Options Evening 2017 Dr Thomas: Assistant Head (i/c Curriculum) ethomas@agsb.co.uk Dr Squire: Head of Year 9 ssquire@agsb.co.uk Mrs Howell: Curriculum Administrator phowell@agsb.co.uk
Compulsory Subjects Examination Subjects Non-Examination Subjects Mathematics English Language English Literature Science (dual award or separate Sciences) Religion & Philosophy Foreign Language Physical Education Careers PSHE
AQA L2 Further Maths Qualification Mathematics 8 sets (2 parallel sets of 4) Set 1 and 2 GCSE Maths AQA L2 Further Maths Qualification Set 3 and 4 1 GCSE Maths Mathematics will be discussed in a moment. All boys will follow the same R & P course and after the Xmas exam in Year 11 the subject teacher will decide in consultation with the boy whether or not he takes the Full or Short Course examination
Science Pupils can choose to study Dual award (2 GCSEs) or Separate Sciences (Biology, Chemistry and Physics - 3 GCSEs) Dual Award Science (2 GCSEs) + 3 other options Separate Sciences (3 GCSEs) + 2 other options Biology B1 B2 B3 Chemistry C1 C2 C3 Physics P1 P2 P3 Pupils who study separate sciences will study all three modules in Biology, Chemistry and Physics. Dual award students will study two of the three modules in Biology, Chemistry and Physics (Trilogy route)
Religion and Philosophy All pupils study Religious Studies Pupils are set for English and Religious Studies Sets 1-3 will study the full Religious Studies GCSE Set 4 will study one more hour of English per fortnight and will study the Religious Studies short course (equivalent of half a GCSE) Religious Studies GCSE Module 1 Module 2 Module 3 Module 4 Module 5 Module 6 Module 7 Module 8 The short course includes four modules The full course includes all eight modules
Modern Foreign Language All pupils must study at least one Language Chosen from: French German Spanish Chinese Latin This year Chinese.
Minimum number of GCSEs is 9 ½ Maximum number of GCSEs is 12 GCSE Pathways - AGSB Maths Science English Language Religious Studies Options PE Maximum GCSEs Pupil A – Set 1s Top Set (2) Triple award (3) (2) Set 1 (1) 2 1 12 Pupil B – Set 2s Set 2 (2) (2) Set 2 11 Pupil C – Set 4s Set 4 (1) Dual award (2) (2) Set 4 ( ½ ) 3 9 ½ Minimum number of GCSEs is 9 ½ Maximum number of GCSEs is 12
Options Subjects (2/3 choices) Art and Design Business Studies Computing Chinese Economics Electronics Food and Nutrition French Geography Geology German History Latin Music Design Technology Spanish
Subjects not studied before Business Studies Economics Geology
Information about the course, required skills
Content Covered
How the course is assessed
Online form
Compulsory Subjects
Modern Foreign Language All pupils must study at least one Language Chosen from: French German Spanish Chinese Latin This year Chinese.
All pupils must study at least one Language Chosen from: French German Spanish Chinese Latin
Science Pupils can choose to study Dual award (2 GCSEs) or Separate Sciences (Biology, Chemistry and Physics - 3 GCSEs) Dual Award Science (2 GCSEs) + 3 other options Separate Sciences (3 GCSEs) + 2 other options
Options Subjects (2/3 choices) Art and Design Business Studies Computing Chinese Economics Electronics Food and Nutrition French Geography Geology German History Latin Music Design and Technology Spanish
Pupils cannot study the following combinations: More than one Technology Business Studies and Economics
Completing the form
How and when to access the form Access the form from the school website: Parents Online forms Form is available from February 21st (today) until 10th March What if you change your mind after submitting? Do NOT re-submit a form – ask your son to see me directly
How to make the decisions Read Options booklet Parent and Student Evening School Report (before Christmas) What is he good at? What does he enjoy?
Timeline Options Evening Options Assembly Parent and Student Evening Tuesday 21st February Options Evening Thursday 23th February Options Assembly Thursday 2nd March Parent and Student Evening Friday 10th March Deadline for Online Options Form Monday 13th March Choices are entered into system.