Dr. Stacey Akers, MD Cancer accounts for nearly one-quarter of deaths in the United States, exceeded only by heart diseases. In 2010, there were 574,743 cancer deaths in the US.
US Mortality, 2014 Cause of Death No. of deaths 2. Cancer 584,881 1. Heart Diseases 611,105 2. Cancer 584,881 3. Chronic lower respiratory diseases 149,205 4. Cerebrovascular diseases 128,978 5. Accidents 130,557 6. Alzheimer disease 84,767 7. Diabetes mellitus 75,578 8. Nephritis* 47,112 9. Influenza & pneumonia 56,979 10. Suicide 41,149 Cancer accounts for nearly one-quarter of deaths in the United States, exceeded only by heart diseases. In 2010, there were 574,743 cancer deaths in the US. Source: US Mortality Data 2014, National Center for Health Statistics, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2012.
All cancer involves changes in genes…. During mitosis & DNA replication mutations occur in the cell’s genetic code Mutations are normally corrected by DNA repair mechanisms If repair mechanism or cell cycle regulation damaged Cell accumulates too many mutations reaches ‘threshold’ tumor development Slide 4: Cancer1 All cancer is genetic because it is caused by an accumulation of mutations in the cell’s genetic code (genes) that lead to tumour development. Threshold effect: During the cell cycle, as the cell goes through DNA replication and mitosis, mistakes or mutations occur in the cell’s genetic code. These mistakes are normally corrected by a class of genes known as DNA mismatch & repair genes. Our cells have a series of checks and balances to maintain the rate of new cell growth and cell death. This balance is maintained by several classes of genes: tumour suppressors, oncogenes, DNA mismatch & repair genes. A cell accumulates mutations either by chance or environmental exposures or due to an inherited defect in the normal DNA repair system. When there are too many changes in the cell’s genetic code, the cell is unable to repair the mutations and/or regulate cell growth. At this point, irreversible changes in the cell’s DNA lead to an atypical cell - with uncontrolled proliferation, this can lead to the development of a tumor.
Sporadic Cancer All cancer arises from changes in genes…. But NOT all cancer is inherited Most cancer is sporadic ~ 80% Due to mutations acquired over a person’s lifetime: Cause unknown – multifactorial Interaction of: age environment, lifestyle (obesity, alcohol), chance, unknown factors Sporadic cancer generally has a later onset Slide 5: Sporadic Cancer In cases of sporadic cancer, mutations in the cell’s genetic code occur after birth. Breast cancer is multifactorial – it is caused by the interaction of many factors such as age, lifestyle, environmental exposures, genetic or chance/unknown factors. Sporadic cancer generally has a later onset as it takes time for a cell to acquire multiple mutations in the genetic code leading to tumour development. Common Question: What are the risk factors for breast cancer? Risk factors with > 2x increased risk for breast cancer: 2 Age Atypical hyperplasia or LCIS diagnosed by breast biopsy. Risk factors associated with breast cancer with < 2x increased risk for developing breast cancer:2 Menarche before age 12 years Menopause after age 55 years First live birth after age 30 years Nulliparity Previous history of breast biopsies Postmenopausal obesity Alcohol use Hormone replacement therapy Excessive radiation exposure
Clustering of Cancer in Families 11% lifetime risk of developing breast cancer ~20% of women with breast cancer have a family history: 10 -15% of breast/ovarian cancer is familial: Due to some factor in the family Environmental Undiscovered gene mutation Chance Generally not eligible for genetic testing 5-10% of breast/ovarian cancer is hereditary: Caused by an inherited gene mutation which causes increased risk for cancer Variety of cancer syndromes About 2/3 of these - BRCA 1 or BRCA 2 mutations May be eligible for genetic testing Slide 6: Clustering of Cancer in Families Approximately 20% of all breast cancer cases are familial. That is, 20% of women with breast cancer have a first, second or third degree relative who has also been diagnosed with cancer. 10 – 15% of familial breast cancer could be due to: - Rare genetic syndromes associated with an increased risk of cancer. - Common (unidentified) familial susceptibility cancer genes - Common environment exposures - Common lifestyle - Chance: Approximately 1 women in 9 or 11% of Canadian women will develop breast cancer in their lifetime.3 5-10% of breast cancer is hereditary – in these cases a person is born with an inherited predisposition to cancer. About two-thirds of these hereditary cases are due to an inherited mutation in BRCA1 or BRCA2 genes.
Genetics (10 % of cancers) Aging Chance Risk Factors Family History Lifestyle Environment Genetics (10 % of cancers) Aging Chance
Risk Factors for hereditary cancer YOUNG Breast <45, Colon <50 RARE Ovarian Male Breast Pancreatic MULTIPLE Two or more different cancers in the same person FAMILY Two or more family members with the same or related types of cancer Breast/Ovary Breast/Thyroid/Uterine Breast/Sarcoma/Brain
Epidemiological, medical and surgical, preventative, and future treatment of Ovarian and Endometrial cancer
Symptoms of Ovarian Cancer Bloating Reflux Weight loss Abdominal pain/fullness Pelvic pain/pressure Urinary frequency
9th most common cancer among women 22,000 Statistics 9th most common cancer among women 22,000 5th most common cause of cancer death 15,000 Leading three malignancies among women: Breast, Lung, Colon Jemal. Cancer Statistics 2012
Epithelial Ovarian Cancer (EOC) Median age of presentation 65 Overall lifetime risk is 1 in 70 1 first degree relative 5% 2 first degree relatives 7% 75-80% of patients are diagnosed with Stage III or IV disease
Low prevalence in women <50 (40/10,000) Ovarian Cancer Risk Factors Poorly understood 85% sporadic Screening General Population?? Low prevalence in women <50 (40/10,000)
Risk Factors Ovarian Cancer Family history (MOST IMPORTANT) primarily 2 or more first degree relatives Age Nulliparity Early menarche, late menopause Late childbirth (age >35) Environmental factors not yet defined
Survival Rates for Ovarian Cancer Need to be Improved Ovarian Cancer 5-yr Survival Rate by Stage Stage Distribution at Diagnosis Survival Rate Stage I 20-27% 73-93% Stage II 5-10% 45-70% Stage III 52-58% 21-37% Stage IV 11-17% 11-25% We know that women who are diagnosed with early stage disease are fundamentally curable. And the 5-year survival rate for Stage 1 ovarian cancer is as high as 93%. However, the majority of women – more than 70 % -- will have advanced stage ovarian cancer at the time of their diagnosis and we see the survival rate dramatically decreases to about 40% for these women So how can we affect survival for women who will be diagnosed with ovarian cancer? Heintz APM, et al. FIGO Annual Report on the Results of Treatment in Gynecologic Cancers. 2000; 24 :107-138. Holschneider CH, Berek JS. Semin Surg Oncol. 2000;19:3-10. 14
Treatment Surgery Chemotherapy
Advanced ovarian cancer (Stage III, Stage IV) Prognosis is poor 25-35% 5-year survival Maximal effort/time/expense has been dedicated to better screening and more effective therapy Over the past 20 years, we have not been successful in changing the survival rate…
Diagnosis and Treatment of Uterine Cancer Sonogram Endometrial biopsy
Uterine cancer Abnormal uterine bleeding Post menopausal bleeding Symptoms Risk Factors Abnormal uterine bleeding Post menopausal bleeding Obesity Unopposed estrogen Diabetes Chronic anovulation Genetic syndrome LYNCH
Evaluation and treatment Endometrial biopsy Hysteroscopy with Dilation and Curettage Total hysterectomy with bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy, selective pelvic and para-aortic lymph node dissection (+/- Adjuvant therapy)
Endometrial Cancer Survival Rates Stage 5 Year Survival (%) I 81-91 II 71-78 III 52-60 IV 14-17
THE DEVELOPMENT OF A HEREDITARY CANCER Tumor develops 2 normal genes 1 damaged gene 1 normal gene 2 damaged genes In hereditary cancer, one damaged gene is inherited. BRCA1/2 function as tumor suppressor genes, helping repair DNA damage. In a cell with two functional copies of a specific tumor suppressor gene, if only one copy of the gene is damaged, the cell will still function properly as the second “back up” copy of the gene is still functional. If the other copy of the gene is damaged within the same cell, the tumor suppressor function of the gene is taken away and the cell can become cancerous. This damage can occur through lifestyle, environmental exposures (carcinogens), and most commonly the normal aging process of cells. The chances of both copies of an important tumor suppressor gene being independently knocked out in the same cell are extremely small. Individuals with hereditary cancer have inherited one nonfunctional copy of a specific tumor suppressor gene in every cell of their body. Therefore these individuals require only one additional mutation to knock out the functional copy of the gene, making cancer development much more likely. Tumor develops 1 damaged gene 1 normal gene 2 damaged genes Myriad Genetics, Inc. © 2006 Myriad Genetic Laboratories, Inc.
Genetics Genetics can help us identify the people who have risks for disease that go far above the general risks Who are the people who have such a risk for cancer that they should take extra steps to detect or prevent this disease?
We start to accumulate damage This damage can lead to disease Time We start off at our genetic best from day one, and then the aging begins Time passes We start to accumulate damage This damage can lead to disease You end up with 23 pairs of chromosomes holding all of our genetic material. You get one of each pair from mom and one of each pair from dad.
Gene mutations increasing risk for ovarian cancer BARD1 BRIP1 CDH1 CHEK2 MRE11A MUTYH NBN PALB2 RAD50 RAD51C RAD51D STK11 TP53 Hereditary breast and ovarian cancer syndrome BRCA1, BRCA2 Lynch syndrome MLH1, MSH2, MSH6, PMS2, EPCAM
BRCA1 and BRCA2 What happens when their function is compromised ? Both genes are tumor suppressors (autosomal dominant): Regulation of cell growth Maintenance of cell cycle Mutation leads to: Inability to regulate cell death Uncontrolled growth, cancer Slide 13: BRCA1 and BRCA2 What happens when their function is compromised? Both BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes are tumour suppressor genes. BRCA1 and BRCA2 are also important in the cell cycle; they have a regulatory role in the rate of cell death. When the function of tumour suppressor genes, like BRCA1 and BRCA2, is compromised, it leads to uncontrolled cell growth, and the accumulation of mutations leading to tumour development. BRCA1 and BRCA2 protein products likely function as ‘caretaker’ genes by maintaining genomic integrity with some role in DNA synthesis and DNA repair. The role of the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes is likely to prevent the accumulation of harmful mutations which could lead to cancer.
Cancer Syndromes Hereditary Breast Cancer Syndromes BRCA1/2 Hereditary Colorectal Cancer Syndromes LYNCH SYNDROME (HNPCC) Colon (<50) Endometrial (<50) Ovarian cancer Account for 10-15% of EOC
Hereditary Ovarian Cancer BRCA 1 Germline Mutations 65-74% Breast Cancer risk 39-46% Ovarian Cancer risk BRCA2 Germline Mutations 12-20% Ovarian Cancer risk ACOG Practice Bulletin #103, 2009.
Screening Guidelines for BRCA Patients Begin at age 30-35 or 5-10 years before earliest diagnosed cancer in family annual CA125 annual TVS NO evidence improved overall survival
RRSO for BRCA BRCA1 Risk of cancer rises in late 30’s and early 40’s (2-3%) Risk of ovarian cancer is 10-21% by age 50 Average age of ovarian cancer diagnosis 53 years BRCA2 Risk of ovarian cancer is 2-3% by age 50 Risk of breast cancer is 26-34% by age 50 RRSO reduces a woman’s risk of developing breast cancer by 40-70% (the protective effect is strongest among premenopausal women) Finch et al. JAMA. 2006
Risk Reduction Oral Contraceptive Pills Breast Feeding Tubal ligation Risk reducing salpingo-oophorectomy
Lynch Syndrome Autosomal dominant 80% risk of developing colon cancer 60% risk of developing endometrial cancer 10-15% risk of developing ovarian cancer Mismatch repair gene defects Testing in women <50 with endometrial cancer Mismatch Repair Genes Repair mistakes that are made in the course of normal cell division MLH1 MSH2 MSH6 PMS2
Lynch syndrome cancer risks General Population Risk Lynch syndrome Colorectal 5.5% 40-80% Uterine 2.7% 25-60% Stomach <1% 1-13% Ovarian 1.6% 1-24% Also at increased risk: Small intestine, biliary system (pancreas, liver, bile duct), brain, skin, and urinary tract (kidneys, ureters, bladder, urethra)
Screening guidelines for HNPCC patients Start at age 25 or 10 years before earliest diagnosed cancer in family annual EMB annual TVS annual Colonoscopy
RRSO for Lynch Syndrome Average age of ovarian cancer 42 years Average age of endometrial cancer is 50 years RRSO associated near 100% reduction in endometrial, ovarian, fallopian and primary peritoneal carcinoma Women with HNPCC mutations should be offered hysterectomy/RRSO by age 35-40 or when child bearing is complete
All patients with a diagnosis of ovarian cancer Who To Test? All patients with a diagnosis of ovarian cancer 20-40% of patients with a mutation will have no family history of cancer NCCN Standard of care to refer all women with breast cancer over the age of 45 and their mutation risk is 4.7% while a single case of ovarian cancer has a risk of 7.7% (at any age, regardless of family history)
Hereditary breast and ovarian cancer syndrome: BRCA1 and BRCA2 Prevalence in the general population: ~1 in 400 Prevalence in the Ashkenazi Jewish population: ~ 1 in 40 Consider when history includes one of the following: Ovarian cancer at any age Breast cancer at or before age 50 Triple negative breast cancer at or before age 60 Two primary breast cancers in the same person or on the same side of family Breast and ovarian cancer in the same person ≥3 relatives with breast, ovarian, pancreatic cancer and/or aggressive prostate cancer on the same side of family Ashkenazi Jewish Ancestry and a personal or family history of breast, ovarian or pancreatic cancer Male breast cancer
Lynch syndrome: MLH1, MSH2, MSH6, PMS2, EPCAM Consider when history includes one of the following: Colon cancer before age 50 Uterine cancer before age 50 ≥ 2 Lynch cancers in the same person ≥ 2 relatives with a Lynch cancer, one <50 years old ≥ 3 relatives with a Lynch cancer at any age
Misconceptions about genetic testing Testing is not covered by insurance. In most instances insurance covers the cost of testing like any other medical expense. Testing is complicated. True and false – choosing the appropriate test is not always simple, there are significant opportunities for misinterpretation. Seek consultation with a health care provider (nurse practitioner, genetic counselor, MD) specializing in hereditary cancer. Testing will cause you to lose your insurance. Concerns exist about genetic discrimination, but after nearly 15 years of clinical testing, no significant problems have been seen. Members of group health insurance plans have protection under Federal Law (HIPPA, 1996). GINA signed into law May 2008, extends protections from discrimination based on genetic information to those with private health insurance
Insurance coverage Covered benefit if medical criteria is met (NCCN criteria). Some insurance have their own criteria. Always pre-authorized by the genetic testing lab Out of pocket cost depends on your insurance plan Discounted prices for those without insurance coverage
Psychological Aspects to Consider Motivation for genetic testing: Reduce uncertainty Learn about risk for children Childbearing/marital decisions Explore further surveillance/treatment options Slide 20: Psychological Aspects to Consider Assessing the patient’s thoughts about breast cancer. Personal experiences affect how patients may feel about testing, treatment and survival from cancer.
Results from Genetic Testing Positive Deleterious mutation identified Negative Interpretation differs if a mutation has previously been identified in the family Mutation known – true negative Mutation unknown – uninformative Variant of unknown significance Significance will depend on how variant tracks through family - i.e. is variant present in people with disease? Can use software to predict functional significance Check with lab to see if reported previously Slide 23: Results of Genetic Testing POSITIVE: a deleterious mutation has been identified. Follow high risk screening recommendations for breast and ovarian cancer. In some provinces expedited testing is available in 6 to 8 weeks. Consider expedited testing in cases of newly diagnosed cancer – a positive result may alter management. Patient may consider surgery instead of radiation treatment. Consider referral to psychologist to help patient adjust to the diagnosis. If they have (or had) cancer, then they are at risk for a second primary (contralateral breast or ovarian cancers). NEGATIVE: interpretation depends on whether or not a deleterious mutation has been previously identified in the family. If a deleterious mutation has been previously identified in the family, then this is the best result - a true negative - and your patient should follow population screening recommendations for breast cancer as they are still at risk for sporadic cancer. If no deleterious mutation has been previously identified and your patient has cancer then the results are uninformative. This may mean: There is a mutation in BRCA genes that is not detectable by the current technology. The family history of cancer is caused by a yet to be discovered gene. The family history of cancer is due to chance or common environmental factors. The family has a rare genetic syndrome that has an associated increased risk for cancer. VARIANT OF UNKNOWN SIGNIFICANCE: It is not known if the changes identified in your patient’s DNA are harmful or benign. A patient may carry a variation in their BRCA genes which may be a harmless polymorphism – a change in genetic code that will not alter the function of the BRCA proteins and therefore not cause an increased risk for cancer but; The patient is still has an increased risk for cancer based on family history. The family history of cancer may be caused by a yet to be discovered gene. The family history of cancer may be due to chance or common environmental factors. The variant may be a harmful mutation causing a predisposition to cancer. Studying other family members with cancer to see whether or not the variant is tracking with cancer in the family may provide clarification for this family. Patient should still follow high risk management recommendations. The clinical significance of these variants may be clarified with further research. Genetics referral is recommended in these circumstances.
Risks and benefits of genetic testing Positive test result Potential Benefits: Clinical intervention may improve outcome Family members at risk can be identified Positive health behavior can be reinforced Reduction of uncertainty Potential Risks: Adverse psychological reaction Family issues/distress Uncertainty -incomplete penetrance Confidentiality issues Intervention carries risk Slide 24: Risk/Benefits/Limitations of Genetic Testing 1 Positive Result: Benefits Explains the pattern of cancer in the family and provides clinical information. Clinical intervention may improve outcome (specific guidelines will be listed later) Family members at risk can be identified and offered testing May benefit from more intensive screening or clinical intervention if mutation positive Positive health behaviour can be reinforced Decreases uncertainty – can move forward acceptance of the disease and consider options for management Positive Result: Risks Adverse psychological reaction Anxiety, depression, grief, isolation, loss of control Guilt or shame for passing it on to their children Fear of disfigurement, of becoming a burden, of dying Fatalistic attitude toward health Family issues – some members may not want this information Uncertainty - incomplete penetrance- some mutation carriers will never develop cancer Unnecessary anxiety, interventions etc. Possible discrimination: insurance, employment Confidentiality issues Surgical intervention (if taken) carries risk
Risks and benefits of genetic testing Negative test result Potential Benefits: Avoidance of unnecessary clinical interventions Emotional - relief Children can be reassured Avoidance of higher insurance premiums Potential Risks: Complacent attitude to health Slide 25: Risk/Benefits/Limitations of Genetic Testing 2 Negative Result: Benefits Avoidance of unnecessary clinical interventions i.e. no need to consider risk reducing surgery. Emotional - relief Importance of positive health behaviour can be reinforced Children can be reassured Theoretically may avoid higher insurance premiums Negative Result: Risks If a mutation was previously identified in the family and the patient’s result is negative this is the best possible outcome. However the patient may still have adverse psychological reactions (uncommon): Survivor guilt, isolation Family dynamics – the patient may not feel accepted by or that they “belong” to the disease group – may include other family members who are at high risk for cancer and are acting as support for the other high risk family members. Patients may feel that their risk to develop cancer is zero and are reluctant to participate in general population screening. – become complacent
Goals of genetic testing Understand cause of cancer in family Surveillance and prevention of other cancers Allow unaffected family members to test Surveillance Prevention options Family planning
Possible risk of another, new cancer Risks to your children Why? Possible risk of another, new cancer Risks to your children Risks to other family members Screening and prevention are often available and may save a life We're trying to predict the future so we can maybe change the future
Gene Panels Cancer risks may not be very high How high does risk need to be before we pursue surgery or medications? Cancer risks may be unclear How do we make medical decisions when we don’t know the risks? We’re still learning The recommendations you get today may be different in 5 years