Android Flint Aquence Line
Aquence® Technology Clean Rinse Coat Seal Cure Chemically deposited direct to metal organic coating Green chemistry, reduced carbon foot print Environmentally sustainable, no toxic heavy metal & no sludge Simple, energy efficient process Clean Rinse Coat Seal Cure Function – Coating Properties and Adhesion Alkaline cleaner – soil and lubes removed Acidic cleaner – (optional) welds, edges, and heat effected zones cleaned Function: Provide barrier protection coating Aquence Coating = Polymer and pigments Inorganic starter package Function: Add second “passive” layer of protection. “Melt, Coalesce, and Dry Coating” Organic-metallic chemistry Function: Chemical Cure (stand alone coating) Physical Dehydration (primer application) - “Co-Cure”
Example of Aquence® Process As Received After Deoxidine 7005 (acid cleaner) Aquence 930
Automotive Market Applications Aquence® Coatings Automotive Market Applications Structural Suspension Engine / Drive Train Interior Others Engine Cradles Shock Absorbers Motor Mounts Seat Frames Head Lamp Bezels Rear Cradles McPherson Struts Battery Tray Seat Tracks Brake Backing Plates Chassis Frames Control Arms Dust Cover Foot Pedals Steel Wheels Cross Ties Lateral Arms/ Trailing Links Brake Booster Door / Window Frames Stamped Hinges Bumper Insert Rails Coil Springs Axles Steering Links / Columns Small Parts - Bolts Trailer Hitches Top Mounts Drive Shaft Safety / Restraint Parts Lift Jacks
Conventional E-Coating Process (17) Technology Highlight Aquence® 930 Aquence® Excellent corrosion protection for demanding applications as vehicle frames/chassis Co-Cure compatible (2 coating layers, 1 oven cure) No application limitation for part size, shape, density, or complexity Benefits Application Example Excellent corrosion performance Flexible/impact resistance coating Functional UV protection Unlimited throwing power Inside and outside part protection Uniform low gloss appearance Conventional E-Coating Process (17) Aquence Process (11)
E-coat Aquence® 930 Technology Chemical, not electrical deposition (e-coat) Direct to metal application, no pretreatment Simpler, Fewer stages E-coat ® Neutralization Cleaning ZnPh Aquence E-coat DI-Rinse Rinse Activation / Passivation Aquence Seal Rinse Acid Pickle
Aquence® 930 Epoxy-Acrylic Urethane DTM Coating Aquence Paint: Epoxy-Acrylic Mini-Emulsion Urethane Crosslinked Coating Network Function: Organic Coating- Barrier Corrosion Protection Aquence Reaction Rinse: Final Stage, Chemical Rinse Surface Chemistry Through the Uncured Wet Film Function: Corrosion Protection and Film Formation 30,000X
Aquence® 930 Physical Properties Coating Aquence® 930 Adhesion ASTM D 3359 -02 5B Pencil Hardness ASTM D 3363 – 00 ≥ 2H Gravel Resistance ASTM D 3170 ≥ 5A Solvent Resistance > 100 MEK-DR Reverse Impact > 80 in.Ib Fluid Resistance Pass fluid resistance requirements of WSS-M2P185-A1 & A5 specification
Aquence® Performance
Aquence® 930 Coating General Comparative Performance to Zinc-Phos Aquence® 930 Coating General Comparative Performance to Zinc-Phos. + Ecoat Test AQ 930 500 hrs Neutral Salt Spray (NSS) = 1000 hrs Neutral Salt Spray (NSS) 60 Cycles SAE J2334 10 Cycles Volvo VCS 1027-149 68 Cycles GMW 14872 10 Cycles VDA 12 Cycles Ford L467 Edge Coverage +++ Functional UV protection SAE J400 Gravel Heat Resistance >200ºC Fluid Resistance Throwpower, Inside Protection Flexibility - Reverse Impact Hot Salt Water Soak VOC, HAPS, RoHS and No Heavy Metal Color Code AQ930 = AQ930 +
Aquence® 930, Fluid Resistance Ford WSS-M2P185-A1 & A5 specification Coating Temp. / Duration Initial Gloss Final Gloss D Gloss Initial Hardness Final Hardness Initial Adhesion Final Adhesion Windshield Washer 930® RT / 8hrs 40 41 1 4H Grade 0 Brake Fluid 29 26 -3 3H Super Gasoline with Ethanol 28 5 -23 HB Super Gasoline with MPTE 4 -25 Alternative Fuel E85 (with Ethanol) 46 24 -22
Aquence® 930, Fluid Resistance Coating Temp. / Duration Initial Gloss Final Gloss D Gloss Initial Hardness Final Hardness Initial Adhesion Final Adhesion Alternative Fuel M85 (with Methanol) 930® RT / 24hrs 43 25 -18 4H F Grade 0 Diesel 27 24 -3 Biodiesel, B20 33 0.0 3H Manual Transmission 90°C / 24hrs 23 22 -1 Automatic Transmission 70°C / 24hrs 35 31 -4
Aquence® 930, Fluid Resistance Coating Temp. / Duration Initial Gloss Final Gloss D Gloss Initial Hardness Final Hardness Initial Adhesion Final Adhesion Engine Oil 930® 150°C / 500hrs 25 22 -3 4H 2H Grade 0 Engine Coolant, 50% Yellow 70°C / 24hrs 36 38 +2 Engine Coolant, 50% Green 40 45 Engine Coolant, 50% Orange 23 0.0 Power Steering Oil (TBD)
Edge Protection Renault ECC1 (D17 2028), 84 cycles 504hrs NSS Aquence 930 Zinc Phosphate + Ecoat Aquence 930 . Zinc Phosphate + Ecoat . SEM, 1000X . Conventional Process Ecoat 504hrs NSS Zinc Phosphate + Ecoat In the evaluation of coated metal edge protection, the use of neutral salt spray testing can demonstrate the variation in edge protection between coating technologies. Many coated parts have severe specifications for creep from scribe in the center of parts/panels, but allow for edges to be taped or edge corrosion to be Ignored. We recommend that customer evaluate the failure mode of their current production and determine whether edge corrosion is an issue that Needs to be addressed with their current coating material. This may allow them to consider Autophoretic Coatings as a higher quality coating process. ACC 915 Aquence 930 Aquence 930 . 14
Surface Oxidation Rate by FTIR-PAS UV Protection and Durability Florida 1 Year AQ 930 - Direct Exposure DFT Initial = 23 µm DFT Final = 20 µm 87% Film Retention Ecoat - Direct Exposure DFT Initial = 24 µm DFT Final = 8 µm 33% Film Retention In the evaluation of coated metal edge protection, the use of neutral salt spray testing can demonstrate the variation in edge protection between coating technologies. Many coated parts have severe specifications for creep from scribe in the center of parts/panels, but allow for edges to be taped or edge corrosion to be Ignored. We recommend that customer evaluate the failure mode of their current production and determine whether edge corrosion is an issue that Needs to be addressed with their current coating material. This may allow them to consider Autophoretic Coatings as a higher quality coating process. Surface Oxidation Rate by FTIR-PAS DFT = Dry Film Thickness 15
Inside (Tubular) Protection Aquence 930 500 Hours NSS In the evaluation of coated metal edge protection, the use of neutral salt spray testing can demonstrate the variation in edge protection between coating technologies. Many coated parts have severe specifications for creep from scribe in the center of parts/panels, but allow for edges to be taped or edge corrosion to be Ignored. We recommend that customer evaluate the failure mode of their current production and determine whether edge corrosion is an issue that Needs to be addressed with their current coating material. This may allow them to consider Autophoretic Coatings as a higher quality coating process. Ecoat 16
Conical Mandrel D522 – 93a : Pass Flexibility T-Bend Range: Pass: 2T Conical Mandrel D522 – 93a : Pass Reverse Impact ASTM D5420 20, 40, 80, 120, 140 in-lb
1000 hrs NSS AQ 930 System 1008 hrs NSS AQ® 930 1.9 CED + Zn-Phosphate 1.1 Typical OEM Spec ≤ 3 mm Ecoat + Zn-Phosphate AQ 930 Heat Exposure followed by 1008hrs NSS System 48hrs @ 204°C + 1008hrs NSS AQ® 930 5.1 Ecoat + Zn-Phosphate 8.2 (see face rust) System Gloss Loss after Heat DFT Loss AQ® 930 16% 13% Ecoat + Zn. Phos. 54% 26%
Aquence® 930 Approvals OEM Specification Product HYUNDAI / KIA HYUNDAI / KIA MS-630-17, PPS 001 Aquence 930 GENERAL MOTORS GM 998-4132 FORD WSS-M2P177, WSSM2P187, ESB-M64J27, WSS-M2P190 TOYOTA TSH2354G* NISSAN NES M5083 CHRYSLER PS6061, PF9968, PF7051 INTERNATIONAL TRUCK CEMS G-5 Grade 32, TMS 9009 Class II NAVISTAR CEMS Part V Grade 57 PACCAR CMT0030/32 TATA SS7652 Aquence 935G MAHINDRA F000761 ASHOCK LEYLAND PQ7002-0 MAZDA MES MN600 RENAULT CORO 300031 CATERPILLAR 1E2731F Paint JOHN DEERE JDM F17, Level 1 CASE NEW HOLLAND Mat. Spec 86629831
GMW 14872, 68 Cycles of OEM Engine Cradle 10 Years Warranty, 100K Miles Aquence 930 Test Conducted at Michigan Test Institute Official Test Report is available
Example of Industrial Applications (Co - Cure) Trailer Hitches Commercial vehicle Solar Energy Structures Ag/Con Structures Electrical Battery Housing
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