Chapter 89 Chapter 74.4. ELPS All School districts shall implement ELPS as an integral part of each subject in the required curriculum. The English language proficiency standards are to be published along with the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) for each subject in the required curriculum.
BICS and CALP Social vs. Academic Language BICS – Basic Interpersonal Communication Skills Social, day-to-day language Playground, lunchroom, centers Develop within six months to two years CALP- Cognitive Academic Language Formal academic learning Listening, speaking, reading, and writing about subject area content Five to seven years to become proficient in academic areas Seven to ten for those with no exposure to English prior to school Add a connection sentence between this information and the why we’ll cover vocabulary and let’s talk strategies. “Many of our students don’t have academic vocabulary in their own native language. This situation is a challenge when they need to learn/understand a second language. As a consequence those students don’t talk much in class and when they do they have challenges using adequate vocabulary.” Remind T that probably the only time students have contact with academic vocabulary and reading is in our classroom since some of them don’t have books at home and academic reading/speaking is not encourage.” Includes content area vocabulary as well as further skills such as comparing, classifying, synthesizing, evaluating, and inferring.
(Reading, Speaking, Listening, Writing) TEC 89.10 Program Content & Design ESL Content –Base ESL Pull-Outs Instruction is in English English is taught through reading language arts, math, science and social studies. ELL strategies applied during daily instruction according to proficiency needs. (Reading, Speaking, Listening, Writing) Classroom resources available for ELLs. Students from one or more classrooms or grade levels attend special intensive language classes for part of each day. ESL specialist may work with ELL’s in their own classrooms and acts as a resource to their regular classroom teachers.
How do students qualify for the ESL Program?
What happens in your child’s ESL classes? Native Language support Extended time for students to process information. Emphasis in vocabulary with visuals Use of SIOP strategies, thinking maps, anchor charts and other instructional strategies. ESL supplemental resources and translations when needed picture, Bilingual/ESL dictionaries and thesauri. Rephrased text when needed.
Five E.L.P.S. Strands ELPS Learning Strategies Listening Reading Speaking Writing
Thinking Maps
TELPAS Texas English Language Proficiency Assessment System
TELPAS provides proficiency level ratings for each language domain, plus an overall, composite rating. The composite rating takes all language domains into account. The composite rating weighs reading and writing more heavily than listening and speaking. 19
How is the assessment administrated? TELPAS uses an online multiple-choice test to assess 2–12 Reading TELPAS uses a holistic rating process to assess K–12 Listening, Speaking, and Writing K–1 Reading A multiple-choice test of English reading proficiency has been state-administered in Texas since 2000. The holistically rated components of TELPAS were benchmarked in spring 2004 and fully implemented in spring 2005.
How do ELL students exit the ESL Program?
Where can you go to verify your student’s grades?
Access HAC on the HMS webpage
ESL Department Page and Resources
HMS ESL Department page
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HMS ESL Department Who to contact…How to contact… Joycelyn Clifton, ESL Academic Lead Teacher – – 281-641-4113 Shirley Gregory, ESL secretary – – 281-641-4127 Amanda Huff-Lachapelle, ESL Level 1/2 Teacher – – 281-641-4093 Leila Velasquez, ESL/SpEd Teacher – – 281-641-4133 Vonsuella Blount, 6th gr. ESL Paraprofessional – – 281-641-4066 Karina Rodriguez, 7th gr. ESL Paraprofessional – – 281-641-4066 Margarita Corpus, 8th gr ESL Paraprofessional – – 281-641-6006