Disneyland in Kazakhstan Project work Disneyland in Kazakhstan Done by: Dauletyarova Nazerke Iskakova Akzhan (Tourism 2 course) Checked by: Kondybaeva Saltanat
Plan Introduction; The main features of an idea; New Product Development; SWOT analyse; Conclusion;
Disneyland in Kazakhstan The main aim: Give unforgettable impressions for kids and adults, Feeling adrenalin; To increase the number of tourists; To develop the level of economy; The hypothesis: If we realize this idea, it will be a great chances for developing of tourism and economy. The general tasks: - To realize the given ideas; -To pay attention for quality of services;
The main features of an idea To grow the number of tourists; To develop in any side; To give the opportunities for economy; To take a certain revenues from services; To show interests from other countries; To able in competitive;
New Product Development Idea Generation(15 ideas) Safari in KZ, Special places for jumping from parachute; Slides(горки); Leisure centres; Shops, Souvenir centres; Beautiful gardents(flowers, trees); Chairs, лавочки for just relax (benches); Personage in cartoons in our national dresses(ornaments); Idea Screening (3 out of 15) In front of entrance gave our national beverages (shybat and Kymyz for foreiners); Fauntains; Attraction places for adults and kids; Asfalt roads for rollers; Special days for festivals and concerts; Trains, buses, cars for adults and kids; Organize the competitions from some kinds of sport; Concept Development and Testing(Where can we buy it?, and a short characteristics) Location: Almaty, Shymkent, Aktau (Kyzyl-Orda); Marketing Strategy and Development Product: fashion, quality, style and colors Price: 500- 5000 ₸ Place: Almaty, Shymkent, Aktau Promotion: posters, advertising on TV, newspapers, magazines, special/ official sites and rumours;
Biz Analysis Revenues: for month 2 mln Expendicture: for month 900-1 mln Product Development Advertisements; Test Marketing Spread to any regions of Kazakhstan; Commercialization Governments; Sponsership; Family/Friends; Investors; Bank loan; Own savings; Partners;
S The parent company is the world pioneer in amusement parks and theme parks and has an unparalleled brand presence in the entire world. It is the most visited theme park in Europe. The Disney characters that feature in the park have a tremendous merchandising capacity and are a great source of income. It is the firstDisneyland to be openedin Asia and the first to be operated by the Walt Disney Company W 1. Prices are expensive 2. Incidents and accidents over the years have been problematic O The park can leverage on the strong brand presence of its parent brand and can attract more and more visitors from abroad There are fewer amusement parks in Kazakhstan The location of Disneyland, Kazakhstan is easily accessible to a large proportion of its potential customer base T 1.The park invites unfair comparison to the original Disneyland and appears pale in comparison 2.The tourists from outside choose the American Disneyland over the Kazakhstan Disneyland 3.If the park does not keep on adding new attractions, it would lose its charm SWOT analyse
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