13 Obstetrics and Gynecology
Media Directory Slide 17 Female Reproductive System Anatomy Slide 68 Breast Cancer Video Slide 70 C-section Delivery Video Slide 76 Fetal Monitoring Video Slide 83 Prematurity Video Slide 87 Premenstrual Syndrome Video
Learning Objectives UNDERSTAND the function of the female reproductive system. DESCRIBE the medical specialties of obstetrics and gynecology. DEFINE obstetrics- and gynecology-related combining forms, prefixes, and suffixes.
Learning Objectives IDENTIFY the organs treated in obstetrics and gynecology. BUILD obstetrics and gynecology medical terms from word parts. EXPLAIN obstetrics and gynecology medical terms. USE obstetrics and gynecology abbreviations.
Obstetrics and Gynecology Female reproductive system is vital to continuation of human race Ovaries produce egg cells called ova Fertilization occurs in the fallopian tubes Embryo develops in the uterus During birth, baby passes through vagina Breasts secrete milk to nourish newborn
Obstetrics and Gynecology Ovaries also secrete female sex hormones Estrogen Progesterone Work together to regulate reproductive cycle
Gynecology Branch of medicine that: Diagnoses and treats conditions of female reproductive organs Provides general medical care for women
Obstetrics Branch of medicine that specializes in Pregnancy Childbirth
Obstetrics and Gynecology Combining Forms amni/o amnion cervic/o neck, cervix chori/o chorion colp/o vagina embry/o embryo episi/o vulva fet/o fetus gynec/o woman, female hyster/o uterus lapar/o abdomen mamm/o breast mast/o breast
Obstetrics and Gynecology Combining Forms men/o menses, menstruation metr/o uterus nat/o birth o/o egg oophor/o ovary ovari/o ovary salping/o fallopian tubes, uterine tubes uter/o uterus vagin/o vagina
Additional Combining Forms carcin/o cancer cyst/o bladder fibr/o fibrous hem/o blood olig/o scanty pelv/o pelvis rect/o rectum
Suffix Review -al pertaining to -algia pain -an pertaining to -ary pertaining to -cele protrusion -centesis puncture to withdraw fluid -cyesis pregnancy -cyte cell -ectomy surgical removal -genesis generates -genic producing -gram record -graphy process of recording -gravida pregnancy
Suffix Review -ic pertaining to -ine pertaining to -itis inflammation -logist one who studies -logy study of -lytic destruction -metry process of measuring -nic pertaining to -oid resembling -oma tumor -osis abnormal condition -otomy cutting into -para to bear (offspring)
Suffix Review -partum childbirth -pexy surgical fixation -plasty surgical repair -rrhagia bursting forth -rrhaphy suture -rrhea flow -rrhexis rupture -scope instrument for viewing -scopy process of viewing -tic pertaining to
Prefix Review a- without ante- before dys- painful endo- inner intra- inside nulli- none multi- many neo- new post- after pre- before primi- first trans- across
Female Reproductive System Figure 13.1 Female reproductive system, anterior view.
Female Reproductive System Anatomy Click on the image in presentation mode to view an animation illustrating female reproductive anatomy. The animation may take a moment to play. Click a second time to pause the animation. Back to Directory
Figure 13.2 Full-term pregnancy, fetal structures, lateral view.
Building Obstetrics and Gynecology Terms For each obstetrics and gynecology term introduced on the next few slides, write the completed term in your textbook (pg 269).
Amni/o Combining form meaning amnion Inner sac surrounding fetus Contains amniotic fluid in which fetus floats
Amni/o Build a medical term meaning: flow of amniotic (fluid) amniorrhea rupture of the amnion amniorrhexis amni/o + -rrhexis
Cervic/o Combining form meaning cervix Narrow, lower portion of uterus Opens into vagina Also called neck of the uterus
Cervic/o Build a medical term meaning: pertaining to the cervix cervical inflammation within the cervix endocervicitis
Chori/o Combining form meaning chorion Outer sac surrounding and protecting fetus Forms part of placenta
Chori/o Build a medical term meaning: cancerous tumor of the chorion choriocarcinoma chori/o + carcin + -oma
Colp/o Combining form meaning vagina Muscular tube extending from cervix to outside of body Receives penis and semen during intercourse Also called the birth canal
Vagina Figure 13.3 Vagina.
Colp/o Build a medical term meaning: instrument to visually examine the vagina colposcope surgical removal of the vagina colpectomy colp + -ectomy
Embry/o Combining form meaning embryo Early stage of human development From time of fertilization Until approximately end of second month of pregnancy
Embry/o Build a medical term meaning: producing an embryo embryogenic study of the embryo embryology embry/o + -logy
Episi/o Combining form meaning vulva General term for all female external genitalia including: Labia majora Labia minora Clitoris
Episi/o Build a medical term meaning: surgical repair of the vulva episioplasty
Fet/o Combining form meaning fetus Later stage of human development From approximately beginning of third month to birth
Figure 13.4 Photograph of fetus in the uterus.
Fet/o Build a medical term meaning: pertaining to the fetus fetal instrument for visually examining the fetus fetoscope fet/o + -scope
-gravida Suffix meaning pregnancy Gestation is length of time of a pregnancy Normal gestation for humans is 40 weeks
-gravida Build a medical term meaning: no pregnancies nulligravida first pregnancy primigravida many pregnancies multigravida multi- + -gravida
Gynec/o Combining form meaning female Build a medical term meaning: one who studies the female gynecologist
Hyster/o Combining form meaning uterus Hollow, pear-shaped organ in lower pelvic cavity Between urinary bladder and rectum Fundus is upper portion between where fallopian tubes enter Body of uterus is largest central region
Hyster/o Hollow, pear-shaped organ in lower pelvic cavity Cervix is narrow lowest region that opens into vagina Endometrium is inner lining which thickens during the month and is sloughed off during menstrual period Myometrium is thick muscular wall which contracts to push fetus through birth canal
Uterus Figure 13.5 Uterus.
Hyster/o Build a medical term meaning: surgical fixation of the uterus hysteropexy ruptured uterus hysterorrhexis process of recording the uterus hysterography hyster/o + -graphy
Lapar/o Combining form meaning abdomen Build a medical term meaning: cutting into the abdomen laparotomy
Mamm/o Combining form meaning breast Collection of glands to produce milk to nourish infant Build a medical term meaning: pertaining to the breast mammary surgical repair of the breast mammoplasty
Breast Figure 13.6 Breast.
Mast/o Another combining form meaning breast Build a medical term meaning: breast pain mastalgia mast + -algia
Men/o Combining form meaning menstruation Period of time during the monthly period when endometrial lining of uterus is shed Appears as bloody flow through cervix and vagina
Men/o Build a medical term meaning: without menstrual flow amenorrhea scanty menstrual flow oligomenorrhea olig/o + men/o + -rrhea
Metr/o Another combining form meaning uterus Build a medical term meaning: inner uterus inflammation endometritis flow from uterus metrorrhea
Nat/o Combining form meaning birth Build a medical term meaning: pertaining to a newborn neonatal who studies the newborn neonatologist neo- + nat/o + -logist
O/o Combining form meaning egg Refers to ovum Cell that carries mother's half of chromosomes Combines with sperm to form new human
O/o Build a medical term meaning: egg cell oocyte produces an egg oogenesis o/o + -genesis
Oophor/o Combining form meaning ovary Almond-shaped pair of organs located on each side of uterus Connected to uterus by fallopian (or uterine) tube Produce ova Release of ovum from ovary is called ovulation
Ovary Figure 13.7 Ovary.
Oophor/o Secrete female hormones, estrogen and progesterone Build a medical term meaning: surgical fixation of the ovary oophoropexy oophor/o + -pexy
Ovari/o Another combining form meaning ovary Build a medical term meaning: pertaining to the ovary ovarian ovary and fallopian tube inflammation ovariosalpingitis
-para Suffix meaning to bear (offspring) Refers to the number of times a pregnancy has successfully ended with birth of infant Build a medical term meaning: no births nullipara many births multipara
-partum Suffix meaning childbirth Build a medical term meaning: before childbirth antepartum after childbirth postpartum post- + -partum
Salping/o Combining form meaning fallopian tube Narrow tube that runs from area around each ovary to upper uterus Ovum travels from ovary to uterus through fallopian tube Normal location for fertilization Also called uterine tube
Fallopian Tube Figure 13.8 Fallopian Tube.
Salping/o Build a medical term meaning: record of the fallopian tube salpingogram pregnancy in the fallopian tube salpingocyesis salping/o + -cyesis
Uter/o Another combining form meaning uterus Build a medical term meaning: pertaining to the uterus uterine pertaining to inside the uterus intrauterine intra- + uter + -ine
Vagin/o Another combining form meaning vagina Build a medical term meaning: pertaining to across the vagina transvaginal
Obstetrical and Gynecological Vocabulary Term Explanation abortion (AB) Discharge of embryo from uterus before about 20th week of gestation; spontaneous abortion (miscarriage) is unplanned and due to death of embryo; elective abortion is legal termination of pregnancy; therapeutic abortion is necessary for health of mother abruptio placentae Emergency condition; placenta tears away from uterine wall prior to delivery; requires immediate delivery of baby atresia Lack of normal body opening; hysteratresia is closing of cervix, usually from scarring
Abruptio Placentae Figure 13.9 Illustration showing the premature separation of the placenta in abruptio placentae.
Obstetrical and Gynecological Vocabulary Term Explanation breast cancer Malignant tumor of breast; usually forms in milk glands or lining of milk ducts cervical cancer Malignant tumor of cervix; some cases caused by human papilloma virus (HPV), sexually transmitted virus for which there is now vaccine; regular Pap smear used for early detection cesarean section (CS, C-section) Surgical delivery of baby through incision into abdominal and uterine walls; named for Roman emperor, Julius Caesar, who is said to have been the first person born by this method
Breast Cancer Figure 13.10 Breast with a malignant tumor growing in the milk gland and duct .
Click a second time to pause the video. Breast Cancer Video Click on the image in presentation mode to view a video on breast cancer. Click a second time to pause the video. Back to Directory
Cesarean Section Figure 13.11 The head of a fetus emerges from the uterus during a cesarean section.
C-section Delivery Video Click on the image in presentation mode to view a video of a cesarean delivery. Click a second time to pause the video. Back to Directory
Obstetrical and Gynecological Vocabulary Term Explanation chorionic villus sampling (CVS) Removal of small piece of chorion for genetic analysis; may be done at earlier stage of pregnancy than amniocentesis conization Surgical removal of a core of cervical tissue for biopsy cystocele Hernia or outpouching of bladder protrudes into vagina; may cause urinary frequency and urgency and block vagina
Obstetrical and Gynecological Vocabulary Term Explanation dilation and curettage (D&C) Surgical procedure consisting of widening cervix and scraping or suctioning out endometrial lining of uterus; often performed after spontaneous abortion or to stop excessive bleeding from other causes ectopic pregnancy Pregnancy outside of uterus, usually in fallopian tubes; growing fetus will rupture fallopian tube requiring a salpingectomy endometriosis Occurs when endometrial tissue appears throughout pelvic or abdominal cavity; causes recurring pain and scarring
Figure 13.12 Illustration of common sites for ectopic pregnancy.
Obstetrical and Gynecological Vocabulary Term Explanation endometrial cancer Cancerous tumor forms in lining of uterus fetal monitoring Use of electronic equipment placed on mother's abdomen or fetus' scalp to check fetal heart rate (FHR) and fetal heart tone (FHT) during labor; normal FHR ranges from 120 to 160 beats per minute; drop in fetal heart rate indicates fetal distress fibrocystic breast disease Benign cysts in breast tissue; not precancerous
Endometrial Cancer Figure 13.13 Illustration showing the stages of endometrial cancer. (A) Stage I-localized tumor forms in endometrial tissue. (B) Stage II-tumor grows larger within the uterus. (C) Stage III-tumor spreads to nearby organs. (D) Stage IV-cancerous tumors appear throughout the body
Fetal Monitoring Video Click on the image in presentation mode to view a video on fetal monitoring. Click a second time to pause the video. Back to Directory
Fibrocystic Breast Disease Figure 13.14 Illustration showing the location of a fibrocystic lump in the adipose tissue of the breast.
Obstetrical and Gynecological Vocabulary Term Explanation fibroid tumor Benign tumor of fiber-like tissue; the most common type of tumor in women; grows in the uterus fistula Abnormal passageway between two structures; vesicovaginal fistula is between urinary bladder and vagina; rectovaginal fistula is between rectum and vagina
Figure 13.15 Common sites for the development of fibroid tumors.
Obstetrical and Gynecological Vocabulary Term Explanation hemolytic disease of the newborn (HDN) Condition developing in fetus when mother's blood type is Rh-negative and baby's blood is Rh-positive; antibodies in mother's blood enter fetus' bloodstream through placenta and destroy fetus' red blood cells; causes anemia, jaundice, and enlargement of spleen; treated with intrauterine blood transfusion; also called erythroblastosis fetalis
Obstetrical and Gynecological Vocabulary Term Explanation in vitro fertilization (IVF) Infertility treatment; ova removed from woman are fertilized by sperm externally; embryos returned to uterus for development; commonly called test tube baby infertility Inability to produce children; generally defined as no pregnancy after properly timed intercourse for one year Papanicolaou (Pap) smear Test for cervical cancer; cells are removed from cervix by simple scraping and examined under microscope
Obstetrical and Gynecological Vocabulary Term Explanation pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) Chronic or acute infection, usually bacterial, that ascends through female reproductive tract and out into pelvic cavity; may result in scarring that interferes with fertility placenta previa Placenta forms in lower portion of uterus and blocks birth canal; may require C-section for delivery premature birth Birth of fetus before 37 weeks of gestation
Click a second time to pause the video. Prematurity Video Click on the image in presentation mode to view a video on prematurity. Click a second time to pause the video. Back to Directory
Premature Birth Figure 13.17 A premature infant. Source: Courtesy of Lisa Smith-Pedersen, RN, MSN, NNP-BC./Pearson Education
Placenta Previa Figure 13.16 Illustration of placenta previa showing the placenta growing over the opening of the cervix.
Obstetrical and Gynecological Vocabulary Term Explanation premenstrual syndrome (PMS) Symptoms that develop just prior to onset of menstrual period; may include irritability, headache, tender breasts, and anxiety prolapsed uterus Fallen uterus that can cause cervix to protrude through vaginal opening rectocele Protrusion or herniation of rectum into vagina
Premenstrual Syndrome Video Click on the image in presentation mode to view a video on premenstrual syndrome. Click a second time to pause the video. Back to Directory
Prolapsed Uterus Figure 13.18 Illustration of (A) mild and (B) severely prolapsed uterus.
Obstetrical and Gynecological Vocabulary Term Explanation stillbirth (SB) Birth in which viable-aged fetus dies shortly before or at time of delivery tubal ligation Surgical tying-off of fallopian tubes to prevent pregnancy
Tubal Ligation Figure 13.19 Illustration show laparoscope being used to perform a tubal ligation.
Obstetrics and Gynecology Abbreviations abortion EMB endometrial biopsy BSE breast self-examination ERT estrogen replacement therapy CS, C-section cesarean section FHR fetal heart rate CVS chorionic villus sampling FHT fetal heart tone Cx cervix FTND full-term normal delivery D&C dilation and curettage
Obstetrics and Gynecology Abbreviations GI, grav I first pregnancy HSG hystero-salpingography GYN, gyn gynecology IUD intrauterine device HDN hemolytic disease of the newborn IVF in vitro fertilization HPV human papilloma virus LMP last menstrual period HRT hormone replacement therapy NB newborn OB obstetrics
Obstetrics and Gynecology Abbreviations OCPs oral contraceptives PMS premenstrual syndrome PAP Papanicolaou test SB stillbirth PI, para I first delivery TAH-BSO total abdominal hysterectomy – bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy PID pelvic inflammatory disease
Combining Forms Match Up colp/o episi/o hyster/o lapar/o mast/o uterus vulva vagina abdomen breast