Let’s Talk about Tech P.E. Jason Runk Henrico County Public Schools jbrunk@Henrico.k12.va.us
Audacity Program that allows you to edit and mix music PRO’s CON’s Free Compatible with Windows and Mac CON’s Can be buggy at times Some aspects are more complex, and not as user-friendly
Using Audacity Opening Multiple song tracks on one project Trimming tracks Fading in and out Saving and Exporting
Audacity Application Overlap popular songs over the Fitnessgram fitness tests. Mix multiple songs for field day dances or creative dances. Cut out sections of songs that might be questionable to play for kids
Let’s open Audacity!
Twitter Time!
Transferring Files Apps for easily transferring pictures and video’s Send Anywhere WE Transfer
Downloading and Converting There are many site that can help you to download video’s and songs for your classes Converting sites make it easy to change file formats to make them more compatible with the software you are using. http://convert2mp3.net http://keepvid.com/
Apps for Classroom Management Team Shake Seconds Pro Remind
ScreenCasting A screencast is a digital recording of computer screen Screencastify – Google Chrome Extension Ice Cream - Software
Jason Runk Henrico County Blog : https://runkpe.wordpress.com/ Twitter : @Jrunk3 Email: jbrunk@henrico.k12.va.us