What I’m Talking About TWITA!
MOST amount of prospects in the LEAST amount of time for the Marketing is: Finding the MOST amount of prospects in the LEAST amount of time for the LEAST amount of money.
What does a good marketing plan consist of? 1 marketing method? 2 marketing methods? 3 marketing methods?
you will need to test and retest When creating your marketing plan you will need to test and retest different methods until you find what works best for you. What works for one does not necessarily work for another.
Macro Testing Direct Mail Versus Classified Ads & Print Advertising Internet (Banner Ads) Micro Testing Classified Ads - where to place - when to place - what to say - how to say it - who to say it to
Example of a good marketing plan: Method % of Budget Direct Mail 50% Internet 20% Classified Ads 10% Referral Network 10% Direct Contact 10%
of Testing Your Marketing Extreme Details of Testing Your Marketing
Direct Mail
Direct Mail Micro Testing - Geography - Size of note - Age of names - Postcards, letters, responders - Type of paper - Type of envelope - Fonts - Envelope message - Salutation - Body of letter - Signature - Color of signature - Post Script - Postage - When to send out - Tracking
Direct Mail Micro Testing Postcards - Size - Color - Body - Postage - Timing - How often to send - Tracking responses - Responses vs letters - Direct Mail Program
Art of Marketing Classified Ads
Classified Ads Micro Testing - Geography - What section of the paper - Body of Ad - When to run ads - Classified Ad Program
Art of Marketing Referrals
Referral Network Micro Testing - Who - Broadcast faxes - Broadcast emails - Door to Door - Reverse Listing method - Track by referral name - Referral fees - By far the absolute best method for building a referral network is people who were involved in the purchase of a note and saw that you do what you say
Art of Marketing Internet
Internet Micro Testing - NOT A Stand Alone Marketing Method - Websites, track by # of hits - Still in process of being tested - Google Adwords, SEO, Banner Ads - Social Networking, Facebook, Linked In, Twitter, Myspace, You Tube, Four Square, Meet up - Reverse Listing methods – RE listing websites, OWC ads, etc… - HUGE numbers game
How’s Business???… Why the difference??? - Worksheets filled out vs closed transactions 2.94% (1 out of 34) - Broker Worksheets filled out vs closed transactions 0.054% (1 out of 184) Why the difference???
If it’s important to you, you will find a way If it’s important to you, you will find a way. If not, you’ll find an excuse. TWITA!
Statistically Foolproof for 2017 Note Marketing For Results Jeff Armstrong