Welcome to U.S. History Mrs. Sammons
Who is Mrs. Sammons? Graduate from the University of Texas. “Hook’Em” Mother of 2 boys – Caleb and Cannon Hailed from LaMarque, Texas. Married 18 years. Taught 19 years.
My Boys
Summer Fun
What will we cover in this class? This class covers the history of the United States from 1877 to present day. All of this information will also be on your STAAR Test at end of year. Passing the U.S. History STAAR EOC is necessary for graduation along with Algebra I, English I & II, and Biology.
STAAR Question Example One major legacy of the Social Gospel Movement was - A an end to racial segregation in Southern states B the conversion of many Catholic immigrants to Protestantism C the intervention of prominent religious leaders into electoral politics D a greater attention to the needs of the poor in industrial society
How Much Do You Remember?? 1776 – The first “cock tail” is ordered in a NY bar due to the decoration of the drink with a bird’s feather *AND the Declaration of Independence was signed. 1781 – The first US bank opens called the Bank of North America **AND the Articles of Confederation are officially ratified. 1783 – Webster’s Dictionary is published **AND the Treaty of Paris 1783 officially ends the 8 yr American Revolution.
How Much Do You Remember ? (cont.) 1787 – The first commercially made ice cream is advertised **AND US Constitution is drafted and ratified. 1803- The first horses arrive in Hawaii **AND the Louisiana Purchase is added to America. How Much Do You Remember ? (cont.)
How Much Do You Remember ? (cont.) 1812- Largest US earthquake, 8.3, hits New Madrid, Missouri, destroying half the town, creating new lakes and reversed the course of the Mississippi River AND the U.S. declares war on Great Britain and War of 1812 begins. 1820- Missouri imposes $1bachelor tax on men 21 to 50 AND The Missouri Compromise establishes line for free vs slave states.
How Much Do You Remember ? (cont.) 1850 – Levi Strauss makes the first pair of blue jeans ** AND the Great Compromise of 1850 is last compromise on slavery. 1860 – Organized baseball is played in San Francisco for 1st time **AND Abraham Lincoln is elected president 1865 – The Secret Service is created, the 1st train robbery occurs in Ohio **AND the Civil War ends.
Interactive Notebooks You will be required to keep an interactive notebook all year for this class. You will need to bring a spiral with 100 or more pages by next class. No composition books. All assignments and notes will be kept in this spiral. this spiral remains in my classroom. If absent, see my notebook for missing assignments. You will be required to come to tutorials to complete anything you missed that day in your interactive notebook. If you are missing 2 assignments, you will be assigned mandatory tutorials. It is always your responsibility to get what you miss when you are absent. You have 2 days for every day you miss to complete missing work.
Remind If you want to receive reminders about upcoming assignments, tests or projects, use the Remind App and do the following: To receive a text: Send the text @05847 to (469)208-5655
Student Calendar with Assignments Date Day Topic and Content Class Activity/Assignment Assessment Aug. 25/26 Mon/Tue 1st Day Syllabus and Intro – Label Map of U.S. Map Aug. 27/28 Wed/Thu Declaration of Independence Analysis of the Declaration of Independence and John Locke’s Second Treatise of Government. Class Discussion and DOI questions Aug.29/Sept.2 Fri/Tue Constitution Constitution Scavenger Hunt using p.130-141. Scavenger Hunt Sept. 3/4 Bill of Rights Intro with English Bill of Rights p.945 in book. Complete Chart on Bill of Rights and Court Cases assignment. **U.S. Map Quiz Chart and Court Cases **US Map QUIZ Sept. 5/8 Fri/Mon Westward Expansion *Westward Movement Vocabulary assignment. *Westward Expansion Annotated Map Vocabulary Assignment & Map Sept. 9/10 Tue/Wed Growth of Railroads “America: Story of US: Heartland” with questions. Assignment on Effects of the Railroad. Video and Railroad questions Sept. 11/12 Thu/Fri Review Class assignment matching facts to terms/policies for chart to review. Review for test on Westward Movement. Review and Chart Sept. 15/16 TEST Westward Movement Test
Grading Policy The class is based on the GISD Grading Policy: 70% Tests, Projects, Major Essays 30% Daily Assignments, Homework, Quizzes Tests: ALL tests will be noted on the class website calendar ahead of time. Check if you are unsure. **You may use your notes on your test.** If a student is absent ON TEST DAY, you must come in within 5 days to make up your test. After 5 days, you will receive a zero. If a student is absent the day BEFORE the test, you are still responsible for taking the test the following class period that it was assigned.
Absences If you are absent, you need to come see Mrs. Sammons before the next class. You will also have to come in to complete the assignment in your spiral.
Test Retakes If a student makes below 70% on a test, GISD Policy allows for the possibility of a retake. The highest grade for a retake is a 70. You only have 5 school days to come in for a retake after receiving graded test from Mrs. Sammons.
Cheating Students need to be familiar with this GISD Policy that came about because of excessive academic dishonesty within the district. There’s no “helping someone” by giving them your answers. Cheating will result in a zero and a referral to the office.
Phones in class…… Do NOT take your phones out in class unless it is specified by mrs. Sammons. If you are caught texting, it will be taken up the first time. This is your only warning. Also, do not unplug anything in mrs. Sammons room so you can charge your phone. See mrs. Sammons if there is some kind of emergency.
Keep Yourself in the Classroom! You may go to the restroom before class AS LONG AS YOU LET ME KNOW! Otherwise, you will be counted tardy. During class, if you leave the room, you have 4 passes per 9 weeks that you may use for the restroom. If you don’t use all 4 passes, you get extra credit added to a low test grade. (5 pts per pass) You should not be gone for longer than 5 minutes. After 15 minutes, you are considered truant and will be turned in to the office so be sure to go in a timely manner. You will lose the privilege of leaving class as well. If you are seen roaming the hallways and not going to the restroom, you will also lose the privilege of leaving my class.