Housing – have your say The Vale’s Local Plan proposes large numbers of new houses in Radley – see map. The Local Plan also has guidelines for the design, size and density of the new houses – see panels alongside. There should be an opportunity for Radley residents to influence what happens through our Neighbourhood Plan, provided we can produce good evidence. So please tell us what you would like to see by adding your views to your questionnaire.
Housing design The Vale has set out the following guidelines for buildings within rural and lower density areas. They should: Be simply integrated into their setting and be at one with the landscape, using landscape elements, tree planting and boundary treatments to establish the new buildings Respond to traditional forms and cluster around a central space in a varied manner Adopt a simple, consistent form, with rectangular floor plans and pitched roofs, in line with traditional buildings in the Vale in rural areas Reflect the scale of the existing buildings in the locality Draw ideas for elevational style and layout from the local context and vernacular while avoiding pastiche Adopt boundary styles (walls, fencing, hedges etc) to reflect the character of the immediate area Include front parking designed and landscaped to avoid it dominating the garden and streetscape. Vale of White Horse DC Design Guide: March 2015. principles DG 76-82
Affordable housing (Social rented, affordable rented and intermediate housing provided for eligible households whose needs are not met by the market.) On sites over 0.1 hectares Local Plan policies are: 35% Affordable housing of which 75% social or affordable rented 25% Intermediate Affordable rented housing = let by local authorities or private registered providers of social housing. Intermediate housing = homes for sale on equity sharing or other low cost terms or for rent at a cost above social rent but below market levels. Local plan core policy 24 .
Housing size and density indicated in the Local Plan for strategic sites For market housing 1 bed – 6% 2 bed – 22% 3 bed – 43% 4+ bed – 30% For affordable housing 1 bed – 27% 2 bed – 35% 3 bed – 34% 4+ bed – 4% The Neighbourhood Plan could seek to modify these requirements if justified by evidence of different local needs The standard density requirement is for 30 dwellings per hectare excluding large areas of open space. This can be modified if it can be shown that development at this density would have an adverse effect on the character of the area. Local Plan Core Policies 22 & 23
Accommodating an ageing population Dwellings for older people should be included in the strategic sites and other suitable locations They should be designed to current Lifetime Homes standards at a minimum. Where possible, such dwellings should be provided as a mix of market and affordable housing in line with policy on affordable housing. Local plan core policy 26.