Main idea & Details Asia G. Navarro
Target Audience Martin Luther King Jr. School #6 6th Grade English Language Arts 40 Students General Education Classroom Setting
Goals & Objective Students will be able to: Students will
Standards Common Core: Technology: CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RI.6.1 Cite textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RI.6.2 Determine a central idea of a text and how it is conveyed through particular details; provide a summary of the text distinct from personal opinions or judgments. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RI.6.7 Integrate information presented in different media or formats (e.g., visually, quantitatively) as well as in words to develop a coherent understanding of a topic or issue. Technology: 8.1.8.A.2 - Create a document (e.g. newsletter, reports, personalized learning plan, business letters or flyers) using one or more digital applications to be critiqued by professionals for usability.
Lesson - Hook “Artifacts” Introduce Main Idea & Supporting details Video: Create main idea table using read aloud Determine the main idea of the story as a class Each group member is responsible for one supporting detail Example provided via youtube channel
Lesson – jigsaw activity Students will work in groups of 4 Each student is responsible for identifying the main idea and supporting details of their specific section. Directions on how to access student textbook online is provided via youtube channel Students will gather all the information and present in via Google Slides. Example provided via youtube channel
Brainy Bits Limbic system Thalamus Hypothalamus Hippocampus Amygdala This lesson requires students to use 3/5 senses that channel through the thalamus; sight, hear, and touch. Hypothalamus To engage students and promote learning, I make sure to create a safe environment. This allows students to feel comfortable. Hippocampus Main idea and details is a comprehension skill embedded in their memory. The hippocampus is triggered by recalling information Amygdala By providing relatable articles and engaging activities, I will be able to tap into their emotions.
Multiple Intelligences Linguistic Reading and listening to the stories Using computers Visual Building table to visual main idea and details Musical Listening to the “main idea” song Instrumental music playing in the background while students work Interpersonal Working in groups; jigsaw activity
Multiple Intelligences, cont. Intrapersonal Self-reflection – determining level of understanding naturalistic Using a nature article kinesthetic Hands on learning activity – table project Moving around completing the jigsaw activity logical Patterns of nonfiction text Activities turn identifying main idea into investigations
Citations Sousa, D.A. (2007). How the Special Needs Brain Learns. 2nd Edition. Thousand Oaks: Corwin Press