#EDC&I 495 World Languages: Standards and Assessment Session 3 Date/Time: Oct. 11, 2003 9-11 am Location: UW LLC Denny Room 109 Presented by Michele Anciaux Aoki, Ph.D., in conjunction with P-20 International Education Summit “Teaching and Learning in a Global Community”
Using proficiency standards for assessment Example of Early Language Listening & Oral Proficiency Assessment (ELLOPA) used at John Stanford International School
Examples of standards-based resources from other states Nebraska K-12 Foreign Language Frameworks http://www.nde.state.ne.us/FORLG/Frameworks/Frameworks.pdf New Jersey World Languages Curriculum Framework http://www.state.nj.us/njded/frameworks/worldlanguages/
How do the Foreign Language Standards align with the EALRs? Washington State Essential Academic Learning Requirements for Reading, Writing, and Communication Reading: http://www.k12.wa.us/curriculumInstruct/reading/pubdocs/pdf/reading.pdf (10 pages) Writing: http://www.k12.wa.us/curriculumInstruct/writing/pubdocs/pdf/writing.pdf (9 pages) Communication: http://www.k12.wa.us/curriculumInstruct/communications/ealrs.aspx
Applying what you’ve learned Analyzing examples of aligned curriculum Developing examples of standards-based curriculum
Following Session 3 Submit an outline, plan, or draft of your paper to the instructor. (The instructor will provide feedback by email.) Submit the final paper to the instructor to be linked on the International Education Washington website: http://internationaledwa.org/