AF Form 883: Privacy Act Statement: USAF Application Records AF Form 883 – Read the entire form. Write the statement “I have read, understand and have received a copy the above”, Sign and date in the white area above the DISCLOSURE IS VOLUNTARY notice.
Rules of Engagement (ROEs) Use Pen Only when filling out forms Fill out the following on this Form: Last Name, First Name, MI Social Security Email Phone, Address AS Year (100 = 4 Year/250 = 3 year) Projected Graduation Date LLAB Class Option (Wed/Fri/Weekend) School
AFROTC Form 20: Application for AFROTC Membership This is a general information sheet and for the most part is self-explanatory. Complete all blocks with the required information (i.e. full address, complete academic major, etc.) The form is continued on the reverse side. Sign and date in both areas indicated. You can check “swear” and/or “affirm” Note: For question number 7, if you answered yes, please annotate in the remarks section the following information: Date of Physical Location of Physical
AFROTC Form 2030: USAF Drug and Alcohol Abuse Certificate Read sections I and II carefully. Answer each question by placing your INTIALS (NOT CHECKS or “NONE”) in the appropriate box. For Section III, read each statement and INITIAL in the box at the end of each statement. Date, Fill in Name and Sign on the bottom of the form Fill out Eval Form if you answered Yes to any of the statements
Drug Test Policy Memorandum of Understanding Read Memorandum Print Last Name, First, MI Sign and Date
AFROTC Form 35: Certification of Involvement with Civil, Military, School, Authorities/Police Read paragraphs a, b, and c, carefully. Print your full name on the blank line immediately below paragraph c. Complete section II with all required information. If you have no involvements, please write “None” where it asks for the type of involvement. Sign and date the form where it asks for signature of cadet. Read and Initial the statement at the bottom of the remarks section.
AFROTC Form 500: Restrictions on Personal Conduct in the Armed Forces Read the entire form. Only sign the first block Date of application Ensure Form only has three sections (Form has recently been updated)
AFROTC Form 3010: USAF Understanding for Dependent Care Responsibility Indicate marital status in Section I. Initial each paragraph in the box to the right in Section II. If you do not have any dependents (husband, wife, children) write “None” and initial beside the word “None” in section III. Complete Section IV only.
Statement of Understanding: Air Force Dependency Policy Write first name in first line Initial under non-contract or contract cadet Sign and Date under “Signature and Date”
DD Form 2005: Privacy Act Statement, Health Records Read the entire form. Write the statement “I have read, understand and have received a copy the above” Sign, Print SSN, and Date
DD Form 93: Record of Emergency Data Read the Instructions to Service Member paragraph. Only fill out sections 1, 2, 3a (Air Force), 6a and b, 7a and b, 8a and b (If applicable), 9a and b (We suggest a parent), 13 a and b, DO NOT SIGN THIS FORM UNTIL TOLD TO DO SO. Your signature must be witnessed by detachment personnel.
AFROTC Enrollment/Enlistment Checklist Enrollment Form is a checklist used for auditing purposes. Fill in your Last Name, First Name, and Middle Initial Initial on the Yes block on the Following Sections 1, 1a, 1b, 1e, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 8a, 10, 12, 13, 14a, 18, 20
Trainee Prohibited Activities Acknowledgement Form DD-2983 Last, First, Middle Initial MIDN AFROTC Det 560 Riverdale, NY, 10463 20150219 Sign Here ABC ABC Trainee Prohibited Activities Acknowledgement Form DD-2983 ABC ABC ABC Read before you sign and initial ABC ABC ABC
Registration Verification/List of Documents Please submit the application with the following documents: - Original & Photocopy of Birth Certificate or Naturalization Certificate - Original & Photocopy of Social Security Card - DoDMERB Certified Unofficial transcripts for all college courses ever taken JROTC/CAP Completion Certificates - Copy of your SAT or ACT scores - MALES ONLY: Selective Service ID #: Print the official letter of verification from Selective Service. - PRIOR SERVICE/CADETS ONLY: DD Form 214/DD Form 785 All documents MUST be hand-submitted to the following: TSgt Jeremy Brown, NCOIC, Personnel: SSgt Ulan Hawthorne, NCOIC, Administration Management: Email or contact at (718) 862-7201 to coordinate drop-off. You can also mail in the application to: ATTN: TSgt Jeremy Brown / SSgt Ulan Hawthorne 3825 Corlear Ave Leo 246 Riverdale NY, 10463 Please contact TSgt Brown or SSgt Hawthorne if you decide to mail in the application. DO NOT MAIL ORIGINAL BIRTH CERTIFICATE OR SOCIAL SECURITY CARD