Technology Readiness November 2016 Welcome to the Technology Readiness presentation. Before we begin, I’d like to remind everyone that all lines have been muted to avoid audio interruption during the presentation. We’ll pause at the end of each section to answer questions via the chat box, so feel free to input your questions in the chat box during the presentation. At the end, you’ll also receive contact information for Indiana Customer Service, so if you forget to ask a question or think of a question after the presentation, you can contact Indiana Customer Service for additional support. The PowerPoint for today’s presentation will be available on the new information site, the Indiana ISTEP+ and IREAD-3 Resource Center at We have several others from Pearson and the IDOE on the phone with us today as well. Before we move on, I’d like to give the floor to ____________ (Dr. Michele Walker or whomever is representing the IDOE) at the IDOE for some opening comments.
Key dates User Roles Cleanup Process November and December Test Administration Training November 14 – December 9 Pre-Infrastructure Trial Q&A Sessions December 2, 7 Infrastructure Trial December 5 – December 16 Requests for Paper/Pencil Tests and Online/Paper-Pencil Selection December 5 – December 16 Preparation Window January – February ISTEP+ Part 1 Pre-Test Admin Q&A Sessions February 13, 15, 17, 21, 23 IREAD-3 Pre-Test Admin Q&A Sessions March 7, 9 ISTEP+ Part 2 Pre-Test Admin Q&A Sessions April 3, 5, 11, 13 As we begin, let’s focus on key dates for the upcoming school year. This information was also shared with Corporation Test Coordinators via the IDOE CTC ListServ. Remember, if you have any questions, please enter them into the chat box, and we will address them as we pause between sections. [PAUSE] Technology Readiness, Proctor Caching, and SystemCheck
Computer-based Testing Components PearsonAccessnext Assessment administration portal Manage student data, test sessions, access reports Student test delivery engine Early Warning System TestNav 8 SystemCheck for TestNav Web-based tool for assessing readiness Computer-based assessments are comprised of four main technology components working together to securely deliver test content to students and preserve the security of student responses. Those components are PearsonAccessnext, TestNav 8, SystemCheck, and Proctor Cache. [CLICK] PearsonAccessnext is a system that administrators will use to manage student data, set up and schedule computer based tests, and manage test sessions. PearsonAccessnext is role-based, and users can be assigned specific roles that will control what functions they have access to, and what they can do in the system. [CLICK] TestNav 8 is the secure testing engine that students will use to interact with test items. Behind the scenes, an inner-component of TestNav called the Early Warning System maintains test security, and checks for connectivity or content issues. The Early Warning System also maintains student responses. While a student is testing, the Early Warning System will record student responses in a local encrypted saved response file. After a few questions are answered, TestNav will bundle the answers into a packet and transmit them to our servers. TestNav will then wait for a handshake acknowledgement that verifies we’ve successfully captured the responses on our side. This means that we control and verify the transmission of student responses to our servers, and this also gives the added benefit of students being able to resume where they left off in the case of a connectivity or network failure. It’s also important to note that when students submit their final answers, TestNav won’t completely finalize the student’s test until it has received confirmation that the responses have been captured on our side. We want to be absolutely sure that we have all of the student’s answers before we wrap up the test. [CLICK] SystemCheck is a tool that’s used to determine system readiness. No installation is necessary; users simply visit the website with a testing workstation; there they can perform quick tests to verify that the workstation meets the minimum browser, OS, and Java requirements to run TestNav 8. Users can also perform a connectivity test that allows them to see if the student workstation can retrieve sample test content successfully. SystemCheck also helps determine how many students can test at the same time. [CLICK] Proctor Cache is free software that works with TestNav to reduce the overall bandwidth requirement for computer-based testing, by pre-downloading the entire test content that your students need, and storing it locally in an encrypted format, allowing you to serve test content at local speeds versus Internet download speeds. The requirements are very flexible. This doesn’t have to be installed on a server class operating system. In most cases, a single proctor cache machine can be used to service many students. Proctor Cache Works with TestNav to reduce bandwidth requirements Technology Readiness, Proctor Caching, and SystemCheck
Resources Your technical resources can now be found on the Pearson Indiana ISTEP+ and IREAD-3 Resource Center. This is a central repository for information. There are links to Technology Resources, Training Resources, and Support. You can also link directly to PearsonAccessnext and other tools through this site. Technology Readiness, Proctor Caching, and SystemCheck
TestNav 8 Let’s begin with an examination of TestNav 8. Technology Readiness, Proctor Caching, and SystemCheck
TestNav 8 Introduction Secure student testing application Corporation/School Test Coordinators should develop tracking plan TestNav is the secure application that students will use to participate in computer-based testing. Students will receive all of the information they need to access TestNav through a student authorization ticket that’s printed from PearsonAccessnext. Corporation and School Test Coordinators should develop a plan for tracking which computers or devices each student uses to test. It’s best practice to have students resume on the same computer. For tablets and Chromebooks, students must resume testing on the same device. Technology Readiness, Proctor Caching, and SystemCheck
TestNav 8 Support There are a couple of places to find support. Again, you can visit the Resource Center at the URL on the screen. As mentioned earlier, you will see a Technology Resources section, a Training Resources section, and a Support section on the home page. We recommend that you visit this portal first for Indiana-specific resources. You can also navigate to the Pearson support site directly for general product support information. Technology Readiness, Proctor Caching, and SystemCheck
TestNav 8 – Getting Started & Demonstration Training resources are available on the Indiana Resource Center. We recommend that you review this section for steps to help you get started. There’s a checklist to help you prepare for the readiness testing. You can also access SystemCheck here and Proctor Caching, which we’ll discuss later. [CLICK] Notice the green box for downloading the various TestNav 8 applications. [CLICK] Later we will discuss Technology Readiness Testing. Please note that information may be accessed here as well. Technology Readiness, Proctor Caching, and SystemCheck
Software Releases and Enhancements: Release dates: Proctor Caching (2016) release date: August 8 TestNav App (1.5.x) release date: August 8 Enhancements: Improved Proctor Caching Performance (No Java!) Improved TestNav Performance (Speed & Resilience) Ability to log what background processes or key stroke combinations interfered with TestNav Automatic Assessment Configuration (AAC): TestNav able to lock iPads without the need to supervise the device or use guided access mode Student name added as part of the log file names so assist technology staff at schools in locating the one needed New! We have new versions of both Proctor Caching and TestNav. Features have been improved and added in several areas, which are listed here. [PAUSE] Technology Readiness, Proctor Caching, and SystemCheck
Secure Tests We have two types of tests that are used: secure tests and Experience Items. Secure tests require Kiosk Mode, defined here. Secure tests include all production tests and training center tests. The details of where to get the relevant version of TestNav are shown. We’ll cover these requirements and those from the next slide again shortly. [PAUSE] Technology Readiness, Proctor Caching, and SystemCheck
No Kiosk Mode Required New! Tests That Do Not Require Kiosk Mode (Experience Items) Non-Kiosk Mode are only used for Experience Items which will be available November 1st. Experience Items will help parents and students familiarize themselves with content and format of online tests. These are not production tests. The requirements are listed here for the different browsers. Technology Readiness, Proctor Caching, and SystemCheck
TestNav App Installers If your school is downloading the TestNav 8 app, it’s accessible at Based on the platform that you will be using – Desktop or laptop, iPad, or Chromebook - download the app or apps that you’ll need for testing. We’ll talk more about iPads and Chromebooks shortly. If you’re installing TestNav for Desktop, there are options for Mac, Windows, and Linux. There are two options for Microsoft Window: .msi and .exe. The .msi file is optimized for network installation as a group and pushing out to multiple computers. The .exe file is for downloading onto individual computers. There is a .dmg file for installing on Macs. In general, the Desktop installation only takes a few minutes on an individual computer; network installations will vary depending on your environment. [CLICK] Please note the link on this page to TestNav System Requirements. The information on the next several slides all comes from that link. Technology Readiness, Proctor Caching, and SystemCheck
Updating TestNav App TestNav App Update Process Updating TestNav App The update to version 1.5.2 is required, and users will see an error message if a testing device does not have the updated version installed. TestNav App Update Process Android app Auto update - No action required.* Chrome app iOS app Download updated version from App Store. TestNav Desktop Download updated version from TestNav did get updated since the Spring and Summer 2016 ISTEP+ and IREAD-3 test administrations and will have to be reinstalled. You will need to install the new version of TestNav even if you’re using the same computers as last year. Technology Readiness, Proctor Caching, and SystemCheck
Network Configuration Firewalls, content filters, spam filters, and any other routing or blocking systems should be set to allow access to the following: * 80 * 443 * * * * (optional) New! Before you begin, firewalls and other filtering systems will need to be set to allow a small number of sites. This list can be reached by clicking “TestNav System Requirements” from Please see the support site for Test Nav System requirements. Technology Readiness, Proctor Caching, and SystemCheck
Windows, OS X and Linux System Requirements Windows 7, 8.1 and 10 Mac OS X 10.9 – 10.11 MAC OS 10.12 NOT SUPPORTED AT THIS TIME Linux Fedora 24 (64-bit); Ubuntu 16.04 (64-bit) No Java or browser dependencies The installable TestNav app has a few minimum technology requirements. We’ll cover Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux now, and then discuss Chromebooks, iPads, and Android devices separately. Mac OSX and Windows are supported; (Mac OS X 10.9–10.11 and Windows 7–Windows 10). Please note: Apple recently released iOS 10 and macOS Sierra 10.12; however, Pearson does not currently support these for use with installable TestNav apps. This is due to a potential test security issue with a feature introduced in these versions. Pearson is working closely with Apple to enable TestNav support of these operating systems in the near future. Pearson has added support for macOS Sierra 10.12 for kiosk-mode testing with TestNav only with Firefox ESR 45. Linux is supported on Fedora 24 and Ubuntu 16.04. Technology Readiness, Proctor Caching, and SystemCheck
Chromebook System Requirements Hardware and software requirements Memory requirements Operating system No Java or browser dependencies Chromebooks and proctor caching Students testing on Chromebooks can gather cached content Chromebooks cannot be used as Proctor Cache machines For Chromebooks, it’s important to note some highlights: Minimum and recommended memory requirements are listed here And TestNav requires Chrome OS 50 - 53 There are no Java or browser requirements for Chromebooks, as students will use the TestNav 8 App to access their test content. And while a Chromebook can take advantage of a Proctor Cache setup, allowing TestNav to gather cached content, a Chromebook cannot be used as the actual Proctor Cache machine itself. Technology Readiness, Proctor Caching, and SystemCheck
Chromebooks – Setup Overview Two Setup Methods Managed Chromebooks Unmanaged Chromebooks Can be performed simultaneously on all Chromebooks in your domain Two main steps to complete: Install TestNav 8 App and set it to run as a Kiosk App Preserve local data on Chromebook to retain SRF and log files on the device Steps have to be performed on each Chromebook Requires access to the administrator / owner account for device Device will be backed up to cloud storage and wiped if you do not have access to the administrator account for the device Now let’s move into the setup details. As we mentioned before, Chromebooks can either be managed or unmanaged, which presents us with two different setup methods. [CLICK] For managed devices, all of the setup steps will be performed through the central administration, so all Chromebooks in a domain can be configured at once. When using managed devices, there are two main steps you’ll need to complete – install the TestNav 8 App and set it to run as a Kiosk App, and preserve the local data on the Chromebook to retain Saved Response File (SRF) and log files on the device. [CLICK] For unmanaged devices, the setup steps will have to be performed on each device individually. This requires access to the administrator account for the device. If you don’t have access to the administrator account, the Chromebook will need to be backed up to cloud storage and wiped clean before you can continue. After testing, it can be restored from the cloud. Technology Readiness, Proctor Caching, and SystemCheck
Saved Response File (SRF) on Tablets and Chromebooks Primary saved response file location is managed by the TestNav 8 app Pearson recommends secondary save location utilize an SFTP address to ensure all devices have a backup save location Pearson Support site provides steps and instructions to find SRF and log files on the TestNav System Requirements page With TestNav Desktop and browser-based TestNav, the primary save location for Saved Response File (SRF) and TestNav log files is managed by your TestNav Configuration in PearsonAccessnext, which we’ll examine in a few minutes. With tablets and Chromebooks, the primary location is hardware storage space that is reserved and managed by the TestNav 8 app. Pearson recommends using an SFTP address for the secondary save location to ensure all devices have a backup save location. Non-SFTP addresses will only be used by TestNav Desktop and browser-based testing. The Pearson Support site provides steps and instructions to assist you, should you need to locate the SRF and log files on any student testing computer. This can be found from the TestNav System Requirements page. Technology Readiness, Proctor Caching, and SystemCheck
iPad System Requirements Hardware and software requirements Memory requirements Operating system No Java or browser dependencies iPads and proctor caching Students testing on iPads can gather cached content iPads cannot be used as Proctor Cache machines iOS 9.3.2 - 9.3.5 are supported iOS 10 is NOT supported at this time Let’s have a look at the system requirements for iPads. It’s important to note some highlights for the iPad: Minimum and recommended memory requirements are listed. And your iPad Requires iOS 9.3.2 - 9.3.5; as with Mac OS 10.12 Sierra, iOS 10 is not supported at this time, per my previous note on this. And while an iPad can take advantage of a Proctor Cache setup, allowing TestNav to gather cached content, an iPad cannot be used as the actual Proctor Cache machine itself. Technology Readiness, Proctor Caching, and SystemCheck
Set Up TestNav on iPad Install TestNav Run App Check Confirm App Self Lock Passing systems display: Failing systems display: Start the TestNav app The first time TestNav is launched, it displays the Enable Microphone Permission message. Tap or click Yes to grant microphone permission. If the student taps or clicks No, TestNav displays another prompt. Now let’s move into the setup details. Download TestNav for iPads from the AppStore To run App Check on each device: Click or tap the appropriate icon for your test from the home page, if you haven’t done so already. Click or tap the user drop-down menu, and select App Check. On the Confirm App Self Lock message, click or tap Yes to continue. Passing systems display a green success message at the top-right of the page. Failing systems display a red failure message at the top-right of the page. When you’re ready to start a test, note that the first time TestNav is launched, it displays the Enable Microphone Permission message. Tap or click Yes to grant microphone permission. If the student taps or clicks No, TestNav displays another prompt, shown here. Start a test to ensure that you can do so without error. There is a Practice Tests link on the Sign in page; click Practice Tests and start a test. When starting a test, the student should: Enter a username and password, and tap or click Sign In. On the Confirm App Self Lock message, click or tap Yes to continue testing. Students that click or tap No cannot continue testing in the secure test. Technology Readiness, Proctor Caching, and SystemCheck
Single App Mode Automatic Assessment Configuration (AAC) New! Single App Mode Automatic Assessment Configuration (AAC) AAC ensures that the student cannot access other apps, pages, or features after Single App Mode starts. Locked out features include: Auto-correction Definitions Keyboard shortcuts Predictive keyboard Spell check A new feature of Single App Mode is Automatic Assessment Configuration. It locks testers into TestNav, blocking several features they shouldn’t access during the testing process. This is a change over how we did things last year. Administrators will need to remove previous restrictions from last year. Technology Readiness, Proctor Caching, and SystemCheck
Android Device System Requirements Hardware and software requirements Memory requirements Operating system No Java or browser dependencies Android devices and proctor caching Students testing on Android devices can gather cached content Android devices cannot be used as Proctor Cache machines Let’s have a look at the system requirements for Androids. It’s important to note some highlights such as Minimum and recommended memory requirements. TestNav requires Android 5.0 or higher There are no Java or browser requirements for Android devices, as students will use the TestNav 8 App to access their test content. And while an Android device can take advantage of a Proctor Cache setup, allowing TestNav to gather cached content, an Android device cannot be used as the actual Proctor Cache machine itself. Technology Readiness, Proctor Caching, and SystemCheck
Android Devices – Setup Overview Two Setup Methods Mobile Device Manager (MDM) Google Play for Education TestNav app can be installed using an MDM that supports Device Owner Install app using your Google Play for Education account Add names or email addresses of those users you want to access TestNav; can also use Google Group or contact group Google tips: edu/play/answer/3433713 Unmanaged Devices Install using Google Play store app Enter TestNav in the search field Select TestNav and select Install When launching TestNav, it will display the Screen Pin dialog. Tap Yes. Tap Start Test Now. Now let’s move into the setup details. Android devices can be installed with a Google Play for Education account, or by using a mobile device manager that supports Device Owner. [CLICK] To install on Android devices, you can use your Google Play for Education account to download the app. You’ll need to add the names or email addresses of those you want to access the TestNav app; alternatively, you can use Google Group addresses or a contact group. You can find tips for sending content to students on the Google support site. [CLICK] You also have the ability to install the TestNav app using a mobile device management (or MDM) system that supports Device Owner. You can install TestNav on unmanaged Android devices through the Google Play store App. Technology Readiness, Proctor Caching, and SystemCheck
Early Warning System Before we get to the next section, lets pause for questions. Next, we’ll discuss the Early Warning System, the integrated functionality of TestNav that monitors network connection and student response data submission. Technology Readiness, Proctor Caching, and SystemCheck
Early Warning System (EWS) The Early Warning System (EWS) is integrated functionality in TestNav that provides additional fail-safes in the event of unexpected network disruptions during computer-based testing. The Early Warning System (EWS) is integrated functionality in TestNav that runs silently in the background and will alert you to any issues that arise during the test administration, such as an interruption in network connectivity or other applications attempting to take control of the desktop. Early Warning System notifications often involve IT staff, so it’s important for technical staff, as well as administrators and test proctors, to have an idea of how it works and what will trigger an on-screen message. Technology Readiness, Proctor Caching, and SystemCheck
Saved Response File (SRF) EWS writes continuously in the background to the saved response file (SRF). A combination of the student authorization letter and the test session is used to uniquely identify an SRF. The SRF has a response data threshold that, once reached, triggers TestNav to send response data to Pearson servers. Uploading of response data is continuous. If an upload to the Pearson servers fails, student responses continue to be saved locally while TestNav cycles and attempts another upload. If the response data upload is successful, TestNav creates a new empty SRF and begins the process again. TestNav only deletes an SRF once it is successfully uploaded to the Pearson servers. TestNav can identify the correct SRF if a test is successfully resumed. Only the SRF from the student’s last test attempt can be used when the student resumes a test. [CLICK] The Early Warning System writes continuously in the background to the student response file (or SRF). Some corporations may be concerned about students overwriting each other’s files, but TestNav ensures this will not happen by using a unique file name for each student’s test attempt. [CLICK] A combination of the student authorization letter and the test session is used to uniquely identify an SRF. [CLICK] The SRF has a response data threshold that, once reached, triggers TestNav to send response data to Pearson servers. This means that TestNav doesn’t upload each individual response immediately, but writes responses to the SRF until it has a batch of responses to upload. [CLICK] The uploading of response data is continuous. If an upload to the Pearson servers fails, student responses will continue to be saved locally. TestNav will continue to cycle and attempt another upload. [CLICK] If the data upload is successful, TestNav will create a new empty SRF and begin the process again. TestNav will only delete an SRF once it has been successfully uploaded to the Pearson servers. [CLICK] TestNav uses the student's unique login information to identify the correct SRF if a test is successfully resumed. [CLICK] TestNav will only use the SRF from the student’s last test attempt when a student resumes a test. Technology Readiness, Proctor Caching, and SystemCheck
Early Warning System – Triggers The following will result in Test Proctor – Click Here notification Problems writing to save location: EWS will trigger if… student does have read/write access to save location TestNav cannot locate the save location Problems downloading test content: TestNav cannot connect to proctor caching workstation to retrieve test content; or student workstation is no longer connected to the Internet Problems with saved response files (SRF): the SRF file is moved while the student is testing and TestNav can no longer locate the active file an aggressive content filter corrupts the saved response file a technology coordinator attempts to load an incorrect saved response file for the student Now let’s review the specific events that trigger the Early Warning System. We’ll touch on each of the triggers briefly. TestNav determines that the Saved Response File location is not viable when: - students do not have the proper read/write access to either of the designated save locations - or TestNav cannot locate the save location. If the save location is on a network drive and the student is not connected to Internet, TestNav cannot launch the test. TestNav may be unable to download portions of the test - if TestNav cannot connect to a proctor caching workstation to retrieve test content or a student workstation is no longer connected to the Internet while the student is testing and has reached the last item previously downloaded when the student was connected to the Internet. TestNav is unable to upload student responses to Pearson - if the SRF file is moved while the student is testing and TestNav can no longer locate the active SRF file or if an aggressive content filter corrupts the saved response file. Some content filters are very aggressive in filtering data, such as Lightspeed. To avoid this error message, you need to include the static IP address of your proctor caching workstation in your content filter’s exception list to allow full pass through without data corruption. If you have any questions about this process, please contact the support desk. Contact information for Indiana Customer Service will be provided at the end of today’s presentation. TestNav might also be unable to upload a student response if a technology coordinator attempts to load an incorrect saved response file for the student. TestNav keeps track of the student’s current SRF file so you cannot load a previously stored SRF for the student or any other student’s SRF using the current login credentials. Technology Readiness, Proctor Caching, and SystemCheck
Proctor Cache Before we move on to discussing Proctor Caching, I would like to pause again for questions. Again, if you have questions, please type them in the chat box. Technology Readiness, Proctor Caching, and SystemCheck
Proctor Cache Overview Proctor Cache is Pearson- supplied software that: allows you to pre-cache test content to your local network before a test; reduces the burden on your internet service provider (ISP) by eliminating redundancy in requests for test content; and stores an encrypted local copy of all precached tests. Proctor caching is required due to its benefits. Proctor Cache is Pearson-supplied software that’s used in conjunction with TestNav to reduce bandwidth requirements and accelerate the delivery of test content. So what can you do with Proctor Cache? You can pre-cache content before the test to your local network You can reduce or eliminate redundant downloads of test content, which will reduce the burden on your Internet service provider (ISP) And you can store an encrypted local copy of all pre-cached tests and serve them at LAN speeds to students. Proctor caching is required by the IDOE due to the many benefits it provides. Technology Readiness, Proctor Caching, and SystemCheck
Proctor Cache System Requirements Runs on Windows and Mac OS X Utilizes TCP Ports 80, 443, 4480, and 4481 Requires a fixed internal IP address Use SystemCheck to test connectivity Proctor Cache setup instructions can be found on the Indiana Resource Center site under Technology Resources The Proctor Cache software must be installed, and it has a set of minimum requirements. The requirements are not robust, which gives corporations flexibility on what machines they use for proctor caching. It doesn’t require an underlying server-based operating system, and can run on desktop class hardware and operating systems. Please note that although 1 GB RAM is listed, I would strongly recommend 8 GB RAM if possible. Proctor caching can run on both Windows and Mac OS X operating systems [Macintosh OS X 10.7, 10.8, 10.9, or 10.10 or Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10, Windows Server 2008, or Windows Server 2012.] Proctor caching uses TCP Ports 80 and 443 for communication between the proctor caching machine and the Pearson servers, and ports 4480 and 4481 for communication between testing workstations and the proctor caching machine. This means TCP ports 80, 443, 4480, and 4481 must be opened. 80 and 443 are also listed in the URL and ports configuration. You don’t have to perform this step twice. It’s possible to set custom ports for Proctor Cache; in this case, those specific ports should be opened and not 4480 and 4481. Because testing workstations must know a predictable network location for the proctor caching machine, proctor caching requires a fixed internal IP address. Those corporations which require Internet traffic to pass through an upstream proxy server will have to configure proctor caching to point to their proxy server. For details on setting up an upstream proxy, refer to the “Upstream Proxy Configuration” section in the Proctor Cache setup instructions, whose location is noted here. After Proctor Cache is installed, SystemCheck can be used to test connectivity and throughput between the student workstations and the proctor caching machine. Technology Readiness, Proctor Caching, and SystemCheck
Proctor Caching Diagram This diagram illustrates two network scenarios. The scenario on the left illustrates a network setup that doesn’t use proctor caching. Each student is downloading a unique copy of the test content directly from the Pearson servers. The diagram shows that redundant test copies are being downloaded simultaneously over the corporation’s ISP connection, while students are waiting to test. This heavy use of bandwidth not only affects how quickly the test loads for students, but also the available bandwidth for all other Internet-related activities. The right side of the diagram shows the network traffic for a test environment successfully using proctor caching. The test content is pre-cached once in an encrypted format to a local workstation designated in the TestNav configuration setup as the proctor caching computer. Students that are assigned to the proctor caching computer will locally access the test content without utilizing your Internet bandwidth, thus decreasing overall network traffic for your corporation. The closer the configured computers are to the proctor caching workstation, the faster the delivery of content. Corporations have the flexibility to decide where to implement proctor caching in the network environment. Based on local network considerations, corporations can implement proctor caching machines at the corporation- or school-level. If implementing at a corporation-level, we recommend considering the added complexity of the connection between the school and the central location. If proctor caching computers are housed at the school where students are testing, then you don’t have to worry about an outside connection. Without Proctor Cache, each testing computer must individually connect across the Internet to download test content. With Proctor Cache, test content is mirrored on a local computer from which the testing computers download test content. Technology Readiness, Proctor Caching, and SystemCheck
Proctor Cache – Setup Download installer New Proctor Cache installers Run installer and start service Service is normally started by default Shortcuts exist to start or stop the service if necessary Verify service is running; purge old cached content Installing and verifying the proctor cache service is very simple and only takes a few minutes. First, technology coordinators will download the Proctor Cache installer for their system. These are new installer links since last year, so if you have previously installed Proctor Cache, you should purge your old content, uninstall your previous version, and then reinstall the software. Run the installer; the InstallAnywhere wizard will prompt you through the minimal installation process. After the installation is complete, start the service. This is normally started by default, but shortcuts are available to start or stop the service, if needed. Next, verify that the service is running by visiting the Proctor Cache Diagnostics page; we’ll cover the Diagnostics page in more detail shortly. If you used proctor caching for a previous test, please ensure that you have purged your previously cached test content. Instructions for purging cached content can be found on the Resource Center. The links for the downloads can also be found in the Proctor Cache setup instructions and on the Landing Page. The Proctor Cache software is only installed on the designated proctor caching machine and not on each of the student workstations. Also, the content only needs to be pre-cached once during the test window. You can purge the content after the test window has ended and directions for how to purge test content are available on the TestNav 8 Support page on the “Set Up and Use Proctor Cache” page. Once created, your Proctor Cached computers can be managed from PearsonAccessnext. Open Proctor Cache Diagnostics screen Select old content and then Purge; password required to complete Technology Readiness, Proctor Caching, and SystemCheck
TestNav Configurations Using TestNav Configurations, you can manage proctor caching computer configurations and response file save locations. To access administration of Proctor Caching on PearsonAccessnext, log onto the site and select Setup, then TestNav configurations. Technology Readiness, Proctor Caching, and SystemCheck
TestNav Configurations Select Create / Edit TestNav Configurations from the start drop-down. Technology Readiness, Proctor Caching, and SystemCheck
TestNav Configurations Enter the configuration name, organization, precaching details, and response file backup locations. Your configuration name should be something recognizable, for example Central Middle School. The computer name and IP address must be accurate. For file locations, see recommendations from the TestNav System Requirements page mentioned earlier. Technology Readiness, Proctor Caching, and SystemCheck
Configuration Details Selecting a configuration name allows review of the details and the addition of more precaching machines. Technology Readiness, Proctor Caching, and SystemCheck
Configuration Details With multiple precaching computer settings, note that you can delete the added settings. Technology Readiness, Proctor Caching, and SystemCheck
Proctor Cache Diagnostics Screen http://<Static IP Address>:4480 Tests: Provides information about test content and caching status Test Details displays status of individual test items Clients: Displays clients by IP address that have connected to TestNav Client Details displays details by computer Settings: Allows you to set a custom password to refresh, reload, or purge cached content On the ProctorCaching computer itself, you can verify the status of the cached content by using the Proctor Caching Diagnostics page. Depending on your installation preferences, you can access the diagnostics screen from your start menu on Windows machines, finder on a Mac, or through desktop shortcuts. You can also directly navigate to the Proctor Cache diagnostics page by typing http://<IP address>:4480 in your browser, and hit Enter to view the proctor caching interface. [CLICK] You will see three tabs: [CLICK] Select the Tests tab for information about [CLICK] test content and [CLICK] caching status. [CLICK] Selecting the Clients tab [CLICK] will allow you to monitor client [CLICK] connectivity. [CLICK] Finally, the Settings tab allows you to set a [CLICK] custom password in order to refresh, reload, or purge cached content. Technology Readiness, Proctor Caching, and SystemCheck
Diagnostics Screen – Tests Tab Content displayed at Test and Form levels Functionality to Refresh, Reload, or Purge selected content Clicking on a test name displays the Test Details screen, which shows cached content by item On the Tests Tab, you’ll see content displayed at the Test and Form levels. Functionality is available to Refresh, Reload, or Purge selected test content if necessary, and requires a password. The initial password is available in the Proctor Cache setup instructions to protect against unauthorized deletion of cached content. We’ll cover how to change the password, if desired, shortly. You’ll also see status indicators for each row of cached test content. Clicking on a test name will display the Test Details screen, which displays individual items cached for the test. There, status indicators will appear next to each item. Technology Readiness, Proctor Caching, and SystemCheck
Tests Tab Status OK – Content is successfully cached Not Loaded – Content is not cached Waiting… – Content is waiting to be loaded Loading… – Content is currently loading Failed to load content – There was a failure to load content MD5 Check Invalid – MD5 comparison could not be completed MD5 Mismatch – MD5 comparison was completed but files did not match An OK status means the content is successfully cached. [CLICK] The yellow status indicators usually appear when the content is in the process of being cached. Not Loaded means the content is not cached. Waiting… means the content is in the queue, waiting to be loaded. and Loading… means the content is currently loading. [CLICK] Red status indicators indicate problems with cached content. Failed to load content means there was a failure to load content. Proctor caching also performs an MD5 check once an item has been cached to compare the test content on the Pearson servers with the cached item. The MD5 check should show that the items are identical. MD5 Check Invalid means the MD5 comparison couldn’t be completed successfully. MD5 Mismatch means the MD5 comparison was completed but the files didn’t match. In general, any status in red is a critical problem. Any content with a red status should be checked and reloaded. If the problem isn’t resolved, contact Pearson Customer Service for technical assistance. NOTE: In general, any status in red is a critical problem. Any content with a red status should be checked and reloaded. If the problem is not resolved, contact the Pearson Help Desk. Technology Readiness, Proctor Caching, and SystemCheck
Diagnostics Screen – Clients Tab The Clients tab provides visibility to the testing workstations that have requested test content from proctor caching. Each testing workstation on the Clients tab also has a status indicator. Clicking on an IP address or name of a computer will show the details of the computer that connected to the proctor cache machine to fetch test content. Clients that have connected to TestNav are listed by IP address Selecting a computer name displays a details screen, which shows information regarding a particular computer Technology Readiness, Proctor Caching, and SystemCheck
Clients Tab Status OK – Client is active Idle – 5 to 30 minutes since client was active Long Idle – 30 minutes to 12 hours since client was active NOTE: Clients are removed after 12 hours of inactivity An OK status means the client is currently active. [CLICK] The yellow status indicators appear when the clients have gone idle. Idle means 5 to 30 minutes have passed since the client was last active. Long Idle means 30 minutes to 12 hours have passed since the client was last active. Please note, clients are removed after 12 hours of inactivity, but will reappear on the list once they request test content again. Technology Readiness, Proctor Caching, and SystemCheck
Diagnostics Screen – Settings Tab Allows setting a custom Proctor Cache password Can only be accessed when visiting the Diagnostics screen from the proctor caching machine The Settings tab allows technology coordinators to set a custom Proctor Cache password to perform the tasks of refreshing, reloading, or purging cached content. The default password is in the directions located on the Resource Center; however, Pearson strongly recommends that you create a custom password. You can change the default password at any time, but only from the Diagnostics screen from the proctor caching machine. [CLICK] Enter the current password and then provide a new password and confirm your entry. Then click Submit to save the password. If you forget your password, the administrator can reset it following the directions in the Proctor Cache setup instructions which are located on the Resource Center Technology Readiness, Proctor Caching, and SystemCheck
SystemCheck for TestNav 8 Before we move on, let’s take a moment to answer some questions. Please type any questions you now have into the chat window. Technology Readiness, Proctor Caching, and SystemCheck
SystemCheck Overview SystemCheck: validates testing workstations meet the minimum system requirements needed to run TestNav 8; validates tablets and Chromebooks meet the minimum operating system requirements; provides the ability to run bandwidth speed checks to help plan for online testing capacity; and estimates the number of concurrent testers that could be supported, at the time the check is performed. Customer Support may also use SystemCheck results to assist users in troubleshooting. SystemCheck was developed to help customers prepare for online testing requirements in two significant areas – student workstations and Internet bandwidth. This allows customers to make any necessary updates prior to testing windows. SystemCheck validates testing workstations meet the minimum system requirements needed to run TestNav 8 by checking the browser, Java version, and operating system. On a mobile device, SystemCheck will only verify if the operating system meets the minimum system requirements. This helps you identify computers that may need updates in order to be fully ready for computer-based testing. Additionally, it helps customers plan for online testing with bandwidth speed checks. To gather realistic results, speed checks should be run from a student testing workstation on the same day of the week/time of day as when you anticipate performing online testing. These results enable SystemCheck to estimate the number of concurrent testers that can be supported. Pearson Customer Service may also use SystemCheck results to assist in trouble shooting. Technology Readiness, Proctor Caching, and SystemCheck
Accessing SystemCheck SystemCheck is an online tool which can be accessed at You don’t need to install any special software to use SystemCheck. However, SystemCheck is browser-based and relies on the Java plugin, so you’ll need to have Java installed when running SystemCheck on a traditional workstation. When you visit the site, you’ll be asked to accept and run a Java applet. Supported Java versions are listed on the TestNav 8 system requirements page. If you have run any readiness checks or tools for other assessments, that is very helpful, but you’ll still want to run SystemCheck. Launch SystemCheck at Technology Readiness, Proctor Caching, and SystemCheck
SystemCheck – Check Your System To check your student workstation, visit SystemCheck from a browser on the workstation that you want to check. [CLICK] Select Start to begin the check. The test will begin, checking the installed browser, Java environment and operating system. On tablets and Chromebooks, SystemCheck will only verify if the operating system meets the minimum system requirements. [CLICK] Once the check is complete, the Results column will detail the detected workstation components; in the case of an area failing, it will be noted in red. This will help you to identify any gaps you have in system readiness and allow you to address them prior to participating in the live assessment. Next to the Results column, you’ll be able to see if the requirements were met for either the Desktop app, or for browser-based testing, as applicable. This will enable you to reveal any gaps that you have in individual system readiness and address them before participating in the live operational test. In this example, the version of Firefox is too high. Version 45 will have to be downloaded, as we noted in a previous slide. Validates system requirements are met on testing workstations Checks OS only on mobile devices Provides steps to verify whether TestNav can run on the workstation Technology Readiness, Proctor Caching, and SystemCheck
Check Your System – Tablets and Chromebooks On a tablet or Chromebook, only the OS is checked Here is an example of running SystemCheck on a Chromebook. You can see that the only available option is to check to the OS to confirm it meets the system requirements. This same style of messaging will be displayed for iPads and Android tablets since, like the Chromebook, these devices utilize the installable method of accessing TestNav, and the installed application includes the appropriate Java and browser versions within the application. Technology Readiness, Proctor Caching, and SystemCheck
Check Your System – TestNav Verification One more step that you can take to assess the readiness of the student workstation is Verification. [CLICK] On the Check Your System tab, beneath the “Checks Performed” area, you’ll see a section titled “Verification.” [CLICK] By following these steps you can launch a sample test in TestNav to [CLICK] verify that it’ll run on the student workstation. [CLICK] On mobile devices, you can verify the tablets or Chromebooks are ready by clicking on App Check on the top right corner in the User icon box. Technology Readiness, Proctor Caching, and SystemCheck
SystemCheck – Testing Capacity The Testing Capacity tab will allow you to perform a real time speed check between the workstation and the Pearson servers. This provides an assessment of the data transfer speeds and will return an estimate of the number of simultaneous testers that could be supported at the time that the test was performed. Keep in mind that this result is an estimate and it might not represent the actual transfer speeds during student testing, especially if network conditions will be significantly different. [CLICK] By default, this test is going to check the connection between the student workstation that you’re running the test on, and the Pearson servers. You can see this by the Direct to Pearson connection that is listed in the Server/Computer column. You can also model a network that includes one or more proctor cache computers. This will simulate the connection between the workstation and the proctor cache machine and provide you with a speed test and student estimation counts for that connection. [CLICK] To add a proctor cache computer, install the proctor cache software if you haven’t done so already, and select the Add Caching Computer button. You’ll be prompted to enter the information for the proctor cache computer you’d like to test. Once you have entered that information, the proctor cache computer will appear at the bottom of the screen in the list of connections to be tested. This process can be completed multiple times if you would like to test the connection to multiple proctor cache computers. Bandwidth testing for Internet and proctor caching connections Volume estimates for capacity planning Select Add Caching Computer to add your potential proctor caching machine for a local network bandwidth test Technology Readiness, Proctor Caching, and SystemCheck
SystemCheck – Testing Capacity To begin the speed check, click on the Testing Capacity tab, and then [CLICK] click Start. [CLICK] If one or more of the connections fail, or the test is stopped before it has completed, you’ll see a large red X towards the top of the screen, and a smaller x next to the connection that failed. [CLICK] On the row of the connection that failed, you can click the I icon next to “Connection Error” to see more details about why the connection failed. [CLICK] In most cases, your connections will be successful and you’ll see a green check and the message “Test Complete”. [CLICK] Based on this bandwidth test, you’ll be provided with an estimated testing capacity. This is calculated using the download/upload speeds and the average test size selected from the drop-down menu. This’ll show you the benefits of using proctor caching. If you add or remove any proctor cache machines, you can run the test again by clicking the “Start” button. SystemCheck will provide you with the necessary speed check results. The calculation is based on an algorithm using a sample data packet so it doesn’t consume a large amount of bandwidth while processing. SystemCheck should be run during typical testing times to get the best simulation of the testing capacity estimates. Just like on the Check Your System tab, a print function is also available if you’d like to print the results of the test. Tests bandwidth between the workstation and Pearson servers Click Add Caching Computer to add your potential proctor caching machine for a local network bandwidth test Speed test does not require high bandwidth consumption to run and should be run during typical testing times to get the best results Technology Readiness, Proctor Caching, and SystemCheck
Infrastructure Trial I would like to pause for questions before moving to a discussion of the Infrastructure Trial. Again, if you have questions, please type them in the chat box. Technology Readiness, Proctor Caching, and SystemCheck
What is an Infrastructure Trial? An Infrastructure Trial is a “dress rehearsal” of a computer-based assessment. It does not use real student information. This is a low-stakes, dry run for final confirmation that: TestNav is configured correctly Devices can successfully run TestNav Network will bear the full load Participating staff know what to do for computer-based assessment Pre-Infrastructure Trial Q&A Sessions December 2, 7 Infrastructure Trial December 5 – December 16 What is an Infrastructure Trial? An Infrastructure Trial is a “dress rehearsal”. The IDOE highly recommends participating in an Infrastructure Trial to prepare for computer-based testing. Unlike a live assessment, you won’t use real student information; instead “dummy” student information is used. During this low-stakes dry run, you’ll confirm that: TestNav is configured correctly Devices can successfully run TestNav Network will bear the full load And participating staff know what to do for computer-based assessment As a reminder, here are the dates during which you should run your local Infrastructure Trial December 5 through December 16 An Infrastructure Trial provides an opportunity to review your device, network, and staff readiness in a low-stakes assessment, and, most importantly, has the least impact on students. Technology Readiness, Proctor Caching, and SystemCheck
Infrastructure Trial The Trial is conducted on the Training Site using test data, NOT the live site. (Note the tan background on this slide, which indicates that we are on the Training Site.) Make certain you select Infrastructure Trial as the administration across the top. Then select TestNav configurations under Setup. The same steps for setting up TestNav configurations mentioned previously will need to be done here. A step-by-step guide is available on the Indiana Resource Center website mentioned previously. The SRT will be conducted in the PearsonAccessnext Training Site using the Infrastructure Trial forms found under the Infrastructure Trial administration. Please refer to the Infrastructure Trial Guide found on the Indiana Resource Center website Technology Readiness, Proctor Caching, and SystemCheck
Infrastructure Trial Corporation Information Technology staff will need to complete some of the steps of this Infrastructure Trial before Test Coordinators can complete the remaining ones. Technology staff will generate sample students, groups, and test sessions for use throughout this process. Sample students, groups, and test sessions will be generated by Corporation IT staff. Technology Readiness, Proctor Caching, and SystemCheck
Infrastructure Trial This trial mirrors the entire process of testing, both verifying the technological resources, and the knowledge of some key staff. As this mirrors a live training administration, sample sessions are created, then students are placed into those sessions. Students are placed into sample sessions created for this purpose. Technology Readiness, Proctor Caching, and SystemCheck
Infrastructure Trial Precache content for the test sessions Tests are precached [CLICK] for the sample sessions, [CLICK] [CLICK] testing that process as well. Precache content for the test sessions Technology Readiness, Proctor Caching, and SystemCheck
Infrastructure Trial Tests are started Practice tests conducted Practice tests are conducted by students or volunteer participants, and Tests get marked complete [CLICK] Take note of any technical issues. You can contact the Indiana help desk with any questions. We’ll be providing that contact information at the end of this training. Tests are started Practice tests conducted Tests marked complete Note any technical issues Technology Readiness, Proctor Caching, and SystemCheck
Wireless Infrastructure Trial Wireless access points – more is better Limit number of computers per wireless access point Distance – closer is better Limit obstructions Fully charged devices Another step for some environments is wireless testing, if your school uses wireless devices. Schools can test both wired and wireless at the same time. These are some best practices when testing wirelessly: Ensure sufficient wireless access points and limit the number of computers per wireless access point for better performance. Computers located closer to wireless access points perform better than those that are farther away. Obstructions, such as walls and equipment, between testing workstations and wireless access points can disrupt connection and negatively affect performance. SystemCheck can be used to assess the number of students that can be tested using a wireless network. Set up a small number of workstations to measure performance on a wireless network before setting up a large number of workstations. Test performance before scaling Technology Readiness, Proctor Caching, and SystemCheck
Support Before we provide you with the Indiana Customer Service contact information, let’s take one last pause for questions. Technology Readiness, Proctor Caching, and SystemCheck
Indiana Customer Service Contacts Phone: 866-683-6668 Monday - Friday 7:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. Eastern Pearson Indiana ISTEP+ and IREAD-3 Resource Center This concludes our training. If you have questions or need assistance, you can contact Pearson’s Indiana Customer Service by calling 866-683-6668, Monday through Friday, from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Eastern Time, or via email at Thank you for attending this important training. At this time, I’d like to give the floor back to ______________ (Dr. Michele Walker or whomever is representing the IDOE) for some closing remarks.