DATA AGGREGATION AND PRODUCTS GENERATION EMODnet Chemistry 3 DATA AGGREGATION AND PRODUCTS GENERATION Black Sea Luminiţa Buga NIMRD, Romania Kick off Meeting, May 17-19, 2017, Trieste, Italy
EMODnet Chemistry Summary Results – EMODnet 2 Data harvest – regional pool – Black Sea Data aggregation & QC Data coverage (space & time) Products generation-DIVA Analysis EMODnet Chemistry 3 Data and metadata to be made available - Black Sea WP 3: Generation of data products
EMODnet Chemistry 2 – data harvest Black Sea buffer data collection (Fertilizers & Silicates) 49910 files in ODV format 22 CDI-partners; 35 data originators Black Sea buffer data collection (Oxygen, Chlorophyll, Acidity) 41532 files in ODV format 24 CDI-partners; 39 data originators Black Sea buffer data collection (Contaminants) 24343 files in ODV format 12 CDI-partners; 18 data originators
Black Sea buffer data collection (Fertilizers & Silicates ) Special Windows 64bit ODV ocean_depth_profiles ocean_pressure_profiles time_series Initial data aggregations of data with extended metadata (data.csv) with ODV files ocean_depth_profiles 39408 stations ocean_pressure_profiles 791 stations time_series 7 stations TOTAL 40206 imported stations vs 49910 received Not all extended metadata (data.csv) were associated to the Local_CDI_ID
Black Sea buffer data collection (Oxygen, Chlorophyll, Acidity) Special Windows 64bit ODV ocean_pressure_profiles ocean_depth_profiles time_series Initial data aggregations of data with extended metadata (data.csv) with ODV files ocean_depth_profiles 39082 stations ocean_pressure_profiles 654 stations time_series 11 stations TOTAL 39747 imported stations vs 41532 received Not all extended metadata (data.csv) were associated to the Local_CDI_ID
Black Sea buffer data collection (Contaminants) Special Windows 64bit ODV ocean_pressure_profiles ocean_depth_profiles ocean_depth_profiles (2) time_series Initial data aggregations of data with extended metadata (data.csv) with ODV files ocean_depth_profiles 12915 stations ocean_depth_profiles (2) 3 stations ocean_pressure_profiles 32 stations time_series 17 stations TOTAL 12697 imported stations vs 24343 received Not all extended metadata (data.csv) were associated to the Local_CDI_ID
Problems during Black Sea data aggregation Errors at importing in ODV ODV format: Mismatches between semantic header and header Incorrect Semantic header format Invalid / wrong parameter code SDN:P01/SDN:P06 Empty files Empty columns and / or extra columns Missing quality flag column for variable Missing Depth in Semantic header and / or in header and / or in values Locations on land Incorrect date format Duplicates: Multiple LOCAL_CDI_Id in one ODV file Mismatches between Local_CDI_Id in ODV file >> Local_CDI_Id in coupling Originator EDMO_Code instead of Partner EDMO_Code (ODV files)
Aggregated_Data_ODV Collections Errors corrected (partner collaboration) New import in ODV ocean_depth_profiles ocean_pressure_profiles time_series Each ODV Collection exported as SDN Aggregated ODV Collection aggregated variables codes from P01 to P35 aggregated units Each SDN Aggregated ODV Collection collection imported in ODV Check again for possible not aggregated variables (P01) ocean_pressure_profiles merged with ocean_depth_profiles Aggregated_Data_ODV Collections
BS_Aggregated_Data_ODV Collection Preliminary QC BS_Aggregated_Data_ODV Collection data = 0 confirmed as missing value QV=5 data 0, real detection limit values QV=6 QV=6 data = 0 QV=6 obvious bad data (-999, 999, all profile with same value) QV=4 impossible data (too high) check units with data providers all QV = 0 V=1 New check for spikes, out of range, questionable data
QC aggregated Black Sea data buffer Spatial distribution Time distribution Vertical profiles 1955 - 2013 Phosphate 22728 CDIs 1935 - 2013 Silicate 19024 CDIs
QC aggregated Black Sea data buffer Spatial distribution Time distribution Vertical profiles 1955 - 2013 Ammonium 6935 CDIs 1955 - 2013 Nitrate plus nitrite 9354 CDIs
QC aggregated Black Sea data buffer Spatial distribution Time distribution Vertical profiles 1955 - 2013 Nitrate 8274 CDIs 1955 - 2013 Nitrite 11619 CDIs
QC aggregated Black Sea data buffer Spatial distribution Time distribution Vertical profiles 1985 - 2014 Total nitrogen 3005 CDIs 1955 - 2013 Total phosphorus 3186 CDIs
QC aggregated Black Sea data buffer Spatial distribution Time distribution Vertical profiles 1960 - 2015 Oxygen 34383 CDIs 1984 - 2015 Chlorophyll-a 1658 CDIs
QC aggregated Black Sea data buffer Spatial distribution Time distribution Vertical profiles 1968 - 2015 pH 20270 CDIs Total number of CDIs for nutrients, Silicates, Oxygen, Chlorophyll and pH in the Black Sea. Parameter Phosphate Silicate Ammonium Nitrate+nitrite Nitrates Nitrites No CDIs 22728 19024 6935 9354 8274 11619 Parameter Total Nitrogen Total phosphorus Oxygen Chlorophyll-a pH No CDIs 3005 3186 34383 1658 20270
Metadata enriched QC ODV collections sent to Central Buffer and used for EMODNET Chemistry - Dynamic Plots
10-years running averages depending on data availability Products generation-Diva Analysis Seasons Winter: December - February Spring: March - May Summer: June – August Autumn: September - November 10-years running averages IODE standard levels depending on data availability Water body phosphates: 1960 - 2013 -300 m Water body silicate: 1960 - 2013 -200 m Water body nitrate: 1975 - 2013 -150 m Water body ammonium: 1980 - 2013 -100 m (BS Western slope) Water body NO3+NO2: 1976 - 2013 Water body oxygen : 1970 - 2014 -250 m Water body chlorophyll-a: 1995 - 2014 -20 m
DIVA Settings Lc: correlation: 1.5 Signal to noise ratio of the whole dataset: 0.5 ireg: mode selected for background field: mean of data Cleaning data on mesh: cleaning data out of the mesh & outliers elimination Parameters estimation and vertical filtering: both correlation length and signal-to-noise ratio parameters estimated using data mean distance as a minimum (for L), and both parameters vertically filtered Analysis and reference field: analysis with data transformation: log(data)-exp(analysis)
7 DIVA products in SeaDataNet NetCDF format were prepared and uploaded to the OceanBrowser Viewing Service EMODNET Chemistry Map Server ( Phosphate - Autumn Chl_a - Summer Oxygen - Spring Silicate - Winter
Nitrate - Winter Nitrate + Nitrite - Spring Ammonium - Summer
….. and the corresponding XML metadata on Sextant
QC Contaminants aggregated Black Sea data buffer
Initial Contaminants dataset > 400 P01 Terms Aggregation to P35 Vocabulary (only contaminants relevant for MSFD)
Stations density distribution QC Contaminants aggregated Black Sea data buffer Spatial distribution Time distribution Stations density distribution Water 18303 CDIs 1984 - 2015 Sediment 10325 CDIs
Stations density distribution QC Contaminants aggregated Black Sea data buffer Spatial distribution Time distribution Stations density distribution Biota 138 CDIs
Metadata enriched QC ODV collections sent to Central Buffer and used for EMODNET Chemistry - Dynamic Plots
Black Sea EMODnet Chemistry 3 Data and metadata to be made available for Lot 4 - Chemistry: Measurements of concentration of chemicals in seawater, sediments and biota, particularly those relevant to the Marine Strategy Framework Directive or to global climate change Group Examples Water Sed. Biota Pesticidides and biocides DDT, HCB Heavy metals mercury, cadmium, lead Hydrocarbons anthracene, fluoroanthene Radionuclides 137Cs, 239Pu Fertilisers nitrogen (DIN, TN), phosphorus (DIP, TP) Organic total carbon (TOC) Chlorophyll Silicates Partial pressures of dissolved gases oxygen, carbon dioxide Plastics polyethelyne, polypropylene Acidity (pH, pCO2, TIC, alkalinity) pH Black Sea marine beach Marine litter (2011 – 2017) Nutrient loads (nitrogen and phosphorus ) into seas by major rivers
WP3: Generation of data products covers the EMODnet Chemistry 3 WP3: Generation of data products covers the Task 2: Construct products from one or more data sources that provide users with information about the distribution of parameters in time and space
Responsibilities for regional coordinators: EMODnet Chemistry 3 Responsibilities for regional coordinators: To generate harmonised, aggregated and validated data collections for eutrophication and contaminants parameters To generate updated interpolated basin DIVA maps for nutrients, chlorophyll and oxygen, including revised and latest data entries To generate high resolution DIVA maps for nutrients near rivers mouths
Thank you for your attention!