Ahmad Shauqi (1868-1932)
Mixed origin Studied law and translation In1887 was sent by Khedive Taufiq to France to study Law at the University of Montpellier. Held a high office in the court Composed panegyric poems on official occasions known for his loyalty to Abbas and the Ottomans and his attacks on the British Exiled to Spain in 1915 (during WWI) Developed interest in Spanish Arabic poets while in exile, especially Ibn Zaidun
Wrote poems about the glories of the past Arab civilization of Spain and his nostalgia for Egypt Returned to Egypt after the war to devote his time to literary activities. Identified with the cause of the Egyptian people, nationalistic feelings and aspirations becoming more active, violent (1919). During this time he wrote his poetic dramas. (except for Ali Bayk al-Kabir in 1893) Active until his death in 1932 when he was as one scholar said, "at the height of his great poetic gifts".
First volume of verse published in 1898. Collected works published in four volumes: 1 and 2 in 1926 and 1930, 3 in 1936 and 4 in 1943 (both posthumously) First volume contains poems on historical, political, social themes Second volume contained descriptive, amatory, miscellaneous poems Third volume was devoted to elegies Fourth volume was a mixed collection including poems from the three previous categories as well as juvenilia, fables, poems for children and some humorous verse
In 1961 Muhammed Sabri published 2 more volumes under the title:al-Shauqiyyat al-Majhula In addition to poems he published many short prose romances of indifferent quality. Example: Adhra al Hind (The Maid of India, 1897), Ladiyas, 1899 and others. Translated Lamartine's Le Lac into Arabic verse (translation lost) While in France became interested in theater and wrote the first serious modern Arabic poetic drama Remained a neoclassicist although he borrowed the external form of Western literature Wrote a variation on Avicenna's Ode on the Soul setting an example to be followed by other succeeding poets Accomplishment: made the traditional Abbasid idiom so relevant to the problems of modern life that poetry became a force to be reckoned with in the political life of modern Egypt.