'Tis the Season!
Warm-up (in pairs) 1. Do you enjoy Christmas time? 2. Do you attend any special religious ceremonies during the Christmas season? 3. Do you celebrate Christmas in a special way? 4. Do you decorate the outside of your house for Christmas? 5. Do you have a Christmas tree? If so, how do you decorate it? When do you put it up? When do you take it down? 6. Have you already finished your Christmas shopping? 7. How do you usually spend New Year's Eve? How about New Year's Day? 8. If you could go anywhere during Christmas vacation, where would you go? 9. What are you going to buy your romantic partner for their Christmas present? 10. When does your family open the presents? 11. What is the best Christmas present you've ever gotten?
Christmas The Christmas season begins the day after Thanksgiving. People decorate their houses for Christmas.
Christmas Lights Many house are decorated with lights at night.
Christmas Decorations People decorate the insides of their houses with wreaths, mistletoe, and holly. An evergreen tree with garland and ornaments.
Christmas Decorations People hang stockings on their fireplace mantle or on the staircase. These stockings are filled with stocking stuffers. Some people put up a nativity scene– either in their house or in their yard.
Christmas Traditions Christmas movies Christmas parties Christmas caroling
Christmas Caroling People like to go Christmas caroling in the days before Christmas. Sometimes the people in the houses will give the carolers coffee, hot chocolate, or a small treat to eat.
Christmas Sleigh Rides Christmas carolers sometimes ride in a sleigh. Sleighs do not have wheels. They have skis that slide along on top of the snow. In parts of the USA there is no snow at Christmas. In these people take a wagon ride.
Christmas Traditions Another common tradition is to bake Christmas cookies. People eat Christmas cookies during the whole Christmas season, but on the night of Christmas Eve children leave milk and cookies for Santa Claus.
Christmas Eve Christmas Eve is the 24th of December. Every family has their own tradition for Christmas Eve. Some people go to church, but most people eat a big dinner with their families.
Santa Claus Presents for good kids. Coal for bad kids. On Christmas Eve he flies in a magic sleigh pulled by 9 reindeer. He comes in and leaves through the chimney. Presents for good kids. Coal for bad kids. (Also known as Saint Nicholas, Saint Nick, Kris Kringle, Father Christmas, or simply Santa)
Christmas Day On Christmas morning, Americans exchange gifts with their immediate family. Then they spend the day with their extended family, and have a big dinner in the late afternoon. Most Christian Americans also go to church in the morning.
Other Holidays Many Americans who are Jewish celebrate Hannukah. Some African-Americans celebrate Kwanzaa in December, which celebrates their unique culture and origins.
Charity Many people give generously to the less fortunate at Christmas. The Salvation Army collects money to help poor families.
New Year´s Traditions The Christmas season in the United States ends with New Year’s. In Times Square in NYC, there is a large ball that drops and counts down (10 seconds) to the new year at midnight. This is broadcasted so that people all over the country can watch it on TV.
New Year´s Traditions People make New Year´s resolutions, which are goals people set for themselves for the year to come. For example, many people resolve (or promise) to stop smoking, or to exercise more regularly.
How do you celebrate Christmas in Spain? 1. Did you believe in Santa Claus or the Three Wisemen when you were a child? 2. Do you remember when you found out that Santa Claus/the Three Wisemen weren't real or when your children found out? What was your/their reaction like? 3. What are some popular foods for the Christmas season? 4. Do people in Spain behave differently during Christmas? 5. Do you think Christmas is depressing? (There is a high suicide rate at this time of year.) 6. If you are not a Christian, does the intense focus on Christmas in the U.S. make you feel bad in any way (e.g., ignored, dismissed, angry, etc.)? 7. What is your attitude toward the commercialization of the Christmas season? Is Christmas becoming too commercialized? 7. What is the best Christmas present you have ever gotten?