SCHOOL ACCOUNTABILITY UPDATE 15/16 Calculations & Changes under ESSA Steve Baker, Principal, Bluffton High School Cynthia Roach, Sr. Director of Accountability & Assessment, State Board of Education Maggie Paino, Director of School Accountability, Department of Education
OVERVIEW OF A-F SYSTEM Performance 50% Growth 50% STEVE Currently for Grades 3-8: Two domains/indicators make up overall grade—Performance & Growth Performance = 50% of overall grade Growth = 50% of overall grade Currently for Grades 9-12: Three domains/indicators make up overall grade—Performance, Growth, Multiple Measures Performance = 20% of overall grade Growth = 20% of overall grade Multiple Measures = 60% of overall grade Graduation Rate = 30% CCR Achievement Rate = 30%
OVERVIEW OF A-F SYSTEM PERFORMANCE DOMAIN STEVE PERFORMANCE DOMAIN Made up of pass rate & participation rate for E/LA & Math Pass Rate=# students proficient / # students taking test (students enrolled for 162 days only) Participation Rate = # students taking test / # students required to take test (all students enrolled at the time of testing) Points awarded for the performance domain shall equal the pass rate if the participation rate is at least 95%, or t he product of the pass rate & participation rate if participation rate is less than 95% E/La & Math scores are weighted equally to yield the final performance domain score
OVERVIEW OF A-F SYSTEM GROWTH DOMAIN CYNTHIA GROWTH DOMAIN Made up of growth scores for E/LA & Math E/LA & Math weighted equally to get final growth domain score Points awarded to grades 4-10 based on the average of the scores of students in the high performing (top 75%) and low performing (bottom 25%) Points awarded based on growth to proficiency table Considers prior year status on ISTEP+ and current year observed growth
OVERVIEW OF A-F SYSTEM GROWTH DOMAIN CYNTHIA Growth table with target ranges that apply for 15/16 calculations REMINDER ABOUT GROWTH: takes 3-4 years on same assessment for target ranges to stabilize. Target ranges will be reviewed annually until stable to consider new year of test data.
OVERVIEW OF A-F SYSTEM MULTIPLE MEASURES DOMAIN STEVE MULTIPLE MEASURES DOMAIN Currently only applies to grade 12 Made up of 2 rates that are weighted equally to determine overall domain score CCR Achievement Rate How many graduates passed AP or IB exam, earned IC or earned DC (this year will be 2015 cohort) State goal is 25% of graduates earn at least one indicator—defined by SBOE CCR points equal the product of the CCR achievement rate and the state goal factor—maximum of 100 points Graduation Rate Four year grad rate points equal 100 if the rate is at least 90%. Otherwise, points equal the actual four year rate (this will be based on 2015 cohort) PLUS Five year grad rate improvement score equals the difference in the 5 year rate and the 4 year rate for the same cohort (this will be based on 2014 cohort)
OVERVIEW OF A-F SYSTEM FINAL GRADE: Gr 3-8 Building STEVE OVERALL SUMMARY Scores of each domain are weighted accordingly to yield the final overall grade Grading scale = 0-100
OVERVIEW OF A-F SYSTEM FINAL GRADE: Gr 9-12 Building STEVE OVERALL SUMMARY Scores of each domain are weighted accordingly to yield the final overall grade Grading scale = 0-100
ACCOUNTABILITY INDICATORS PERFORMANCE DOMAIN Proficiency Rate Must equally weight English/language arts & Math proficiency on annual statewide assessment Must apply to all tested grades Participation Rate Must measure the achievement of at least 95% of all students for English/language arts & Math assessment separately Must do one of the following if 95% participation not met: Lower summative performance rating Identify school for targeted support & improvement Assign the lowest performance level to the school’s performance domain score Apply a state-determined action that is rigorous and approved by USEd CYNTHIA Not many changes to this domain, but is required to be included Proficiency/pass rate Still only required to look at E/LA & Math proficiency on statewide assessment Participation rate Sanctions required if school does not meet 95% participation on assessment (outlined on screen)—our system does include sanction by awarding less than full points for participation rate in the performance domain, which will ultimately lower the overall performance domain score In addition to sanctions on screen, schools that miss 95% participation for one or more subgroups will have to develop and implement improvement plans that address the reason/s for low participation in the school and include interventions to improve participation rates in subsequent years—must be developed in partnership with stakeholders Participation rate: denominator must include all students enrolled in the school at the time of testing
ACCOUNTABILITY INDICATORS GROWTH DOMAIN Growth to Proficiency Must measure academic progress in English/language arts & Math on annual statewide assessment separately Required indicator for schools with grades 4-8 May be an indicator for schools with grades 9-12 CYNTHIA Anticipate no changes here (we will likely have to adjust the points awarded to ensure and satisfy the requirement of meaningful differentiation)
ACCOUNTABILITY INDICATORS MULTIPLE MEASURES DOMAIN FOR HIGH SCHOOLS Graduation Rate Must be based on the four-year adjusted cohort graduation rate May include extended-year cohort graduation rate CYNTHIA Accountability calculations will have to base graduation rate calculations on the federal calculation (see table above for what this includes/excludes) Major difference between state & federal grad rate is the mobility State includes the following mobility codes, which will not be permitted under federal calculation: Withdrawal because of long term medical condition Placement by court order or DCS Student missing/location of student cannot be determined
ACCOUNTABILITY INDICATORS MULTIPLE MEASURES DOMAIN FOR HIGH SCHOOLS College- and Career-Readiness Achievement Rate Current Indicators Passed an AP exam with a score of 3, 4, or 5 Passed an IB exam with a score of 4, 5, 6, or 7 Earned at least 3 college credits Obtained an industry-recognized credential Proposed Additional Indicators Participation in ASVAB assessment Performance on SAT Performance on ACT Performance on PSAT Completion of 21st Century Scholars Program CYNTHIA Committee looking to expand the CCR indicators to include those under “proposed additional indicators”
ACCOUNTABILITY INDICATORS MULTIPLE MEASURES DOMAIN FOR ELEMENTARY & MIDDLE SCHOOLS Requirements: Measure must be valid, reliable, and comparable across all schools Progress on measure must be likely to increase student achievement Examples of Measures: Access to and completion of advanced coursework Postsecondary readiness School climate & safety Student engagement Educator Engagement CYNTHIA NEW REQUIRED DOMAIN FOR E/MS: This domain has yet to be determined for elementary/middle school grades Considered as a “non-academic” indicator in accountability system Committee is looking at current data collections, and considering what can be done in the short term for this indicator, versus what the state could do in the long-term
ACCOUNTABILITY INDICATORS ENGLISH LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY PROGRESS DOMAIN Requirements: Applies to all schools Must consider English language proficiency level of students Must be based on English learner performance on the annual English language proficiency assessment Must use objective & valid measures of growth/progress What does this domain look at: Students in the English language learner subgroup Performance on WIDA Access 2.0 assessment MAGGIE NEW REQUIRED DOMAIN FOR ALL SCHOOLS Looks only at the English Learner subgroup Utilizes the English language proficiency assessment to measure progress toward English language attainment—WIDA assessment This is a measure of growth/progress versus performance
ACCOUNTABILITY INDICATORS ENGLISH LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY PROGRESS DOMAIN Calculation for Domain Indicator 1. Determine total # of students with a valid WIDA Access score in both current and prior year Step 1 = 50 eligible students 2. Determine # of students who attained or exceeded their individual interim growth target. Step 2 = 38 students 3. Determine # of students who scored at least a 5.0 on the current year WIDA Access exam (attained proficiency). Step 3 = 3 students 4. Add Step 2 and Step 3 total # of students that met the standard Step 4 = 38 + 3 = 41 students 5. Divide Step 4 by Step 1 to determine a percentage that met the standard. Step 5 = 41 / 50 = 82.0% 6. Convert Step 5 into points on a 0 – 100 point scale for the final EL progress indicator score. Step 6 = 82.0% = 82.0 points 7. Goal Factor = 70% of ELs attaining or exceeding their individual interim growth target or attaining proficiency Step 7 = 82.0% > 70.0% = 100.0 points (A) MAGGIE Outline of proposed calculation for EL progress domain Calculation DENOMINATOR: looks at entire EL subgroup at school NUMERATOR: considers those students who have either attained or exceeded their individual interim growth target, or scored at least a 5.0 on WIDA (attained proficiency) Note: state goal is for 70% of EL students to either meet their individual annual goal or attain proficiency—the domain is aligned to this goal. Example: if school hits 70% goal, then receives full 100 points. If not, multiplied by goal factor to determine final score
ACCOUNTABILITY INDICATORS ESSA BREAKDOWN Grades 3-8 Performance Growth English Learner Progress School Quality Student Success Grades 9-12 Graduation Rate College & Career Readiness Achievement MAGGIE Breakdown of all required domains—NOTE: these charts do not reflect actual weights of each domain in the overall calculation Weightings are yet to be determined
DIGGING DEEPER SUBGROUPS Subgroups Included: Economically disadvantaged students Students from each major racial & ethnic group Children with disabilities English learners Super Subgroups are not permitted in place of individual subgroups, but may supplement them N-Size Must be no more than 30, and must not personally identify students Same n-size must be applied to all indicators in accountability system May have different n-sizes for accountability and for reporting ALL (MAGGIE LEADS) Performance on all domains must be disaggregated and reported out by subgroup Cannot substitute super subgroup for individual subgroups when reporting out N-Size Cannot exceed 30 Cannot personally identify students (FERPA) Cannot have different n-sizes for different domain calculations Currently have different n-sizes based on domain—this will have to be adjusted to comply with ESSA
DIGGING DEEPER SUBGROUPS English Learners English learners that attain proficiency (exit EL status) remain in the EL subgroup for 4 years after exiting for academic proficiency purposes only Flexibility for recently arrived English learners for ISTEP+ English/Language arts assessment Option 1: Exempt first year/don’t take ISTEP+ Year One: Participation Only based on WIDA Access Participation Year Two: Performance & Participation on ISTEP+ Year Three: Performance, Participation & Growth on ISTEP+ Option 2: Phase-In Year One: Participation Only based on ISTEP+ Participation Year Two: Participation & Growth on ISTEP+ ALL (MAGGIE LEADS) English Learner Subgroup considerations EL Subgroup definition Can keep students in EL subgroup that have attained English proficiency for 4 years This applies only to academic achievement (performance domain) calculations—does not apply to grad rate, multiple measures, growth (these students will count as non-ELLs when calculating these domains) Flexibility for ELs that are “recently arrived” Recently arrived = enrolled in schools in the US for less than 1 year Applies only to E/LA assessment, NOT Math (this was clarified in regs for ELs) Committee preference is Option 2
DIGGING DEEPER DATA PROCEDURES Partial Enrollment Must include all students enrolled in the same school within an LEA for at least half of the academic year when calculating academic indicator scores Graduation Rate must include student enrolled in the same school for less than half of the academic year If student exited high school without receiving a diploma and without transferring to another high school that grants diplomas during the school year, the LEA must assign the student to either: The high school in which the student was enrolled for the greatest proportion of school days while enrolled in grades 9-12 The high school in which the student was most recently enrolled ALL (MAGGIE LEADS) When calculating domains, must include students enrolled for at least 90 days (50% of school year) Current practice is to include students enrolled for at least 162 days (90% of school year) Comment submitted by SBOE/DOE and IASP to change this regulatory requirement-won’t know until final regs get published if this will be upheld Impact on graduation rate calculation Students count regardless of enrollment, but students who drop out may be assigned either to the high school where the student spent majority of his/her high school career or the school where the student was most recently enrolled—determination to be made
DIGGING DEEPER DATA PROCEDURES Averaging Data for Purposes of Annual Meaningful Differentiation Averaging data across schools years May average data across up to 3 years (year of identification + two school years immediately preceding) Must use same uniform procedures for averaging data & apply to all schools Must report data for a single school year without averaging on SEA & LEA report cards Combining data across grades May combine data across grades in a school Must use same uniform procedures for combining data & apply to all schools Must report data for each grade in the school on SEA & LEA report cards ALL (MAGGIE LEADS) Currently, accountability based on annual results; do not average data for up to three years—this option will be considered by committee Currently, system does combine data across grades—this option will be considered by committee, but likely to remain the same One difference—won’t see aggregation practice over multiple years when calculating individual domains regardless of whether the approach is taken to assess annually or average data over 3 years