Forms to be returned! Please return them! Birth certificates. Mrs Ponter is in the office now if you have them with you.
Welcome to Reception
Office Staff Mrs Wilkin Mrs Ponter Miss Turner Mrs Kinnon
Who we are! Mrs Rockell – class teachers Mrs Dorsett – class teachers 3 TA staff Mrs McQuiggin – Head teacher Miss Jones – Deputy Head teacher
School times School starts at 8.45am – children enter the building through the Reception classroom doors. The doors are then locked at 8.55am and any later comers will need to be signed in through the front office. School finishes at 3pm and children are collected from the same door. Children are encouraged to enter and leave the building independently.
Information Please , please, please, make sure we have your up to date telephone contact details. We are now a paperless school and letters and information will be sent to the primary e mail address that is given to us. If your child is ill you need to contact the school on the start date of the illness so that registers can be updated. Holiday forms can be acquired from the office, approved absences are at the discretion of the head teacher.
School Nurse Health checks will be undertaken following the term your child is 5. Ear tests, eye tests, height and weight tests. You will only be contacted following these tests if the nursing teams have concerns. If you have any health concerns about your child – feel free to contact us and we can put you in touch with the school nurse.
School Uniform Tesco online – we have been advised that age sizes are pretty accurate. Jumper / cardigan Dark Grey/Black: Trousers/Skirt/Dress/Shorts. Royal blue/White polo shirt. Summer- Girls blue checked dresses. Black shoes. Book bag. No shaved hair styles or patterns. If your child has pierced ears they can only wear studs. For P.E these must be covered with a plaster prior to school or the child has to do this themselves.
Snacks Children are invited to bring fruit for a morning snack – Monday to Thursday. On Friday - healthy snack. We provide an afternoon fruit snack for children – they can choose to eat it anytime in the afternoon. Water bottles – children are encouraged to drink water throughout the day to remain hydrated.
Free School Dinners Miss Jones Second week in September – opportunity to have a school dinner with your child – sign up for this at the office.
PTFA Mrs Wheeler
Contacts: School website: Mail 01952 388410 Facebook page – Lawley Primary – like us!
P.E. / Forest Schools Children are to come in wearing their P.E kit on the P.E day. Children are to bring their Forest School kit in on a Monday and taken home on a Friday as activities will run throughout the week. P.E. / Crossbar kit- White T-shirt, black shorts, plain black/ navy blue tracksuits and pumps or trainers. Forest School kit- Joggers, jumpers, waterproofs and wellies to remain in school.
Home Visits: Gives you an opportunity to meet us in your home environment. To discuss any thing you think we need to know about your child. Following the home visits you will be informed which registration class your child is in, via letter.
Taster sessions - June 29thth June – invited to attend a session with your child. 7st July – children only for a session. 11th July – children only for a session. Sessions are am or pm – you will be informed about which one to attend.
First weeks back in September! Half days for first week - whichever session your child attends for the taster session will be the session they will attend for this week. School lunch one day second week – sign up through office. As of second week – full time.
Don’t forget Bingo night Monday 17th July! Thanks for listening. Any questions? Don’t forget Bingo night Monday 17th July!