Poster Title University of South Alabama Health System Background Instructions A poster presentation is a graphic display of your project using text, graphs, tables, and photos on professionally printed posters. This 36” x 54” poster template is provided for use at the USA Resident and Fellow Exposition. This template should be modified to meet submission criteria when used for scentfici, educational, and societal meetings outside of the USA system, but the title, authors, and USA attribution should be maintained. Your poster should be self-explanatory, allowing you to supplement the information, discuss details, and answer questions during the poster session. At least one member of the authoring team must be present for the poster session. Minimize blanks spaces by adjusting the graphical elements and font sizes such that your information fills the space in a visually appealing way. The larger your font, the easier it will be for others to read your poster. Posters should be legible at a distance of 5 feet. Title, Authors, and USA Attribution For posters representing the University of South Alabama, the USA logo must remain to the right of the title of your poster as provided in this template. The title, author(s), and USA attribution should remain in the header as above. Be sure to change the “Department of Translational Research “ to your department. If the list of authors wraps onto a second line, an author’s name and their credentials( s) should be on the same line. The project leader should be listed first, followed by the other team members with the faculty mentor(s) listed last. Abstract Submission Go to for detailed instructions for submitting your poster abstract. Abstracts accepted to the USA Resident and Fellow Exposition will be considered for publication to the USA Graduate Medical Education website. Poster Specifications If the you anticipate submitting/presenting your poster at a scientific, societal or educational meeting, the size of the poster should meet the requirements of the anticipated meeting. Do not have your poster reprinted for the Expo. Otherwise, posters should be 48" x 48" square. ^ Delete this text box before publishing your poster! Instructions Section headers should be repositioned up or down as needed to optimize layout, but overall alignment should be maintained. Clinical and Translational Research Posters in the Research Category should include the project's objectives, hypothesis, methods, data and analysis. Research projects must have acquired appropriate IRB or other approval prior to starting the research project. This documentation should be included with the poster submission. Reference on the poster should be made to the IRB or other approval unless the project was exempt from such approval; this should be indicated on the poster. Quality Improvement and Performance Improvement Since the USA Health System has adopted the Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) cycle format for improvement projects, posters in the Improvement Category should demonstrate the use of this quality improvement tool, including the project's aim statement, the intervention that was evaluated, the metrics used in the project, the outcome analysis, and the actions implemented as a result of the project. Patient Safety, Patient Education, and Patient Advocacy The patient should be at the heart of this poster. If the poster is focusing on the education and advocacy aspects, the poster should include content from an associated patient education campaign and/or advocacy efforts. If photographs of patients are used, a signed release from the patient for use of the image should be included with the submission form. References All original sources used in developing your project should be referenced using the example format on this template. Printing Your Poster Do NOT print you poster before it is accepted for the Expo or another meeting. Before printing your poster, view it in it’s entirety at 100% magnification to guarantee that your text, images and graphical elements are clear. USA Publication Services can print your poster and can be reached at (251) 380-2828, or you may choose to use an external printer. Fees will vary between printers and by the size of your poster. ^ Delete this text box before publishing your poster! Poster Title Author One, MD/DO; Author Two, MD/DO; Author Three, MD/DO; Author Four, CRNP/PA/RN/RT; Faculty Mentor, MD/DO University of South Alabama Health System Department of Translational Research Background Instructions: Objectives Data Analysis Insert your text here. Insert your text here. Insert your text here. Insert your text here. Table 1. Most Accessed Health Websites Site Frequency WebMD 56 Wikipedia 31 Health magazine websites 29 FaceBook 17 YouTube 15 Blog sites 13 Patient communities 12 Twitter 6 Other 27 (source: Mashable) Methods Insert your text here. Insert your text here. Hypothesis Insert your text here. References Gornitzki C, Larsson A, Fadeel B. Freewheelin’ scientists: citing Bob Dylan in the biomedical literature. BMJ 2015; 351:h6505 Carlson EN, Vazire S, Oltmanns TF. You probably think this paper's about you: narcissists' perceptions of their personality and reputation. J Pers Soc Psychol. 2011 Jul; 101(1):185-201 University of South Alabama Health System