Answer Documents Submission Student Assessment Division Texas Education Agency
Answer Documents Submission Components of the 2012 Texas Assessment Program State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR) STAAR Spanish STAAR L STAAR Modified STAAR Alternate TAKS and TAKS–M (grades 10 and exit level) Texas English Language Proficiency Assessment System (TELPAS)
Answer Documents Submission STAAR, STAAR Spanish and STAAR L — one combined answer document STAAR Modified — separate answer document STAAR Alternate — no answer documents should be submitted for students assessed with STAAR Alternate
Answer Documents Submission Grade 3 – answer document, not a scorable booklet Precoded labels – EOC, Modified, and grade 4 and 7 writing Precoded answer documents – STAAR grades 3-8 reading, mathematics, science, and social studies
Answer Documents Submission (continued) TELPAS — no answer documents should be submitted except in rare circumstances (details provided in ELL TELPAS presentation) TAKS and TAKS–M — no changes from last year
Answer Documents Submission (continued) Less score codes in STAAR! “S” – tested “A” – absent “O” – other (illness, testing irregularity, EOC/above grade level, etc.) “*” – paper/online or STAAR/STAAR Modified NOTE: For each subject area, only ONE score code should be gridded.
Answer Documents Submission (continued) An “*” score code is present on all STAAR and STAAR Modified answer documents that have two subject areas tested. NOTE: For each subject area, only ONE score code should be gridded.
Answer Documents Submission (continued) TEST TAKEN INFO field — information about the test form (STAAR or STAAR L) and the language version (English or Spanish) must be recorded in this field. “EN” or “SP” for grades 3, 4, and 5 “Blank” bubble for grades 6, 7, 8 “L” bubble for math, science and social studies
Answer Documents Submission (continued) For each subject area tested, only ONE bubble, if applicable, should be gridded in the TEST TAKEN INFO field to show which assessment the student was administered. Determine if the student is eligible for STAAR or STAAR L. Next, determine the language version of the assessment that the student will take (grades 3, 4, and 5 only). Follow the same steps to grid the TEST TAKEN INFO field even if the student is absent from the test or illness/test irregularity occurs during testing.
Answer Documents Submission (continued) STAAR L is NOT available for the subjects listed below: Reading, Writing, English I, English II, and English III STAAR Spanish STAAR Modified
Answer Documents Submission
Answer Documents Submission
Answer Documents Submission Test Taken Information Changes A different process will be used for STAAR than for TAKS (TAKS will use the same process as in the past) Updates will be made through the Texas Assessment Management System An area within “Test Results” will be available to search for the student and make the appropriate updates Because this is a “pilot” year, there will be no charge for making Test Taken Information Changes Updated CSRs and data files will be provided online – will be a charge if districts require hard copy updates
Answer Documents Submission Score Code Changes A different process will be used for STAAR than for TAKS (TAKS will use the same process as in the past) Updates will be made through the Texas Assessment Management System An area within “Test Results” will be available to search for the student and make the appropriate updates Because this is a “pilot” year, there will be no charge for making Score Code Changes Updated CSRs and data files will be provided online – will be a charge if districts require hard copy updates
Answer Documents Submission Student Test Warnings (Record Changes) A different process will be used for STAAR than for TAKS (TAKS will use the same process as in the past) Updates will be made through the Texas Assessment Management System An area within “Test Results” will list all of the students that require an update (update required because the student has invalid ID information – PEIMS ID, name or DOB; or the student’s PEIMS ID matches the student directory but the name/DOB do not) Warnings can be updated as soon as records are processed (do not need to wait until reports are produced) Updated CSRs and data files will be provided online (if the updates are made after the reports have been sent)