Ramani Huria - Zuia Mafuriko Workshop 7th - 8th November, 2016 Dar es Salaam Nyambiri Kimacha Tanzania Red Cross Society
Ramani Huria – Zuia Mafuriko To reduce the impacts of floods in the 10 most at risk wards of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania by 2016 Project Partners:
Project Area
Mapping led by community residents and university students. Disaster Preparedness and Response - community teams formed and trained to lead disaster related efforts in their wards. Flood Preparedness and Response Plans developed by community teams at ward level and linked to plans at municipal level. Dar es Salaam Urban Forum to enhance coordination between all stakeholders working on resilience Project Components
Community Mapping – Ramani Huria August 2015 October 2015 Community Mapping – Ramani Huria 745,989 building footprints 105 km2 of imagery 2,091 km of roads 165 university students Many forms of analysis have been done based on this date. We are not talking about this today because it was covered extensively on day one. 140 Red Cross volunteers www.openstreetmap.org
10 Disaster Preparedness and Response Teams (CDRTs) trained in: Community mapping First Aid, Basic Response Forecast Based Financing
Buguruni CDRT 27 35 30 52 62 35 15 33 Savings and Loans Development Assoc. Entrepreneurship Drug Abuse Prevention Peer Education Youth and Environment 15 33
Flood Preparedness and Response Plans Plans at municipal and community level Community plans focused on household actions using local resources. Municipal plans developed with wide variety of stakeholders and community representatives. Plans include Forecast Based Financing
Forecast Based Financing Tanzania Meteorological Agency (TMA) will issue 24 hour warnings and develop 5 day forecasts Threshold to trigger action is high confidence of heavy rainfall exceeding 50 mm in 24 hours - most likely to cause flooding. CDRTs identified drain clearing as valuable action to take at local level to reduce flood impacts.
Dar es Salaam Urban Forum A platform where stakeholders, including community members living in flood prone areas, meet to discuss and find solutions to issues facing Dar es Salaam city.
Connecting community members and other stakeholders leads to most practical and context based solutions as community members know their challenges best. Community centred flood preparedness works better than household centred eg. Drainage clearing Coalitions makes project more comprehensive and avoids duplication of efforts. Involving local authorities is key to successful implementation and community ownership of the project. Lessons Learned
Our future Ten Disaster Preparedness and Response Teams are now embedded in the communities. Ready to respond to disasters and flooding. Ready to help make their wards better. Making our city more resilient! Flood preparedness and response plans for Municipalities and communities are available for well coordinated and effective preparedness and response actions as per weather forecasts issued by TMA Atlas of maps available, including flood prone areas. (In your conference pack!)
Together we can make our city flood resilient. Thank you!