National Survey of Student Engagement Noel-Levitz Satisfaction Surveys VCSU National Surveys National Survey of Student Engagement Noel-Levitz Satisfaction Surveys
NSSE - Inside Results How does VCSU feel about the results? Are their strategic areas or questions we would like to track? 85 questions: 5 Benchmarks (see handout) The NSSE has been completed by Freshman and Senior 3 times 2005, 2007, 2009 The 4th time is Spring 2011
Outside Results How do we compare with our Peer Groups? Plains Public (30 Institutions) Basic Carnegie Classification (110 Institutions) All NSSE Institutions (about 1,400) What does this comparison tell us? How might we use this information? In Marketing Indications of need for improvements or change
Reviewing Results The greater the number of asterisks, the greater the likelihood that this difference did not occur by chance. p=.05 = * p=.01 =** p-.001 = ***
Highest Performing Benchmark Items Relative to Plains Public Comparison Groups Percent of students who... VCSU Plains Public Carnegie Class NSSE 2009 First-Year Students 1r. LAC Worked harder than you expected to meet an instructor's expectations2 70% 53% 58% 57% 1g. ACL Worked with other students on projects during class2 68% 47% 48% 45% 1n. SFI Discussed grades or assignments with an instructor2 65% 49% 52% 1l. EEE Used an electronic medium to discuss or complete an assignment2 54% 8c. SCE Positively rated their relationships with admin. personnel and offices3 77% 59% 63% Seniors 1b. Made a class presentation2 76% 60% 50% 1o. Talked about career plans with a faculty member or advisor2 39% 51% 42% 62% 72% 56% 61% 55% #2 is a combination of students responding “often” or “very often” to the question #3 is responded at least a 5 on a 7 point scale
Lowest Performing Benchmark Items Relative to Plains Public Comparison Groups Percent of students who... VCSU Plains Public Carnegie Class NSSE 2009 First-Year Students 3a. LAC Read more than 10 assigned books or book-length packs of readings 20% 34% 36% 37% 9a. Spent more than 10 hours/week preparing for class (studying, etc.) 47% 60% 54% 1u. EEE Had serious conversations w/ students of another race or ethnicity2 43% 48% 52% 1v. Had serious conversations w/ students of other relig./politics/values2 51% 56% 7e. Completed foreign language coursework 12% 16% 21% Seniors 19% 30% 35% 3d. Wrote more than 4 papers or reports between 5 and 19 pages 29% 41% 46% 58% 59% 13% 32% 7f. Had a study abroad experience 2% 15% 10% #2 is a combination of students responding “often” or “very often” to the question
+ − VCSU 54 53 Active and Collaborative Learning (ACL) 47 52 37 44 Comparison Groups Class VCSU Plains Public Carnegie Class NSSE 2009 Level of Academic Challenge (LAC) How challenging is your institution's intellectual and creative work? First-Year 54 + Senior 53 − Active and Collaborative Learning (ACL) Are your students actively involved in their learning, individually and working with others? 47 52 Student-Faculty Interaction (SFI) Do your students work with faculty members inside and outside the classroom? 37 44 Enriching Educational Experiences (EEE) Do your students take advantage of complementary learning opportunities? 28 Supportive Campus Environment (SCE) Do your students feel the institution is committed to their success? 63 62 Benchmarks of Effective Educational Practice To represent the multi-dimensional nature of student engagement, NSSE developed five indicators of effective educational practice. These "benchmarks" are created from clusters of NSSE questions that best represent these practices. The table below summarizes key benchmark results for your institution and institutions in your selected comparison groups. The ‘+’ symbol indicates that your institution's score is higher than the respective comparison group (p<.05), the ‘-’ symbol indicates a score lower than the comparison group, and a blank space indicates no significant difference. For additional details, review your NSSE 2009 Benchmark Comparisons report.
VCSU compared with Sig b * *** ** LAC 54.2 56.8 -.20 58.9 -.36 ACL VCSU compared with VCSU NSSE 2009 Top 50% NSSE 2009 Top 10% Mean a Sig b Effect size c First-Year LAC 54.2 56.8 * -.20 58.9 *** -.36 ACL 47.1 47.8 -.04 51.7 ** -.27 SFI 37.0 39.1 -.11 43.7 -.33 EEE 28.1 31.0 -.22 32.8 -.35 SCE 63.1 66.2 -.17 69.1 Senior 53.0 60.1 -.51 62.8 -.73 52.5 55.7 -.19 59.1 -.38 43.9 48.8 -.23 -.47 37.5 48.1 -.60 -.98 62.5 64.1 -.09 67.5 Level of Academic Challenge (LAC) Active and Collaborative Learning (ACL) Student-Faculty Interaction (SFI) Enriching Educational Experiences (EEE) Supportive Campus Environment (SCE)
Significantly Lower Significantly Higher Memorizing facts, ideas, or methods from your courses and readings so you can repeat them in pretty much the same form. - SR Voting in local, state, or national elections – FY Select the circle that best represents the extent to which your examinations during the current school year challenged you to do your best work. - SR Using computers in academic work – BOTH Overall, how would you evaluate the quality of academic advising you have received at your institution? – SR Working for pay off campus-FY How would you evaluate your entire educational experience at this institution? - FY
NSSE by Major Arts & Humanities- Art, fine and applied, English (language and literature), History, Journalism, Language and Literature (except English), Music, Philosophy, Speech, Theatre or drama, Theology or religion, and Other arts & humanities. Business: Accounting, Business administration (general), Finance, International business, Marketing, Management, and Other business. Education: Business education, Elementary/middle school education, Music or art education, Physical education or recreation, Secondary education, Special education, and Other education. Professional: Architecture, Urban planning, Health technology (medical, dental, laboratory), Law, Library/archival science, Medicine, Dentistry, Veterinarian, Nursing, Pharmacy, Allied health/other medical, Therapy (occupational, physical, speech), and Other professional. Social Sciences: Anthropology, Economics, Ethnic studies, Geography, Political science (includes govt., int. relations), Psychology, Social work, Sociology, Gender studies, and Other social science. Biological Sciences Physical Sciences Engineering
Noel-Levitz Satisfaction Surveys Student Satisfaction Inventory (SSI) for traditional undergraduate students at four-year and two-year institutions Priorities Survey for Online Learners (PSOL) for students in distance learning programs, primarily over the Internet. Surveys were given in 2006, 2008 & 2010
How Noel-Levitz Works Means for importance and satisfaction for individual items are calculated by summing the respondents’ ratings and dividing by the number of respondents. Performance gap means are calculated by taking the difference between the importance rating and the satisfaction rating. The greater the number of asterisks, the greater the greater the likelihood that this difference did not occur by chance.
High – High – High Importance – Low satisfaction – Low Importance – High satisfaction – Low Importance – Low satisfaction –
Ways to Approach Challenges Changing perceptions through information and communication. Implementing easy and quick actions that resolve the issues. Planning for long-term, strategic adjustments in the delivery of the service.
Student Satisfaction Inventory (SSI) 74 items and 1 Campus item 12 benchmarks Alternate years since 2002 Inside and Outside SSI Results
Priorities Survey for Online Learners (PSOL) 26 questions Five categories Institutional Perceptions Academic Services Instructional Services Enrollment Services Student Services Inside and Outside PSOL Results
Online Learners - Who were surveyed?
So far, how has your college experience met your expectations? VCSU 5.16 ND 5.00 0.16 1=Much worse than expected 0% 1% 2=Quite a bit worse than I expected 3=Worse than I expected 7% 5% 4=About what I expected 33% 34% 5=Better than I expected 21% 24% 6=Quite a bit better than I expected 11% 15% 7=Much better than expected 26% 18% Rate your overall satisfaction with your experience here thus far. 6.12 5.76 0.36* 1=Not satisfied at all 2=Not very satisfied 3=Somewhat dissatisfied 4% 4=Neutral 8% 5=Somewhat satisfied 10% 6=Satisfied 42% 43% 7=Very satisfied 30% All in all, if you had to do it over, would you enroll here again? 6.30 6.00 0.30 1=Definitely not 2=Probably not 3% 3=Maybe not 2% 4=I don't know 5=Maybe yes 6=Probably yes 23% 7=Definitely yes 62% 47% We are significantly better in both 2nd and 3rd questions than the national norm. We are significantly higher *** on all questions in the SSI than the national norm In 2010 we were slightly higher on each question than in 2008 for the SSI