Advising for Two Cores 1988 2013
Which core 1988 The 1988 Core applies to: All students entering prior to fall 2013 All transfer students entering prior to fall 2015 1988 The 2013 Core applies to: All freshmen entering fall 2013 and beyond(including transfer freshmen) All transfers entering fall 2015 and beyond 2013 Freshmen should be advised to be careful about seeking advice from upperclass students, since they will be under different cores. Some new-core language will be used over the next few years with students who are still under the old core. Be sure that students under the old core, especially transfers, know that we are in transition. They need to understand that although THEY are still under the old core, some of the elements of the new core will substitute for requirements they must meet in their (old) core.
Which core Catalog years: …2012, 2013X, 2014X,… 1988 Catalog years: 2013, 2014, 2015,… 2013 Remind students to USE THEIR PROGRAM EVALUATIONS. Students under the old core will see the old core requirements reflected in their program evaluations. Students under the new core will see the new core requirements reflected in their program evaluations.
Which core Green advising folders (Red INCH folders) 1988 Blue advising folders (Purple INCH folders) 2013 Departments who change folder colors by cohort: use green stickers to indicate old core, and use blue stickers to indicate new core. When you work with a student, the FIRST task should be to determine which core she is under. (This affects everything else!)
P@N – students required to archive Core artifacts Portfolio No portfolio required - students under the old Core taking P-EQs will be asked to archive artifacts in P@N 1988 P@N – students required to archive Core artifacts 2013
Foundations No ACS101 1988 ACS101 - 1 cr. - required for students entering as freshmen (non-liberal arts) Core and Portfolio Orientation Workshop - 0 cr. - required for transfers 2013
Foundations ENGW101 & 102 or equiv. - 6 cr. 1988 ENGW101 & 102 or equiv. - 6 cr. 2013
Foundations Transfers with a degree get a waiver for one college writing course 1988 All transfers must complete 6 cr. of college writing (in transfer or at Naz) 2013
Foundations Modern Foreign Language - 6 cr. - 2 semesters of same lang. (BAs and some BS/MUSB progs.) 1988 Modern Foreign Language - 6 cr. - 2 semesters of same lang. (BAs and some BS/MUSB progs.) 2013
Foundations FRS101 - 3 cr. - stand-alone Freshman Seminar 1988 FYS - will be one of the P-EQs for students entering as freshmen 2013
.F designation in course subject Foundations FRS101 1988 .F designation in course subject 2013
FRS waived for transfers with 28 or more credits Foundations FRS waived for transfers with 28 or more credits 1988 FYS and ACS waived for transfers with 28 or more credits, but transfers must take a Core and Portfolio Orientation Workshop (CAPOW) 2013
Perspectives Perspectives I, PIs - 25 cr. - 1 from each area: History, Literature, Mathematics, Natural Science with lab, Philosophy, Religious Studies, Social Science, Fine Arts (NOTE: P-EQs count for PIs, Gs, Ws) 1988 Perspectives-Enduring Questions, P-EQs - 25 cr. - 1 from each area: History, Literature, Mathematics, Natural Science with lab, Philosophy, Religious Studies, Social Science, Visual & Performing Arts (NOTE: 1 must be FYS for students entering as freshmen) 2013
Perspectives PI designation in course title 1988 .Q designation in course subject 2013
Perspectives All PIs count as liberal arts credit 1988 All P-EQs count as liberal arts credit 2013
PII / Integrative Studies Perspectives II, PIIs - 9-12 cr. - depending on degree: BA requires 4 PIIs in four different areas outside of the major - one in math or science BS, MUSB, BFA requires 3 PIIs from three different areas outside of the major 1988 Integrative Studies, IS - 9 cr. - Student choice, thematically related. Must be 200 level or higher Only one may be from the major (prefix) P-EQs are not allowed 2013 Remind students under the new core to touch base with you about their progress in selecting an enduring question and IS courses.
PII / Integrative Studies PII designation in course title 1988 No designation for IS courses 2013
PII / Integrative Studies All PIIs count as liberal arts credits 1988 IS courses may be liberal arts or non-liberal arts 2013
No Core Milestone Experience 1988 Core Milestone Experience, CME050 - 0 cr. - taken during or after 3rd IS course 2013
Other Core Requirements Experiential Learning not required 1988 Experiential Learning, EL – 1 from an approved pathway Credit-bearing ELs are found on NazNet by selecting the “EL” course attribute. Non-credit-bearing EL options are listed on the Core website. 2013 Remind students to start thinking early about possibilities for their EL pathway.
Physical Education (2) – 0 cr. Other Core Requirements Physical Education (2) – 0 cr. 1988 Health & Wellness (1) - PED courses will count in addition to other options that are being developed 2013
Other Core Requirements All writing intensive (W) requirements and the writing assessment have been waived for students under the old core graduating after 8/13. W courses have been discontinued. 1988 Writing to learn strategies are infused in all P-EQs. Writing assessment will occur through the portfolio; the Writing Across the College committee is working on this. 2013
All P-EQs include global and/or cultural content Other Core Requirements Global (1) 1988 All P-EQs include global and/or cultural content 2013
Other Degree Requirements Comprehensive/Senior Experience in major is required for Core 1988 Comprehensive/Senior Experience in major is a degree requirement 2013
Other Degree Requirements 120 credits minimum for degree 1988 120 credits minimum for degree 2013
Other Degree Requirements Liberal arts credits - minimum 90 for BA, 60 for BS, 45 for MUSB, 30 for BFA 1988 Liberal arts credits - minimum 90 for BA, 60 for BS, 45 for MUSB, 30 for BFA 2013
Other Degree Requirements All Core courses count as liberal arts 1988 Core may include some non-liberal arts credits 2013
Other Degree Requirements Liberal arts courses have a course code of “R” 1988 Liberal arts courses have a course code of “R” 2013
Other Degree Requirements Residency - minimum of 30 credits must be completed at Naz with a minimum of 6 credits of Perspectives courses at Naz 1988 Residency - minimum of 30 credits must be completed at Naz with a minimum of: ~ 4 courses - 12 cr. - of P-EQs at Naz for students entering as freshmen ~ 2 courses - 6 cr. - of P-EQs at Naz for students entering as transfers 2013
Program evaluation – tracks all of Core Resources Program evaluation – tracks all of Core 1988 Program evaluation - tracks everything except for IS courses - these are documented in P@N prior to and during the CME. An "S" grade in the CME indicates successful completion of the IS courses and CME. 2013
Core outlined in catalog Resources Core outlined in catalog 1988 Core outlined in catalog and the Core 2013 website is the manual: 2013
Resources Core issues – refer to Heidi Northwood, then Bob Marino 1988 Core issues – refer to Heidi Northwood, then Bob Marino 2013