Glencoe Health Lesson 2 Nutrients
To heal, build, and repair tissue Your body uses nutrients in LESSON 2 Nutrients Giving Your Body What It Needs As an energy source To heal, build, and repair tissue Your body uses nutrients in many ways: To sustain growth To transport oxygen to cells To regulate body functions List the 6 Nutrients: Glencoe Health Chapter 10 Nutrition for Health Lesson Home
To heal, build, and repair tissue Your body uses nutrients in LESSON 2 Nutrients Giving Your Body What It Needs As an energy source To heal, build, and repair tissue Your body uses nutrients in many ways: To sustain growth To transport oxygen to cells To regulate body functions List the 6 Nutrients: Glencoe Health Chapter 10 Nutrition for Health Lesson Home
Nutrients That Provide Energy LESSON 2 Nutrients Nutrients That Provide Energy The energy in food comes from three sources: carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. Carefully choosing nutrients can prevent weight gain. Each gram of carbohydrate or protein provides four calories Each gram of fat provides nine calories Glencoe Health Chapter 10 Nutrition for Health Lesson Home
Nutrients That Provide Energy LESSON 2 Nutrients Nutrients That Provide Energy The energy in food comes from three sources: carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. Carefully choosing nutrients can prevent weight gain. Each gram of carbohydrate or protein provides four calories Each gram of fat provides nine calories Glencoe Health Chapter 10 Nutrition for Health Lesson Home
Giving Your Body What It Needs LESSON 2 Nutrients Giving Your Body What It Needs One nutrient that provides energy, or fuel, to your body is a carbohydrate. What are the Three Types? Next Slide New Vocabulary carbohydrate Starches and sugars found in foods which provide your body’s main source of energy. Glencoe Health Chapter 10 Nutrition for Health Lesson Home
Types of Carbohydrates LESSON 2 Nutrients Types of Carbohydrates Three types of carbohydrates are found in foods: One carbohydrate, fiber, helps you feel full. It also moves waste through your digestive system your body does not digest this. Sugars occur naturally in fruits, dairy products, honey, and maple syrup. Sugars (Simple Carbohydrates) are added to many processed foods, such as cold cereals, bread, and bakery products Fiber Simple Complex carbohydrates, or starches, are long chains of sugars linked together. Common sources include grains, grain products, such as bread and pasta, beans, and root vegetables such as potatoes. Complex Glencoe Health Chapter 10 Nutrition for Health Lesson Home
Types of Carbohydrates LESSON 2 Nutrients Types of Carbohydrates Three types of carbohydrates are found in foods: One carbohydrate, fiber, helps you feel full. It also moves waste through your digestive system your body does not digest this. Sugars occur naturally in fruits, dairy products, honey, and maple syrup. Sugars (Simple Carbohydrates) are added to many processed foods, such as cold cereals, bread, and bakery products Fiber Simple Complex carbohydrates, or starches, are long chains of sugars linked together. Common sources include grains, grain products, such as bread and pasta, beans, and root vegetables such as potatoes. Complex Glencoe Health Chapter 10 Nutrition for Health Lesson Home
Giving Your Body What It Needs LESSON 2 Nutrients Giving Your Body What It Needs Another nutrient, protein, is the basic building material of your body cells. New Vocabulary protein Nutrients the body uses to build and maintain its cells and tissues. Glencoe Health Chapter 10 Nutrition for Health Lesson Home
Giving Your Body What It Needs LESSON 2 Nutrients Giving Your Body What It Needs Another nutrient, protein, is the basic building material of your body cells. New Vocabulary protein Nutrients the body uses to build and maintain its cells and tissues. Glencoe Health Chapter 10 Nutrition for Health Lesson Home
LESSON 2 Nutrients Types of Proteins Your body uses about 20 amino acids that are found in food. You produce, or synthesize, all but nine of the amino acids. Nine amino acids are called essential amino acids because the body must get them from food. The rest are known as nonessential amino acids meaning that your body produces these. Glencoe Health Chapter 10 Nutrition for Health Lesson Home
LESSON 2 Nutrients Types of Proteins Your body uses about 20 amino acids that are found in food. You produce, or synthesize, all but nine of the amino acids. Nine amino acids are called essential amino acids because the body must get them from food. The rest are known as nonessential amino acids meaning that your body produces these. Glencoe Health Chapter 10 Nutrition for Health Lesson Home
all nine essential amino acids. LESSON 2 Nutrients Types of Proteins Meat Proteins are from animal sources. Some proteins called “complete” proteins contain all nine essential amino acids. Eggs Dairy Products Soy Glencoe Health Chapter 10 Nutrition for Health Lesson Home
all nine essential amino acids. LESSON 2 Nutrients Types of Proteins Meat Proteins are from animal sources. Some proteins called “complete” proteins contain all nine essential amino acids. Eggs Dairy Products Soy Glencoe Health Chapter 10 Nutrition for Health Lesson Home
LESSON 2 Nutrients Seeds Types of Proteins Grains Proteins from plant sources are usually missing one or more of the essential amino acids. You can get all the essential amino acids by choosing a variety of plant-based foods that are rich in proteins. Legumes Nuts Glencoe Health Chapter 10 Nutrition for Health Lesson Home
LESSON 2 Nutrients Seeds Types of Proteins Grains Proteins from plant sources are usually missing one or more of the essential amino acids. You can get all the essential amino acids by choosing a variety of plant-based foods that are rich in proteins. Legumes Nuts Glencoe Health Chapter 10 Nutrition for Health Lesson Home
Fats Your body needs a certain amount of fat to function properly. LESSON 2 Nutrients Fats Your body needs a certain amount of fat to function properly. To maintain a healthy weight, choose to eat healthier fats. Glencoe Health Chapter 10 Nutrition for Health Lesson Home
Types of Fats Dietary fats are composed of fatty acids. LESSON 2 Nutrients Types of Fats Dietary fats are composed of fatty acids. Fatty acids that the body needs but cannot produce on its own are called essential fatty acids. What are the 3 types of fats? Glencoe Health Chapter 10 Nutrition for Health Lesson Home
Types of Fats Unsaturated Fats Saturated Fats Trans Fats LESSON 2 Nutrients Types of Fats Good Fat: Eating unsaturated fats in moderate amounts may lower your risk of heart disease. Vegetable oils, nuts, seeds Unsaturated Fats Eat in small amount: Consuming too many saturated fats may increase your risk of heart disease. Meat, dairy products, palm oil, coconut oil. Saturated Fats No not eat: Trans fats can raise your total blood cholesterol level, which increases your risk for heart disease. Trans fats are fats that are formed by a process called hydrogenation, which causes vegetable oil to harden also known as “partially hydrogenated oils” on the ingredient list on food packages. As it hardens, the fats become more saturated an more unhealthful. Margarine, many snack foods, and packaged bakery goods, such as cookies and crackers. Trans Fats Glencoe Health Chapter 10 Nutrition for Health Lesson Home
Types of Fats Unsaturated Fats Saturated Fats Trans Fats LESSON 2 Nutrients Types of Fats Good Fat: Eating unsaturated fats in moderate amounts may lower your risk of heart disease. Vegetable oils, nuts, seeds Unsaturated Fats Eat in small amount: Consuming too many saturated fats may increase your risk of heart disease. Meat, dairy products, palm oil, coconut oil. Saturated Fats No not eat: Trans fats can raise your total blood cholesterol level, which increases your risk for heart disease. Trans fats are fats that are formed by a process called hydrogenation, which causes vegetable oil to harden also known as “partially hydrogenated oils” on the ingredient list on food packages. As it hardens, the fats become more saturated an more unhealthful. Margarine, many snack foods, and packaged bakery goods, such as cookies and crackers. Trans Fats Glencoe Health Chapter 10 Nutrition for Health Lesson Home
LESSON 2 Nutrients Types of Fats Trans fat became popular with consumers and food manufacturers because it acted as a preservative, giving foods a longer shelf life. It also gave foods a more tempting taste and texture. Because of their health risk, the USDA now requires that the amounts of trans fats be listed on nutrition labels BUT BE CAREFULL!!!! Some cities require that restaurants avoid cooking with trans fats. Glencoe Health Chapter 10 Nutrition for Health Lesson Home
LESSON 2 Nutrients Types of Fats Trans fat became popular with consumers and food manufacturers because it acted as a preservative, giving foods a longer shelf life. It also gave foods a more tempting taste and texture. Because of their health risk, the USDA now requires that the amounts of trans fats be listed on nutrition labels BUT BE CAREFULL!!!! Some cities require that restaurants avoid cooking with trans fats. Glencoe Health Chapter 10 Nutrition for Health Lesson Home
Fats provide a concentrated form of energy Fats provide a concentrated form of energy. Fats also help absorb and transport fat-soluble vitamins (A,D,E, and K) through the bloodstream.
Other Types of Nutrients LESSON 2 Nutrients Other Types of Nutrients Main Idea Vitamins, minerals, and water do not provide energy, but perform a wide variety of body functions. Each vitamin and mineral performs a different function in the body. Glencoe Health Chapter 10 Nutrition for Health Lesson Home
Other Types of Nutrients LESSON 2 Nutrients Other Types of Nutrients Main Idea Vitamins, minerals, and water do not provide energy, but perform a wide variety of body functions. Each vitamin and mineral performs a different function in the body. Glencoe Health Chapter 10 Nutrition for Health Lesson Home
Two Types of Vitamins TYPE DESCRIPTION EXAMPLES LESSON 2 Nutrients Water-Soluble Vitamins Dissolve in water Vitamin C, folic acid, B vitamins Fat-Soluble Vitamins Stored in body fat Vitamins A, D, E, K Glencoe Health Chapter 10 Nutrition for Health Lesson Home
Two Types of Vitamins TYPE DESCRIPTION EXAMPLES LESSON 2 Nutrients Water-Soluble Vitamins Dissolve in water Vitamin C, folic acid, B vitamins Fat-Soluble Vitamins Stored in body fat Vitamins A, D, E, K Glencoe Health Chapter 10 Nutrition for Health Lesson Home
Giving Your Body What It Needs LESSON 2 Nutrients Giving Your Body What It Needs Your body needs several minerals to stay healthy. One important mineral you need to maintain strong bones is calcium. New Vocabulary minerals Elements that are found in food and used by the body. Glencoe Health Chapter 10 Nutrition for Health Lesson Home
Giving Your Body What It Needs LESSON 2 Nutrients Giving Your Body What It Needs Your body needs several minerals to stay healthy. One important mineral you need to maintain strong bones is calcium. New Vocabulary minerals Elements that are found in food and used by the body. Glencoe Health Chapter 10 Nutrition for Health Lesson Home
Giving Your Body What It Needs LESSON 2 Nutrients Giving Your Body What It Needs Foods that are high in calcium can help prevent osteoporosis. New Vocabulary osteoporosis A condition in which bones become fragile and break easily. Glencoe Health Chapter 10 Nutrition for Health Lesson Home
Giving Your Body What It Needs LESSON 2 Nutrients Giving Your Body What It Needs Foods that are high in calcium can help prevent osteoporosis. New Vocabulary osteoporosis A condition in which bones become fragile and break easily. Glencoe Health Chapter 10 Nutrition for Health Lesson Home
Water is essential for just about every function in your body LESSON 2 Nutrients Water is essential for just about every function in your body Functions of Water Stores and releasing heat Functions of Water Cools the body through perspiration Moves food through the digestive system Cushions the eyes, brain, and spinal cord Digests carbohydrates and protein Lubricates the joints Aids chemical reactions in the body Transports nutrients and removing wastes Glencoe Health Chapter 10 Nutrition for Health Lesson Home
Water is essential for just about every function in your body LESSON 2 Nutrients Water is essential for just about every function in your body Functions of Water Stores and releasing heat Functions of Water Cools the body through perspiration Moves food through the digestive system Cushions the eyes, brain, and spinal cord Digests carbohydrates and protein Lubricates the joints Aids chemical reactions in the body Transports nutrients and removing wastes Glencoe Health Chapter 10 Nutrition for Health Lesson Home
Tips for Consuming Water LESSON 2 Nutrients Water Tips for Consuming Water Drink extra water before, during, and after exercise Drink extra fluids in hot weather to prevent dehydration Limit your consumption of coffee, tea, and soft drinks that contain caffeine Glencoe Health Chapter 10 Nutrition for Health Lesson Home