Knowledge and understanding of the world


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Presentation transcript:

Knowledge and understanding of the world End of Y3 outcomes Curriculum drivers Parental involvement End of Y3 outcomes Emotional awareness Enquiry Knowledge of the world Geography (LKS2)  Locate world’s countries, focussing on Europe & Americas focus on key physical & human features  Study a region of the UK (not local area)  Use 8 points of compass, symbols & keys  Describe & understand climate, rivers, mountains, volcanoes, earthquakes, settlements, trade links, etc.  Use fieldwork to observe, measure & record Register your preference of day for the maths morning via the survey Number/Calculation  Learn 3, 4 & 8x tables  Secure place value to 100  Mentally add & subtract units, tens or hundreds to numbers of up to 3 digits  Written column addition & subtraction  Solve number problems, including multiplication & simple division and missing number problems  Use commutatively to help calculations Geometry & Measures  Measure & calculate with metric measures  Measure simple perimeter  Add/subtract using money in context  Use Roman numerals up to XII; tell time  Calculate using simple time problems  Draw 2-d / Make 3-d shapes  Identify and use right angles  Identify horizontal, vertical, perpendicular and parallel lines Fractions & decimals  Use & count in tenths  Recognise, find & write fractions  Recognise some equivalent fractions  Add/subtract fractions up to <1  Order fractions with common denominator Data  Interpret bar charts & pictograms Consolidating number bonds to 10, 100 and 1000 Understanding the value of digits in 2 and 3 digit numbers and using this to mentally add and subtract Counting forward and back in steps of 2 and 3 from any given number Solve number problems, focusing on place value and odd and even numbers Using one text; Learning by heart and performing ‘The Snail and the Whale’ by Julia Donaldson Write poems that convey an image- writing a blurb for the text. Write in a journalistic style- “Beached Whale” Writing letters- a thank you to the whale Spelling punctuation and grammar activities Dance and movement developing musical characters Gymnastics and learning how to appraise the work of others Tribal art and dance Product design using Fair Trade chocolate Tribal music, composition and signing Art sketch book pencil skills Discuss and learn techniques to ‘Try New Things’. Building resilience and ensuring children understand the importance of challenge and the reward that ‘sticking at something’ can bring Using one text ; Philosophy for Children . What did happened to the Whale when he tried new things ? How did this reflect his success or failures? Who has most to give thanks for; the snail or the whale? Locating the countries around the equator Studying the Mayan people and their ancient civilisation and lifestyles Exploring Mayan number systems and knowing the milestone events and creations of the early civilisation Making links with how we live today that have been influenced by the past. Describe land use in the tropics Investigating issues related to trade, fair prices for farmers and How do we communicate safely using the internet History British History (taught chronologically)  Stone Age to Iron Age Britain, contrasting with Ancient Egyptian way of life - hunter-gatherers and early farmers - Bronze age religion, technology & travel - Iron age hill forts Knowledge and understanding of the world Mathematical development Broader History Study Broad study  Earliest ancient civilisations, i.e. Ancient Egypt Mayan people Design & Technology (LKS2)  Use research& criteria to develop products which are fit for purpose  Use annotated sketches and prototypes to explain ideas  Evaluate existing products and improve own work  Use mechanical systems in own work  Understand seasonality; prepare & cook mainly savoury dishes Computing (LKS2)  Design & write programs to achieve specific goals, including solving problems  Use logical reasoning  Understand computer networks  Use internet safely and appropriately  Collect and present data appropriately Reading  Use knowledge to read ‘exception’ words  Read range of fiction & non-fiction  Use dictionaries to check meaning  Prepare poems & plays to perform  Check own understanding of reading  Draw inferences & make predictions  Retrieve & record information from non-fiction books  Discuss reading with others Writing  Use prefixes & suffixes in spelling  Use dictionary to confirm spellings  Write simple dictated sentences  Use handwriting joins appropriately  Plan to write based on familiar forms  Rehearse sentences orally for writing  Use varied rich vocabulary  Create simple settings & plot  Assess effectiveness of own and others’ writing Grammar  Use range of conjunctions  Use perfect tense  Use range of nouns & pronouns  Use time connectives  Introduce speech punctuation  Know language of clauses Speaking & Listening  Give structured descriptions  Participate activity in conversation  Consider & evaluate different Personal, social and emotional development Y3 Tribes, Trade and the Tropics Autumn term 1 Communication, language and literacy Science Biology  Plants, incl. parts, lifecycle, classification and requirements for life  Digestive system & teeth Health & Lifestyles, incl. circulatory system Chemistry  Classification of rock types  Simple understanding of fossilisation Physics Sources of light; shadows & reflection Explain how light appears to travel in straight lines and this effects seeing and shadows Religious Education Continue to follow locally- agreed syllabus for RE Creative development Physical development End of Y3 outcomes Discuss and learn techniques to improve the eight areas of success Study role models who have achieved success Study those who have lost success and relate this to the eight areas of success End of Y3 outcomes Modern Languages (LKS2)  Listen & engage  Ask & answer questions  Speak in sentences using familiar vocabulary  Develop appropriate pronunciation  Show understanding of words & phrases  Appreciate stories, songs, poems & rhymes  Broaden vocabulary End of Y3 outcomes Art & Design (LKS2)  Use sketchbooks to collect, record and evaluate ideas  Improve mastery of techniques such as drawing, painting and sculpture with varied materials  Learn about great artists, architects & designers Physical Education (LKS2)  Use running, jumping, catching and throwing in isolation and in combination  Play competitive games, modified as appropriate  Develop flexibility & control in gym, dance & athletics  Compare performances to achieve personal bests  Swimming proficiency at 25m (KS1 or KS2) Discrete areas of learning Music (LKS2)  Use voice & instruments with increasing accuracy, control and expression  Improvise & compose music  Listen with attention to detail  Appreciate wide range of live & recorded music  Begin to develop understanding of history Science Plant parts, and adaptation SPAG Spelling lists to follow Key dates Parent readers are always welcome . Please contact the office to arrange a meeting with the year leader. -Meet the creature team visit y3 Wednesday 4th November 2015 Home learning and useful websites Home learning will usually be sent home on a Friday and we ask that it is handed in the following Wednesday. Visit sumdog maths and the bug club website for reading and maths games. User names will be sent home by the class teacher