Annual Performance of IDAD Incentive Programmes Western Cape Programme Monitoring and Evaluation Unit (PMEU)
PRINCIPLES WHICH GUIDE INCENTIVE DESIGN AND ADMINISTRATION Focus on supporting new investments (greenfield and brownfield) Support is conditional on achievement of measurable benchmarks by recipient companies Designed to address specific constraints and opportunities Rules are transparent Keep up with international best practice System of performance monitoring, enforcement of compliance, regular reporting, periodic review and adaptation
INCENTIVE SCHEMES CLUSTER INCENTIVE SCHEME COMPETITIVENESS INVESTMENT Manufacturing Competitiveness Enhancement Programme (MCEP) Export Marketing & Investment Assistance (EMIA) Sector Specific Assistance Scheme (SSAS) Capital Projects Feasibility Programme (CPFP) MANUFACTURING INVESTMENT 12i Tax Incentive Automotive Incentive Scheme (AIS) Aquaculture Development Incentive Programme (ADEP) Enterprise Investment Programme (EIP SERVICES INVESTMENT Film & Television Production Business Process Services (BPS) BROADENING PARTICIPATION and INDUSTRIAL INNOVATION CLUSTER Support Programme for Industrial Innovation (SPII) Technology and Human Resources for Industry Programme (THRIP) Incubator Support Programme (ISP) Black Industrialist Scheme (BIS) INFRASTRUCTURE INVESTMENT Critical Infrastructure Programme (CIP) Cluster Development Programme (CDP) As of the 1 April 2015 the administration of BBSDP and CIS was transferred to the newly formed Department of Small business Development
R10.2 Billion R64.1 Billion Approved Projects 121 738 Projected Jobs OVERALL IDAD INCENTIVE PERFORMANCE ACROSS THE CLUSTER April 2015– March 2016 121 738 Projected Jobs R10.2 Billion Approved Projects R64.1 Billion Projected Investment VALUE OF APPROVALS PER CLUSTER PROJECTED INVESTMENT PER CLUSTER
CIC contributed 20 % of total value of IDAD approvals for incentives NATIONAL PERFORMANCE 1 723 Projects Approved 1 400 Claims Paid R9.4 billion Projected Investment 58 520 Baseline Jobs 656 Female-owned SMMEs Approved 701 Male-owned SMMEs Approved 101 Large Enterprises Approved R2.1 billion Value of Approvals R1.6 billion Value of Claims Paid CIC contributed 20 % of total value of IDAD approvals for incentives
MCEP 2015/16 NATIONAL PERFORMANCE 258 Projects Approved 385 Claims Paid R9.4 billion Projected Investment R1.9 billion Value of Approvals R1.4 billion Value of Claims Paid 58 520 Baseline Jobs MCEP contributed 90.5 % of total value of approvals in the Competitiveness Investment Cluster
MCEP PERFORMANCE IN THE WESTERN CAPE PROVINCE 2014/15 2015/16 104 Projects Approved 73 R348m Value of Approvals R417.9m R1bn Projected Investment R2.3bn 9 101 Baseline Jobs 12 910
MCEP Provincial Approvals North West 2014/15 2015/16 4 Approvals 5 Approvals R11.4m R17.2m (1%) (1%) Free State 2014/15 2015/16 3 Approvals 3 Approvals R41m R8m (3%) (1%) Gauteng 2014/15 2015/16 121 Approvals 119 Approvals R588.3m R1bn (42%) (53%) Limpopo 2014/15 2015/16 8 Approvals 4 Approvals R32.1m R10.3m (2%) (1%) Northern Cape 2014/15 2015/16 6 Approvals 2 Approvals R10.5m R9m (1%) (1%) Mpumalanga 2014/15 2015/16 12 Approvals 6 Approvals R49.1m R32.4m (4%) (2%) KwaZulu-Natal 2014/15 2015/16 53 Approvals 31 approvals R202.5m R229.5m (16%) (12%) Western Cape 2014/15 2015/16 104 Approvals 73 Approvals R348m R417.9m (27%) (22%) Eastern Cape 2014/15 2015/16 23 Approvals 15 Approvals R58.4m R80.3m (4%) (5%) Of the total MCEP approvals, the Western Cape province accessed 22% of total value of approvals
MCEP NATIONAL PROJECTED INVESTMENT AND BASELINE JOBS FOR 2015/16 Province Projected Investment Baseline Jobs Eastern Cape R375 805 539 4 738 Free State R23 752 449 23 Gauteng R5 115 516 842 37 067 KwaZulu-Natal R1 412 146 603 3 715 Limpopo R21 342 637 325 Mpumalanga R99 636 715 974 Northern Cape R25 919 025 181 North West R40 267 724 387 Western Cape R2 337 656 490 11 110 Total R9 452 044 024 58 520 No audited provincial data available on projected investment and baseline jobs
EXPORT MARKETING AND INVESTMENT ASSISTANCE SCHEME (EMIA) NATIONAL PERFORMANCE 2015/16 641 Enterprises Approved 663 Claims Paid 200 Female-owned SMMEs Approved R55.6 million Value of approvals R43.9 million Value of claims paid 340 Male-owned SMMEs Approved 101 Large Enterprises Approved EMIA contributed 3 % of total value of approvals in the Competitiveness Investment Cluster
EMIA NATIONAL PERFORMANCE FROM 2014/15 TO 2015/16 1 396 Enterprises R129.4m Value of approvals R62.5m Value of claims paid 2015/16 641 R55.6m R43.9m
Provincial EMIA approvals : 2014/15 & 2015/16 North West 2014/15 2015/16 17 Approvals 11 approvals R1.7m R1.1m (1.3%) (2%) Free State 2014/15 2015/16 5 Approvals 1 Approvals R338 109 R98 556 (0.3%) (0.2%) Gauteng 2014/15 2015/16 810 Approvals 275 Approvals R82m R25.4m (63.4%) (45.7%) Limpopo 2014/15 2015/16 11 Approvals 9 approvals R931 996 R814 982 (0.7%) (1.5%) Northern Cape 2014/15 2015/16 2 Approvals 2 Approvals R159 269 R101 648 (0.1%) (0.2%) Mpumalanga 2014/15 2015/16 66 Approvals 4 Approvals R7m R393 504 (5.4%) (0.7%) KwaZulu-Natal 2014/15 2015/16 94 Approvals 68 approvals R6.7m R5.3m (5.2%) (9.5%) Eastern Cape 2014/15 2015/16 26 Approvals 8 Approvals R2.2m R774 070 (1.7%) (1.4%) Western Cape 2014/15 2015/16 365 Approvals 263 Approvals R27.2m R21.6m (21%) (38.8%) Of the total EMIA approvals, the Western Cape province accessed 38.8% of total value of approvals
EMIA NATIONAL APPROVALS PER ENTITY TYPE Female-owned entities Male-owned entities Black female-owned SMMEs 2014/15 R54.3m (515) 2015/16 R12.3m (119) White female-owned SMMEs R9.2m (105) R7.2m (81) Black male-owned SMMEs R20m (193) R5.4m (53) White male-owned SMMEs R38m (456) R24.8m (287) Large enterprises R7.5m (127) R5.9m (101)
EMIA VALUE AND NUMBER OF APPROVALS PER SECTOR IN THE WESTERN CAPE FOR 2015/16 Cultural Industries R3 378 960 (37) Chemicals R1 024 658 (12) Film R1 087 038 (14) Metals R830 641 (12) Services R766 950 (9) Agro-Processing R9 131 665 (116) Textiles R1 523 129 (17) Electro- Technical R1 775 239 (23) Automotive R1 156 733 (12) Mining R95 930 (2) Non-Metals R829 057 (9)
SECTOR SPECIFIC ASSISTANCE SCHEME (SSAS) 2015/16 - NATIONAL PERFORMANCE 817 Enterprises Approved 314 Claims Paid 456 Female-owned SMMEs Approved R74.9 million Value of approvals R64.3 million Value of claims paid 361 Male-owned SMMEs Approved SSAS contributed 4 % of total value of approvals in the Competitiveness Investment Cluster
SSAS NATIONAL PERFORMANCE FROM 2014/15 TO 2015/16 90 Projects Approved 1 126 Enterprises Approved R132.8m Value Approved R62.5m Value of claims paid 2015/16 53 817 R74.9m Value of Approvals R43.9m Value of Claims Paid
SSAS NUMBER OF ENTERPRISES APPROVED PER PROVINCE North West 2014/15 2015/16 12 Approvals 6 approvals (1.1%) (0.8%) Free State 2014/15 2015/16 6 Approvals 6 Approvals (0.5%) (0.8%) Gauteng 2014/15 2015/16 504 Approvals 293 Approvals (44.8%) (35.5%) Limpopo 15 Approvals 52 Approvals (1.3 %) (6.5%) Northern Cape 2014/15 2015/16 12 Approvals 0 Approvals (1.1%) (0%) Mpumalanga 2014/15 2015/16 11 Approvals 19 Approvals (0.9%) (2.4%) KwaZulu-Natal 2014/15 2015/16 218 Approvals 130 approvals (19.4 %) (16.3%) Eastern Cape 2014/15 2015/16 28 Approvals 34 Approvals (2.5%) (4.3%) Western Cape 2014/15 2015/16 320 Approvals 277 Approvals (28.4%) (33.4%) Of the total SSAS approvals, the Western Cape province accessed 33.4 % of total value of approvals
SSAS NATIONAL APPROVALS PER ENTITY TYPE Female-owned entities Male-owned entities Black female-owned SMMEs 2014/15 431 (38%) 2015/16 294 (35%) White female-owned SMMEs 155 (14%) 162 (20%) Black male-owned SMMEs 248 (22%) 208 (26%) White male-owned SMMEs 292 (26%) 153 (19%)
MIC contributed 70% of total IDAD approvals for incentives APPROVALS IN THE MIC MIC contributed 70% of total IDAD approvals for incentives 2014/15 R5.2b Approvals 119 Projects 2015/16 R7b Approvals 84 Projects 35 262 Jobs projected* (2014/15) 7 259 Jobs projected (2015/16) * Includes 33 257 actual jobs for MIP
12I TAX ALLOWANCE INCENTIVE NATIONAL 12I TAI PERFORMANCE 2014/15-2015/16 Approved Projects Projected Investment 38 12i TAI approvals to the value of R6 billion for 2015/16. 2014/15 2015/16 16 38 2014/15 2015/16 R8.2b R13.5b Value of Approvals Projected Jobs 2014/15 2015/16 Tax Allowance R2.6b R6b Training allowance R47.2m R146m 2014/15 2015/16 533 6 551 The 12I training and tax allowance approvals accounted for 86% of the total value of approvals for the Manufacturing Investment Cluster
12I TAX ALLOWANCE APPROVALS PER PROVINCE 2014/15-2015/16 NORTH WEST 2014/15 2015/16 Approvals 2 1 Tax allowance R405m (15%) R68.7m (10%) Training allowance R10.9m (26%) R2.3m (2%) GAUTENG 2014/15 2015/16 Approvals 6 9 Tax allowance R668.4m (25%) R2.3b (35%) Training allowance R17.6m (42%) R16.3m (11%) LIMPOMPO 2014/15 2015/16 Approvals 1 Tax allowance R192.1m (7%) Training allowance R2.9m (7%) MPUMALANGA 2014/15 2015/16 Approvals 1 2 Tax allowance R550m (21%) R400m (6%) Training allowance R576 000 (1%) R5.1m (3%) FREE STATE 2014/15 2015/16 Approvals 2 Tax allowance R282.3m (4%) Training allowance R5.5m (4%) WESTERN CAPE 2014/15 2015/16 Approvals 2 11 Tax allowance R367.6m (14%) R1b (15%) Training allowance R8.9m (21%) R58.7m (40%) KWAZULU-NATAL 2014/15 2015/16 Approvals 3 11 Tax allowance R231.5m (9%) R1.5b (23%) Training allowance R5.5m (1%) R43.8b (30%) EASTERN CAPE 2014/15 2015/16 Approvals 1 2 Tax allowance R239.8m (9%) R413.9m (6%) Training allowance R720 000 (2%) R14.4m (10%) WC accounted for 15% of all tax allowances approved and 40% of all training allowances approved during 2015/16.
Projected investment (R’000) 12I TAX ALLOWANCE PROJECTED JOBS AND INVESTMENT PER PROVINCE 2014/15-2015/16 Province Eastern Cape Free State Gauteng KwaZulu- Natal Limpop o Mpumala nga North West Western Cape Projected investment (R’000) 2014/15 R319 741 R0 R1 953 941 R661 669 R548 912 R2 201 000 R1 230 526 R1 361 115 2015/16 R788 867 R769 499 R5 002 688 R3 434 538 R800 009 R196 400 R2 584 082 Projected Jobs 20 325 90 82 16 363 105 415 1 196 65 4 407
WESTERN CAPE: 12I TAX ALLOWANCE PER SECTOR (2015/16) AGRO-PROCESSING 2014/15 2015/16 Approvals 4 Tax allowance R330.2m Training allowance R22.3m Investment R765.3m Jobs 97 WOOD PRODUCTS AND FURNITURE 2014/15 2015/16 Approvals 3 Tax allowance R300.5m Training allowance R26.6m Investment R794m Jobs 4 023 CHEMICALS 2014/15 2015/16 Approvals 2 Tax allowance R302.3m Training allowance R1m Investment R792.5m Jobs 38 NON-METALLIC AND MINERALS 2014/15 2015/16 Approvals 1 Tax allowance R46.4m Training allowance R891 039 Investment R132.6m Jobs 35 TRANSPORT 2014/15 2015/16 Approvals 1 Tax allowance R22.2m Training allowance R7.7m Investment R63.4m Jobs 214
NATIONAL: 12I TAI TOP FIVE APPROVALS Tax allowance: R900 million Training allowance: R1.9 million Projected Investment: R1.7 billion Projected Jobs: 150 Training allowance: R5.6 million Projected Investment: R1.8 billion Projected Jobs: 158 Tax allowance: R378.9 million Training allowance: R12.2 million Projected Investment: R729.1 million Projected Jobs: 363 Tax allowance: R598.6 million Training allowance: R15.4 million Projected Investment: R1 billion Projected Jobs: 428 (Nitrophos Plant & Vertical Spray) Tax allowance: R246.5 million Projected Investment: R720.9 million Projected Jobs: 55 Selection is based on highest projected investment
AUTOMOTIVE INVESTMENT SHCEME NATIONAL PERFORMANCE 2015/16 Projected Jobs 611 OEM= 0 CM =299 P-AIS= 132 MHCV & HMC= 180 Approved Projects 35 OEM= 1 CM = 28 P-AIS= 3 MHCV & MHCM= 3 Projected Investment R3.7 billion OEM = R1b CM= R2b P-AIS =R97.2m MHCV & MHCM = R521.4 Value of Approved Projects AIS Claims paid AIS contributed 14% of total value of approvals in the Manufacturing Investment Cluster
AUTOMOTIVE INCENTIVE SCHEME 2014/15-2015/16 NATIONAL PERFORMANCE The AIS Sub-Components Medium Heavy Vehicle Manufacturer (MHCV) & Medium Heavy Component Manufacturer (MHCM) Component Manufacturers (CMs) Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) People-Carrier: Original Equipment Manufacturers (P-AIS) Approved Projects Projected Investment Value of Approvals 2014/15 2015/16 CM R2.3b R2b OEM R378m R1b P-AIS R524m R97m MHCV/MHMC R521m 2014/15 2015/16 CM 45 28 OEM 4 1 P-AIS 3 MHCV/MHMC 2014/15 2015/16 CM R476.9m R585.7m OEM R77.4m R211m P-AIS R131m R27m MHCV/MHMC R154.9m Value of claims paid Projected Jobs 2014/15 2015/16 CM R224m R348m OEM R305m R115m P-AIS R7m R3m MHCV/MHMC R58m 2014/15 2015/16 CM 959 299 OEM P-AIS 302 132 MHCV/MHMC 180 35 AIS approvals to the value of R978.8 million for 2015/16.
NATIONAL: TOP FOUR APPROVALS (KZN , Ladysmith) R349 922 700 Approved R1.1 billion Projected Investment 814 Baseline Jobs (Eastern Cape) R59 695 500 R198.9 million 1 161 (Eastern Cape, PE) R112 661 227 R375 million 978 (North West) R39 920 993 R159.6 million 878
AQUACULTURE DEVELOPMENT ENHANCEMENT PROGRAMME (ADEP) NATIONAL ADEP PERFORMANCE 2014/15-2015/16 Approved Projects Projected Investment 2014/15 2015/16 Number 11 Value R28m R49 m 2014/15 2015/16 R101m R202.8m 11 ADEP approvals to the value of R49 million for 2015/16. Claims paid Supported Jobs 2014/15 2015/16 Number 13 Value R12m R14 m 2014/15 2015/16 141 148 ADEP contributed 1% to the value of approvals in the Manufacturing Investment Cluster.
ADEP GEOGRAPHIC DISTRIBUTION: 2014/15 - 2015/16 NORTH WEST 2014/15 2015/16 Approvals 2 Value R3.1m (11%) Projected Jobs 17 Projected Investment R8.9m GAUTENG 2014/15 2015/16 Approvals 1 Value R1.1m (4%) R2.1m (4%) Projected Jobs 5 6 Projected Investment R3.3m R8.2m LIMPOPO 2014/15 2015/16 Approvals 3 Value R4.1m (8%) Projected Jobs 19 Projected Investment R10.3m MPUMALANGA 2014/15 2015/16 Approvals 1 Value R2.7m (10%) R6m (12%) Projected Jobs 27 22 Projected Investment R10.4m R21.1m WESTERN CAPE 2014/15 2015/16 Approvals 4 5 Value R10.4m (37%) R34.5m (71%) Projected Jobs 69 203 Projected Investment R42.6m R155.6m KWAZULU-NATAL 2014/15 2015/16 Approvals 1 Value R5.6m (20%) R2.2m (4%) Projected Jobs 28 7 Projected Investment R18.8m R7.4m EASTERN CAPE 2014/15 2015/16 Approvals 2 Value R5.1m (18%) Projected Jobs 110 Projected Investment R17.3m WC accounted for 71% of the total value approved during 2015/16.
ADEP NATIONAL PERFORMANCE PER SUB-SECTOR Projected Jobs Per Subsector 2014/15: Primary aquaculture 256 Secondary aquaculture Projected Jobs Per Subsector 2015/16: Primary aquaculture 211 Secondary aquaculture 80 * Sub-sector information not available per province
ADEP CLAIMS PAID PER PROVINCE Total:R12m Total: R14m Gauteng: 1 Claim paid (R199 235) Jobs supported: 5 Limpopo: (R515 725) Jobs supported: 3 North West: 2 Claims paid (521 374) Jobs Supported:7 Western Cape: 7 Claims paid (R10 234 553) Jobs supported:113 Mpumalanga: (R2 662 472) Jobs supported:20 Gauteng: 2 Claims paid (R806 149) Jobs supported: 6 Western Cape: 9 Claims paid (R7 708 835) Jobs Supported: 112 KwaZulu Natal: (R3 546 638) Jobs Supported: 23 2015/16 2014/15
NATIONAL: ADEP TOP TWO APPROVALS BUFFELSJAG ABALONE FARM (PTY) LTD Approved: R12.2 million Projected Investment: R12.2 million Projected Jobs: 63 DUNKELD TROUT HATCHERIES (PTY) LTD Approved: R6 million Projected Investment: R21.1 million Projected Jobs: 22 Selection is based on highest projected investment
MANUFACTURING INVESTMENT PROGRAMME (MIP) NATIONAL MIP PERFORMANCE 2014/15-2015/16 836 MIP claims paid to the value of R597 million for 2015/16. Number of Claims Paid Value of Claims Paid Jobs Supported 2014/15 2015/16 798 836 2014/15 2015/16 R638m R597m 2014/15 2015/16 33 257 31 359 MIP closed for application in Sept 2012.
MIP PROVINCIAL SPREAD 2014/15-2015/16 NORTH WEST 2014/15 2015/16 Claims paid R17.2m (3%) R7m (1%) Jobs supported 451 293 GAUTENG 2014/15 2015/16 Claims paid R296.9m (45%) R235m (39%) Jobs supported 13 745 11 027 LIMPOPO 2014/15 2015/16 Claims paid R10.1m (2%) Jobs supported 697 803 FREE STATE 2014/15 2015/16 Claims paid R20.6m (3%) R16m (3%) Jobs supported 1 586 470 MPUMALANGA 2014/15 2015/16 Claims paid R95.9m (14%) R44.5m (7%) Jobs supported 1 102 716 NORTHERN CAPE 2014/15 2015/16 Claims paid R21.7m (3%) R7.9m (1%) Jobs supported 141 362 KWAZULU-NATAL 2014/15 2015/16 Claims paid R90.5m (14%) R95.3m (16%) Jobs supported 3 771 5 822 WESTERN CAPE 2014/15 2015/16 Claims paid R78.1m (12%) R131.9m (22%) Jobs supported 9 330 8 123 EASTERN CAPE 2014/15 2015/16 Claims paid R33m (5%) R49m (8%) Jobs supported 2 424 3 740 WC accounted for 22% of the total value of claims paid during 2015/16
NATIONAL: MIP TOP FIVE CLAIMS PAID Claims paid: R965 280 Electrical system for new Ford T6 project Actual Jobs: 915 Claims paid: R481 500 Health Shoes Actual Jobs: 524 Claims paid: R6 million Chest Freezers and Refrigerators Actual Jobs: 857 Carnival Foods CC Claims paid: R1.8 million Starch products Actual Jobs: 525 Claims paid: R5.3 million 3D TVs, LED TVs, LCD TVs and Fridges Actual Jobs: 465 Selection is based on highest number of actual jobs created
SIC contributed 9% of total approvals APPROVALS IN THE SIC SIC contributed 9% of total approvals 2014/15 R930.4m Approvals 144 Projects 2015/16 R917.2m Approvals 127 Projects 70 347 Jobs projected (2014/15) 31 308 Jobs projected (2015/16)
THE FILM AND TELEVISION PRODUCTION INCENTIVE SCHEME The Foreign Film & TV Production and post-production incentive (Foreign). The South African film & TV production and co-production incentive (SA) The SA Emerging Black Filmmakers incentive (EBFM). Approved Projects NATIONAL FILM & TV PERFORMANCE Film & TV QSAPE 115 Film & TV approvals to the value of R838.7 million for 2015/16. 2014/15 2015/16 Foreign 28 25 SA 94 50 EBFM 15 40 2014/15 2015/16 Foreign R2.7b R2.6b SA R808.4m R487.6m EBFM R93.2m R284.6m Value of Approvals Value of claims paid Projected Jobs 2014/15 2015/16 Foreign R563.1m R575.1m SA R291.8m R145.4m EBFM R42.7m R118.1m 2014/15 2015/16 Foreign R250.9m R276.9m SA R398m R163.9m EBFM R2.9m R27.1m 2014/15 2015/16 Foreign 45 653 15 189 SA 17 918 3 422 EBFM 415 5 458 Film&TV contributed 91% to the value of approvals for the Services Investment Cluster
THE FILM AND TELEVISION PRODUCTION INCENTIVE GEOGRAPHICAL DISAGGREGATION Foreign Film Incentive Approvals and Projected Jobs per Province 2014/15-2015/16 WESTERN CAPE 2014/15 20 approvals 37 603 jobs 2015/16 (R492.8m (86%)) 13 938 jobs GAUTENG 2014/15 8 8 050 jobs 2015/16 5 approvals (R82.3m (14%)) 1 251 jobs Gauteng Western Cape SA Film Incentive Approvals and Projected Jobs per Province 204/15-2015/16 NORTH WEST 2014/15 1 approval 108 jobs 2015/16 0 approvals MPUMALANGA 2014/15 1 approval 190 jobs 2015/16 0 approvals GAUTENG 2014/15 57 approvals 9 940 jobs 2015/16 31 approvals (R96.2m (66%)) 1 840 jobs FREE STATE 2014/15 2 approvals 195 jobs 2015/16 1 approval (R2.5m (2%)) 64 jobs WESTERN CAPE 2014/15 31 approvals 7 342 jobs 2015/16 16 approvals (R33.7m (23%)) 875 jobs KWA ZULU-NATAL 2014/15 2 approvals 143 jobs 2015/16 (R12.8m (9%)) 643 jobs WC accounted for 86% of the value approved for Foreign Film&TV and 23% of the value approved for SA Film&TV during 2015/16. Values approved in 2014/15 per province not available for the sub-programmes.
EBFM Approvals and Projected Jobs per Province 204/15-2015/16 THE FILM AND TELEVISION PRODUCTION INCENTIVE GEOGRAPHICAL DISAGGREGATION EBFM Approvals and Projected Jobs per Province 204/15-2015/16 LIMPOPO 2014/15 1 approval 34 jobs 2015/16 0 approvals GAUTENG 2014/15 11 approvals 312 jobs 2015/16 33 approvals (R94.2m (83%)) 4 875 jobs MPUMALANGA 2014/15 0 approvals 2015/16 1 approval (R5.9m (5%)) 27 jobs NORTH WEST 2014/15 1 approval 22 jobs 2015/16 (R1.5m (1%)) 125 jobs WESTERN CAPE 2014/15 2 approvals 47 jobs 2015/16 1 approvals (R3m (3%)) 12 jobs KWA ZULU-NATAL 2014/15 0 approvals 2015/16 3 approvals (R7.3m (6%)) 284 jobs EASTERN CAPE 2014/15 0 approvals 2015/16 1 approvals (R2m (2%)) 135 jobs WC accounted for 3% of the value approved for EBFM during 2015/16. Values approved in 2014/15 per province not available for the sub-programmes.
THE FILM AND TELEVISION PRODUCTION INCENTIVE NATIONAL APPROVALS PER FORMAT Foreign Approvals per format 2014/15-2015/16 2014/15 2015/16 SA Approvals per format 2014/15-2015/16 EBFM Approvals per format 2014/15-2015/16 The number of approvals per format is not available per province
FILM AND TV NATIONAL DISBURSEMENTS AND ACTUAL JOBS Claims (R’m) 2014/15-2015/16 Actual Jobs 2014/15-2015/16 2014/15 2015/16 Foreign Film 36 758 6 826 SA Film 44 100 9 862 EBFM 144 393 81 002 17 081
NATIONAL FILM & TV TOP FIVE APPROVALS FOREIGN INCENTIVE SA INCENTIVE EBFM INCENTIVE Red Mars (Western Cape) Approved: R50 million Mini/TV Series Projected QSAPE: R697.8 million Projected Jobs: 868 Inside Job (Gauteng) R27.9 million Animation Projected QSAPE: R109.2 million Projected Jobs: 88 Crossing Borders (Mpumalanga) Approved: R5.9 million Documentary Projected QSAPE: R17.9 million Projected Jobs: 27 Black Sails Season 4 R50million Projected QSAPE: R381.5 million Projected Jobs: 4 751 Shepherds and Butchers (KwaZulu-Natal) R11.9 million Feature Film Projected QSAPE: R57 million Projected Jobs: 581 Selection is based on the highest projected QSAPE
BUSINESS PROCESS SERVICES (BPS) NATIONAL BPS PERFORMANCE 2014/15-2015/16 19 BPS approvals to the value of R881.5 million for two financial years. Projects Approved 2014/15 = 7 2015/16 = 12 Projected Export Revenue 2014/15 =R3.3 billion 2015/16 =R6 billion Value of Approvals 2014/15 = R32.8 million 2015/16 =R78.4 million Value of Claims Paid 2014/15 = R301 million 2015/16 =R321 million Job Supported 2014/15 = 36 225 2015/16 = 37 889 BPS contributed 9% to the value approvals for the Services Investment Cluster
WC accounted for 68% of the value approved for BPS during 2015/16. BPS APPROVALS, PROJECTED JOBS AND PROJECTED EXPORT REVENUE PER PROVINCE 2014/15-2015/16 GAUTENG 2014/15 2015/16 Approvals 1 4 Value R300 000 (1%) R13.2m (17%) Jobs 496 3 408 Export Revenue R2.3b R3.4b WESTERN CAPE 2014/15 2015/16 Approvals 3 5 Value R10.8m (33%) R53.2m (68%) Jobs 3 282 2 578 Export Revenue R237.3m R1.9b KWAZULU-NATAL 2014/15 2015/16 Approvals 3 Value R21.7m (66%) R11.9 (15%) Jobs 2 583 1 253 Export Revenue R720.3m R598.9m WC accounted for 68% of the value approved for BPS during 2015/16.
WESTERN CAPE Export Revenue: R2.5 b Claims Paid: R213.9 m BPS CLAIMS PER PROVINCE (R’M): 2014/15 – 2015/16 ACTUAL EXPORT REVENUE AND RETURN ON INVESTMENT: 2015/16 WESTERN CAPE Export Revenue: R2.5 b Claims Paid: R213.9 m ROI: R12 KWAZULU–NATAL Export Revenue:R689.9m Claims Paid: R71.5 m ROI: R9.55 GAUTENG Export Revenue:R1.4 b Claims Paid: R36.1 m ROI: R38.78 Disaggregation per province not possible Actual Export Revenue was not captured prior to 2015/16.
BPS JOBS SUPPORTED PER PROVINCE: 2014/15 – 2015/16 TOTAL JOBS SUPPORTED 2014/15 2015/16 Gauteng 4 712 4 377 KwaZulu-Natal 8 993 8 034 Western Cape 22 530 25 478 2014/15 2015/16 Gauteng 2 937 2 638 KwaZulu-Natal 5 546 4 759 Western Cape 12 727 15 653 2014/15 2015/16 Gauteng 2 095 3 850 KwaZulu-Natal 3 727 7 499 Western Cape 8 883 22 571 FEMALE JOBS SUPPORTED YOUTH JOBS SUPPORTED Claims per province not available
NATIONAL: BPS TOP 3 APPROVALS MECHANTS SA (PTY) LTD (Western Cape) WEBHELP SA OUTSOURCING (PTY) LTD (Western Cape & Gauteng) ABSA GROUP LIMITED (Gauteng) R30.3 million Approved Merchants Offshore Operation Project R1.1 billion Projected Export Revenue 1 130 Projected Jobs R10.8 million Shop Direct and Easy Jet Project R648.8 million 2 436 R1.3 million Barclays Shared Services Expansion Project – Phase 2 R640.5 million 700 Selection is based on the highest projected export revenue.
Projects Approved 2014/15:11 2015/16:12 Value of Approvals APPROVALS IN THE BPIIC (2015/16) BPIIC contributed 0.2% of total value of IDAD approvals Projects Approved 2014/15:11 2015/16:12 Value of Approvals 2014/15: R139.3m 2015/16: R110.3m Projected Jobs 2014/15: 1 230 2015/16: 4 936 Actual Investment 2014/15: - 2015/16: R87.8m
ISP 2015/16 – OVERALL PERFORMANCE R87.8 million Actual Investment 3 Projects approved 294 SMMEs Supported R43.9 million Claims Disbursed R74.8 million Grant Approved 1 261 Actual Jobs ISP contributed 90% of total value of approvals in the Broadening Participation and Industrial Innovation Cluster (BPIIC)
ISP PERFORMANCE: Projects Approved Gauteng = 2 Western Cape = 2 Gauteng = 1 2015/16 = 3 Eastern Cape = 2 North West = 1 KwaZulu-Natal = 1
ISP PROVINCIAL APPROVALS: Grant Approved No ISP approvals in 2015/16 for Western Cape.
ISP PERFORMANCE: Projects approved per sector AND supported SMMEs (in brackets)
ISP PERFORMANCE: SMMEs actually supported per sector (2015/16)
ISP PERFORMANCE: Actual Jobs and Investment (2015/16) Actual Investment
SPII 2015/16 – OVERALL PERFORMANCE 9 Projects Approved R35.5 million Grant Approved R22.8 million Claims Paid NOTE:SPII administrative activities were transferred from Industrial Development Corporation to the dti in November 2013, however, the first adjudication meeting was held during February 2015 and 5 projects were approved. SPII contributed 10% of total value of approvals in the Broadening Participation and Industrial Innovation Cluster (BPIIC)
SPII PERFORMANCE: Projects Approved
SPII PROVINCIAL APPROVALS: Grant Approved Of the total SPII approvals in 2015/16, Western Cape accessed 13.8% of the total value of approvals.
BLACK INDUSTRIALIST SCHEME (BIS) Note: For the 2015/16 period, 5 BIS applications were received by the dti though not adjudicated, as processes were still being put in place. Objectives Accelerate the quantitative and qualitative increase and participation of black industrialists in the national economy, selected manufacturing sectors and value chains; as reflected by their contribution to growth, investment, exports and employment. Create multiple and diverse pathways and instruments for black industrialists to enter strategic and targeted manufacturing sectors and value chains. Duration Start date: February 2016 End date: Not stipulated Criteria Applicant must be a registered legal entity in South Africa Project should have minimum investment of R30 million Project should result in securing or increasing direct employment Project should aligned to productive sectors of the economy New or expansion operation Valid tax clearance certificate Valid B-BBEE certificate compliance More than 50% shareholding and management control Directly involved in day-to-day operations, with requisite expertise in the sector Grant offerings Support is offered as a cost-sharing grant ranging from 30% to 50%, up to a maximum of R50 million. The grant may be fully utilised on capital investments, or be split between capital investment and other support measures (i.e. investment support, business development services and working capital).
TECHNOLOGY AND HUMAN RESOURCES FOR INDUSTRY PROGRAMME(THRIP) Note: the dti received 150 applications during the open window period, December 2015 to February 2016, however the applications were not adjudicated as processes were still being put in place Objective To increase the number of people with appropriate skills in the development and management of research-based technology for industry. Duration Start date: February 2016 End date: Not stipulated Criteria Applicant must be a registered legal entity in South Africa. Applicant must have a partnership with at least one partner being a South African Research Institution. The project must include at least 1 registered South African student at 4th year level of study or higher in science, engineering and technology fields and be involved and trained through the research being conducted. Students from other African countries are also allowed to participate in THRIP for less financial assistance. The research leader must have the appropriate post graduate qualification and experience to lead the project and train students up to postgraduate level. Submit a valid B-BBEE certificate of compliance. Grant offerings Cost-sharing grant of up to R8 million per annum for a period of three years. Additional special inclusions in a grant may be funded for technology innovation promotion through the transfer of people (TIPTOP); and for cost of legal advice on development of intellectual property rights (IPR) agreement,i.e. R500 000/candidate for transfer of knowledge and monthly stipend for students in companies (R6000 for NDip, R8000 for Btech/BSc, R10 000 for BSc Engineering/BSc Hon, R12 000 for Mtech/MEng/MSc and R15 000 for Dtech/PhD graduates). Costs of legal advice on the development of an agreement on the treatment of intellectual property up to R50 000. Bursary [SA student (R200 000 for PhD, R150 000 for MSc, R80 000 for BSc Hon/BTech) and R85 000/other African student). Costs for registration and litigation of patents. Litigation costs limited to R1 000 000.
APPROVALS IN THE ISC (2015/16) ISC contributed 0 APPROVALS IN THE ISC (2015/16) ISC contributed 0.5% of total value of approvals Projects Approved 2014/15: 9 2015/16: 16 Value of Approvals 2014/15: R85.9m 2015/16: R310.1m Projected Jobs 2014/15: 13 516 2015/16: 19 556 Projected Investment 2014/15: R10.2bn 2015/16: R27.8bn
CIP 2015/16 – OVERALL PERFORMANCE R27.8 billion Projected Investment 16 Projects approved R310.1 million Value of approvals R99.9 million Claims Disbursed Actual direct jobs = 8 074 CIP contributed 100% of total value of approvals in the Infrastructure Support Cluster (ISC)
CIP PERFORMANCE: Projects and Grant Approved No CIP approvals in 2015/16 for Western Cape.
CIP PERFORMANCE: Projects & Grant Approved per sector
CLUSTER DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME (CDP) Objectives To promote industrialisation, sustainable economic growth and job creation through cluster development and industrial parks; and Enhance competitiveness of enterprises within a cluster or industrial parks. Duration Not specified Eligible criteria Cluster must have five or more members who are registered tax paying entities or non-profit organisation At least 20% of the membership of the cluster should be made up of 51% black owned entities in the first year (pilot stage) For industrial parks, parks located in areas (townships or rural) with high levels of unemployment will be given preference, however, majority of the tenants must be involved in manufacturing or supply based firms. Grant offerings Up to a maximum grant of R10 million for three components of the programme combined. The contribution for cost sharing component can only be considered up to 15% of the co-funding if it will be provided by a government funded entity including local and provincial government or their agencies. Up to 15% of the co-funding can be considered for cost sharing component if it will be provided by government funded entity including local and provincial government or their agencies. Clusters in existence of less than three years qualify for 25% advancement into the SPV / Cluster account for the financial year, upon approval of application.
Government incentives website: Government incentives website: THANK YOU!!! DANKIE!!! REA LEBOGA!!!